  • 不过在检查完“蒂尼二号”之后我长了一口气,这只小猫绝对的、相当的、非常的正常和健康。
    But I was enormously relieved upon examining "Tiny Two" to find he was absolutely, perfectly, wonderfully normal and healthy.
  • 由于有了铁路、轮船、汽车和飞机,旅行变得更容易、更快捷、更便宜,而能拿时间和金钱来旅行的人也大大地增加了。
    Railroads, ships, buses, and airplanes have made travel easier, faster, and cheaper, and the number of people who can spare the time and the money to take trips has grown enormously.
  • 警察的各种不法行为经调查已揭露来.
    Various malpractices by police officers were brought to light by the enquiry.
  • 自消息播以来,询问信不断涌来。
    Letters of enquiry have been rolling in ever since the broadcast.
  • 警察的各种不法行为经调查已揭露来。
    Various malpractice by police officer are brought to light by the enquiry.
  • 为了找这一起事故发生的原因,即将进行一次调查。
    An enquiry will be set on foot to find the cause of the accident.
  • 葛:请原谅我们未能对你们的询价作更积极的反应。
    Please accept my apologies for our inability to be more responsive to yur enquiry.
  • 为了找这一起事件发生的原因,即将开始进行调查。
    An enquiry will be set on foot to find out the cause of the accident.
  • 葛:我可以告诉你,印度刚向市场发采购六千吨的询价。
    I may tell you that India has just entered the market with an enquiry for 6 000 tons.
  • 玛丽万分气恼地发现他离家走了。
    Mary is enrage to find that he have leave home.
  • 一般认为国旅游可增广见闻。
    It is generally thought that traveling abroad can enrich one's knowledge.
  • 但是这种渴望必须找到能丰富人身心精神的表达方式作为路。
    But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression which enrich the body, mind, and spirit of man.
  • 中华人民共和国成立以来,中国政府为实现国内各民族的平等、团结和共同发展,从中国民族和宗教的实际状况发,制定了一系列民族政策和宗教政策,并在实践中不断使之丰富和完善。
    Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese government, to ensure equality and unity among ethnic groups and achieve their common development, has formulated a series of ethnic and religious policies on the basis of the actual situations of the various ethnic groups and religions, and these policies have been continuously enriched and improved in practice.
  • 中国从未口过铀浓缩、后处理和重水生产等敏感技术。
    China has never exported sensitive technologies such as those for uranium enrichment, reprocessing and heavy water production.
  • 随后现的经济增长、中国人民生活的富裕以及中国对其邻邦的友谊、尊重和关怀,所有这一切都有助于在整个地区维持和平,增强力量。
    The ensuing economic growth, the enrichment of the lives of the Chinese people, and China's friendship, respect and concern for its neighbors contribute to the peace and strength of the entire region.
  • 他进出大学。
    He enroll, enroled in college.
  • 转学退一个教育机构或一门课程并加入到另一个中去
    To withdraw from one educational institution or course of study and enroll in another.
  • 如果教学质量降低了,过几年就能看来,那时大学招生就要发生困难。
    If the quality of instruction is lowered, the consequences will be obvious in a few years when universities and colleges find it difficult to enroll enough students.
  • 从高中直接招生,我看可能是早人才、早成果的一个好办法。
    I think enrolling students directly from the senior middle schools might be a good way to turn out trained people faster and to enable them to start productive work sooner.
  • 从1989年起,中央政府组织内地80多所高校支援新疆,共招收新疆少数民族大学本专科学生1万人,定向培养研究生640人,培训教师和少数民族教育行政管理干部860多人,培训少数民族经济和企业管理干部1400人,派一定数量的少数民族访问学者国进修。
    Since 1989, with arrangements made by the central government, more than 80 institutions of higher learning in the hinterland have extended their support to Xinjiang by enrolling from among Xinjiang’s ethnic minorities 10,000 university and junior college students, 640 post-graduate students for specific posts or work units, 860 teachers and education administration personnel, and 1,400 business administration personnel, as well as sending a number of ethnic-minority visiting scholars abroad for further studies.
  • 粉碎“四人帮”以来,特别是改革高等学校招生制度和批判“两个估计”之后,教育战线现了许多新气象。
    There have been many new developments on the educational front since the smashing of the Gang of Four and particularly since the college enrolment system was reformed and the "two appraisals" were criticized.
  • 乐队做为集体进行演的一组表演者
    A group of players who perform as an ensemble.
  • 的艺团大部分来自中国的少数民族,包括广西吉曼苗族百鸟衣芦笙艺术团、贵州黔东南州歌舞团、青海玉树州藏族民间艺术团、青海互助县土族民间艺术团、山西长治民间锣鼓艺术团、吉林延吉市朝鲜族艺术团、辽宁海城民间艺术团,以及陕西民间手工艺。
    Most artists were from China's minority provinces including the Miao Hundred-Bird Dress Lusheng Art Ensemble of Jiman from Guangxi, the Song and Dance Troupe of Qiandongnan from Guizhou, the Tibetan Folk Art Ensemble of Yushu and the Tu Folk Art Ensemble of Huzhu from Qinghai, the Drums and Gongs Folk Art Ensemble of Changzhi from Shanxi, the Korean Art Ensemble of Yanji from Jilin, the Folk Art Ensemble of Haicheng from Liaoning, and Folk Arts and Crafts from Shaanxi.
  • 这个歌舞团准备向音乐界推一个新歌手。
    The song and dance ensemble is about to launch a new singer on the musical world.
  • 在一九九七年,中乐团庆祝第二十个职业乐季,年内演了26场定期音乐会及3场小组音乐会,吸引观众达30510人次。
    In 1997, the 85-member orchestra celebrated its20th professional season by giving 26 regular concerts and three ensemble concerts attracting 30510 people.
  • 西藏少年儿童艺术团两度赴北京演,并于1998年赴美国参加国际儿童艺术节演,均获得巨大成功。
    The Tibet Children's Art Ensemble has performed twice in Beijing, and participated in the International Children's Art Festival in the United States in 1998, both times with great success.
  • 乐团也举办免费的学校音乐会、音乐会演前的讲座、研讨会、音乐欣赏课程、派合奏小组探访医院及教育机构、举办"青少年听众计划"和"乐友社",并版与音乐有关的教育书籍及镭射唱片。
    It also organises free student concerts, pre-concert talks, seminars, music appreciation courses, ensemble visits to hospitals and education institutions, the 'Young Audiences' Scheme for secondary students, the 'Friends of the Philharmonic', and publishes music-related educational books and CDs.
  • 五十年代初,在北京建立了国家级的中央民族歌舞团,由各民族演员组成,创作各少数民族歌舞节目,到全国各地演,还数十次把中国少数民族文艺节目带到世界各国演
    In the early 1950s, the national-level Central Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble was established in Beijing. It is composed of performers from various ethnic groups, and performs ethnic songs and dances of its own creation both in China and abroad.
  • 2月7日,达赖喇嘛主动向西藏军区副司令员邓少东等提:“听说西藏军区文工团在内地学习回来后演的节目很好,我想看一次,请你们给安排一下。”
    On February 7, the Dalai Lama took the initiative and said to Deng Shaodong, deputy commander of the Tibet Military Area Command, and other officers, "I was told that after its return from studies in the hinterland, the Song and Dance Ensemble under the Tibet Military Area Command has a very good repetoire. I would like to see its show. Please arrange it for me."
  • 此时从矮小的丛林後面现了炮兵部队的军旗。
    At that moment, from behind the short bush, there appear the artillery ensign.
  • 这件丑事一露风声便会招来麻烦
    Trouble will ensue if wind of this scandal gets out.
  • 从这态度发,于是有各种的政策、方法、方式。
    It is from this attitude that the various policies, methods and forms ensue.