| - 他对他的选民表现出很有感染力的热情。
He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters. - 无拘无束、热情洋溢的说出。
uttered with unrestrained enthusiasm. - 那出戏首次公演之夜观众非常热情。
The audience was/were enthusiastic on the opening night of the play. - 表现出毫不松弛的活力和持续不变的热情活动。
showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality. - 我对出国不太热衷。
I'm not over-enthusiastic about going abroad. - 中国将积极实施"走出去"的开放战略,这是中国积极参与经济全球化的重要措施。
China will enthusiastically implement the "going global" opening strategy, which is an important measure of China's active participation in the economic globalization. - 我们发现,在产品上追求质量,或者以此类推至生活中求质量,你就必需充满热情地去找出各种失误。
What we found is that to achieve quality in a product, or by inference, in a life, you have to look enthusiastically for mistakes. - 财政部的部长、司局长、处长应经常照顾局部,凡是地方提出的困难问题,只要是可能解决的,应热心帮助解决,如是不能解决的,也要讲清道理。
The Minister of Finance and the ministry's division directors, bureau directors and section chiefs should always pay attention to the parts, enthusiastically helping local authorities solve all the difficult problems they can or explaining why when they cannot do it. - 1995年至1999年,西藏自治区先后派出包括藏族群众业余演出团在内的40个艺术团组360人次,到世界五大洲20多个国家和地区进行演出、展览和学术交流活动,所到之处无不引起轰动。
From 1995 to 1999, a total of 40 professional and amateur art ensembles made up of 360 people were sent by the Tibet Autonomous Region to perform or hold exhibitions in or conduct academic exchanges with more than 20 countries and regions worldwide, and wherever they went, they were enthusiastically welcomed. - 他引诱这个女孩离家出走。
He enticed the girl away from home. - 他企图怂恿那个孩子离家出走。
He tried to entice the child away from its home. - 这名妇女继续诱惑她,不知不觉地慢慢走开,脸上仍保持着微笑,装出一副博爱的样子。
The woman continued to entice her, but moved imperceptibly away, still smiling and feigning generous love. - 尼兰德说:"我很喜欢带着它(熊熊)出去散步,这对我来说诱惑无穷,而且对熊熊和我自己都有好处。
"It will be something to entice me to get out and walk with him, and it's good for both him and myself," Neiland said. - 大城市的种种诱惑吸引了她离家出走。
The enticement of the big city lure her away from her home. - 当你长大后,你的玩具会变贵,会变成要给你的朋友留下深刻印象的汽车、汽艇、大房子,”富爸爸笑着说,“恐惧把你推出门外,愿望又召唤你过去,诱惑你去触礁。
And as you get older, your toys get more expensive. A new car, a boat and a big house to impress your friends," said rich dad with a smile. "Fear pushes you out the door, and desire calls to you. Enticing you toward the rocks. - 这只瓮出土完整无缺。
The urn was unearthed entire. - 新闻界收集,出版,传播或播送新闻的媒体和机构的总称
The entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news. - (六)在完全的民族革命战争或全面抗战中,必须执行共产党提出的抗日救国十大纲领,必须有一个完全执行这个纲领的政府和军队。
6. In a national revolutionary war in the full sense, in a war of total resistance, it is essential to put into effect the Ten-Point Programme for Resisting Japan and Saving the Nation proposed by the Communist Party, and it is essential to have a government and an army that will enforce this programme in its entirety. - 我们是否有权提出索赔?
Be we entitled to lodge claim? - 每个被告都有机会出庭答辩
Every defendant is entitled to a day in court. - 表现出联合的特征;是一个整体或联合成一个整体。
characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity. - 滇池、太湖和巢湖富营养化问题依然突出;
The eutrophication in Dian Lake, Tai Lake and Chao Lake remained fairly serious. - 一条小溪从湖中流出来。
A stream issues from the lake. - 论文从封袋里掉出来了,把它们放回原处。
The papers are falling out of the envelop, push them back. - 一枚金币从信封里掉了出来。
A gold coin fell out of the envelope. - 多年来,端赖医院管理局的辛勤努力,我们得以达到令人跜慕的健康指标:在每一千名香港出生的婴儿当中,仅有四名夭折,而香港人的平均寿命分别是男性76岁和女性82岁。
As a result of these efforts, we have, over the years, been able to achieve enviable health indices - our infant mortality rate is 4 per one thousand live births and our average life expectancy stands at 76 years for males and 82 for females. - 我羡慕他的天才。我知道,那样的画我根本画不出来,哪怕画到来生来世也办不到。
I envied him his talent. I know I could never paint a picture like that never in a thousand years. - 出身贵族者在升迁时较少遭人嫉妒,因为那看上去无非是出身高贵的必然结果。
Persons of noble blood, are less envied in their rising. For it seemeth but right done to their birth. - 曼尼坎也开玩笑地指出诗作《闻云南园雅集有感》中的“茂林斧过尽为薪”,必定能使环保分子和自然爱好者深感共鸣。
In the ''Yunnan Garden Gathering'' poem, Manicam notes wryly that the line ''Once lush forests'' being reduced to firewood would strike a chord in the heart of the environmentalist and nature lover. - 母亲和她吻别时,她不禁热泪盈眶;火车喀嚓喀嚓驶过她父亲上白班的面粉厂,她喉头又一阵哽咽;而当她熟悉的绿色村庄在车窗外向后退去时,她发出了一声叹息。不过,那些把她和故乡和少女时代联系在一起缕缕细丝却是永久地割断了。
A gush of tears at her mother's farewell kiss, a touch in her throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day, a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review, and the threads which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken. - 没有人能想像出全面核子战争的後果.
Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war. - 经历货币危机后,我预计东南亚国家会重新制定更稳健、以出口为主导的策略,促进东南亚经济增长,从而刺激制造业资金、科技和基建支援的需求。
Following the currency crisis, I envisage a return to sounder, export-led strategies for growth in Southeast Asia which will, in turn, create demand for more manufacturing investment, technology and infrastructure support.