  • 当马克思在某一科学理论方面做新的发现时,尽管这一发现的实际运用价值或许还无法预见到,他都会感到由衷的高兴。但是,当他的发现直接涉及到工业和一般的历史发展中革命性变化的时候,他体会到的是另一种快乐。
    However great the joy with which he welcomed a new discovery in some theoretical science whose practical application perhaps it was as yet quite impossible to envisage, he experienced quite another kind of joy when the discovery involved immediate revolutionary changes in industry, and in historical development in general.
  • 特使的访在两国间建立了联系。
    The special envoy's visit establish a link between the two countries.
  • 特使的访在两国间建立了联系
    The special envoy 's visit established a link between the two countries
  • 我国国家主席江泽民赞道,基辛格30年前作为美国前总统理查德·尼克松的特使访华,为打开中美关系大门作了历史性贡献。
    Our President Jiang Zemin said Kissinger’s visit to China three decades ago as the special envoy of former U.S.President Richard Nixon made a historic contribution to Sino U.S.relations.
  • 公元前138年,为击退匈奴对汉朝边境地区的劫掠,汉朝派遣张骞使西域。
    In 138 B.C., the imperial court of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions as an envoy in an attempt to forge alliances which would stop raids by the Xiongnu on the dynasty’s borders.
  • 我慕他出国。
    I envy him going abroad.
  • 她说的话是于妒嫉。
    What she has said stems from envy.
  • 表现偏见、嫉妒或者嫌恶。
    showing or affected by prejudice or envy or distaste.
  • 别嫉妒他们得到的,他们是付了努力才获得的。
    Don't envy what they gained, they sweat for it!
  • 一种酶的联合体,能引起醣酵解,最初在酵母中发现,但也在高等生物体内现。
    a complex of enzymes that cause glycolysis; originally found in yeast but also present in higher organisms.
  • 1998年3月,国务院发《关于进一步加强麻黄素管理的通知》,规定对麻黄素的生产、经营、运输、使用、口实行专项管理。
    In March 1998, the State Council issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Control of Ephedrine. The notice stipulates that the production, trading, transportation, use and export of ephedrine shall be subject to special control.
  • 1998年12月,有关部门联合下发《关于加强麻黄素类产品口管理有关问题的通知》,对麻黄素各种盐类、粗品、衍生物和单方制剂等12个品种全部实行口管制。
    In December 1998, the relevant departments jointly issued the Notice on Issues Pertaining to the Strengthened Control of the Export of Ephedrine-typed Products, exercising control over the export of the 12 saline products, semi-finished products, derivatives and single preparations of ephedrine.
  • 1998年12月,有关部门联合下发《关于加强麻黄素类产品口管理有关问题的通知》,对麻黄素各种盐类、粗品、衍生物和单方制剂等12个品种全部实行口管制。
    In December 1998, the relevant departments jointly issued the Notice on Issues.Pertaining to the Strengthened Control of the Export of Ephedrine- typed Products, exercising control over the export of the 12 saline products, semi-finished products, derivatives and single preparations of ephedrine.
  • 他仅参加了对希腊的一场比赛(他射进了漂亮的一球)及对尼日利亚的比赛,由于他被检查服用了麻黄素(兴奋剂)而遭到除名,这是一种国际足联禁止服用的物质。
    Maradona played only the games against Greece (where he scored a beautiful goal) and against Nigeria, because he was disqualified for using ephedrine, a substance which is not allowed by the FIFA.
  • 西南、西北、东北各省区在边境地区和各入境口岸,坚持开展既查禁毒品入境,又查禁易制毒化学品和麻黄素走私境的“双向查缉”工作。
    The border areas and ports of entry and exit of provinces and autonomous regions in southwest, northwest and northeast China have consistently investigated and banned the import of drugs as well as the smuggling abroad of those chemicals and ephedrine in pursuance of their "two-way investigation program."
  • 也许福克斯最不逗人喜欢的一点就是他把短促的政治生命看得过于重了。而在我看来,福特在诱使福克斯说他的这些关心时显得过分热情,手法千奇百怪,使尽了手段。
    Perhaps the least prepossessing quality of Fox was that he cares too much about the ephemeral in politics: and Ford displays excessive zeal, to my mind, in teasing out these cares to the last twist and turn.
  • 她走了一条与众不同的明星路,她的所作所为改变了世界对女人的看法。
    Her epic story altered the shape of international fame.She changed the world's ideas about what a woman could be.
  • 她走了一条与众不同的明星路,她的所作所为改变了世界对女人的看法。
    Her epic story altered the shape of international fame. She changed the world's ideas about what a woman could be.
  • 现已录制了3000多盘磁带,整理版藏文版62部,发行300多万册。
    Up to now, more than 3,000 cassette tapes recording the epic have been made, and 62 volumes in the Tibetan language published with a total circulation exceeding 3 million copies.
  • 科学家们已分离引起这种流行病的病毒。
    Scientists have isolated the virus causing the epidemic.
  • 作为政府的官方机构,瑞典辐射保护研究所从美国马里兰州罗克维尔的国际流行病研究所请来了约翰·d·布瓦斯·jr和约瑟夫·k·麦克劳克林两位教授,对目前研究这一课题的众多版物进行了综合性评估。
    The governmental agency asked Dr. John D. Boice Jr. and Dr. Joseph K. McLaughlin of the International Epidemiology Institute in Rockville, Md., to evaluate published epidemiological research on the subject.
  • 毛状体毛发状的或刺毛状的幼芽,如从植物的表皮层发来的
    A hairlike or bristlelike outgrowth, as from the epidermis of a plant.
  • 法国的理想情况是:你在丈夫的陪同下现在产房,带着一瓶evian面部补水喷剂,蜷起身在背部接受硬膜外麻醉注射,然后微笑着把孩子生下来,简直不用一滴汗。
    In the ideal French scenario, you show up at the maternity ward with your husban d and a can of Evian moisturizing spray, round your back for an epidural shot an d give birth with a smile, without hardly breaking a sweat.
  • 诗人应该很会说话,但并不刻意求工;他应该很敏感,但并不显露他的虚荣。
    The poet should talk well, but not with an obvious striving after epigram; he should be sensitive, but not carry his vanity openly on his sleeve for the daws to peck at.
  • 不经过有意识的思考而自动做的任何反应。
    any reaction that occurs automatically without conscious thought or reflection (especially the undirected behavior seen in psychomotor epilepsy).
  • 当一个人愤怒时,大脑就释放一种激素,这种激素与在遭受紧张或压力的状况下产生的激素相同,是肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素。
    When a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones that are produced during tense, stressful situations. These hormones are epinephrine and norepinephrine.
  • 土生土长在佛罗里达南部和西印度群岛的一种榕树,;初时作为一种附生植物,后来生长许多像树干样的气生根,覆盖大片地区。
    a strangler tree native to southern Florida and West Indies; begins as an epiphyte eventually developing many trunklike aerial roots and covering enormous areas.
  • 这部电视剧的最后几集将于下周播
    The rest episodes of this TV play will be broadcast next week.
  • 他试图读墓碑上的铭文。
    He tried to read the epitaph on the monument.
  • 我讨厌的一切都在他身上体现来了。
    He epitomizes everything I dislike.
  • 这家石油公司将用船运输油管道和重型设备。
    The oil company will ship out piping and heavy equipment.
  • 她盛装从房里来预备到跳舞会去。
    She came out of her room equipped for the ball.