  • 我们以14比2的悬殊比赢了一局。
    We won a game by a lopsided score of 14 to 2.
  • 在废除三大领主包括上层僧侣的封建特权,废除剥削制度,实行政教离的同时,中央政府再次重申要“尊重西藏人民的宗教信仰自由和民俗习惯”,由宗教界人士按民主原则自主管理寺庙。
    The feudal privileges of the three major categories of feudal lords, including senior monks, as well as the system of exploitation, were abolished, and religion was separated from government.
  • 在废除三大领主包括上层僧侣的封建特权,废除剥削制度,实行政教离的同时,中央政府再次重申要“尊重西藏人民的宗教信仰自由和民俗习惯”,由宗教界人士按民主原则自主管理寺庙。
    The feudal privileges of the three major categories of feudal lords, including senior monks, as well as the system of exploitation, were abolished, and religion was separated from government. At the same time, the Central Government reaffirmed its stand for "respecting the freedom of religious belief and the customs and habits of the Tibetan people," and that the monasteries should be managed independently and in a democratic way by people of religious persuasion.
  • 爱情忌享,权力喜独揽。
    Love and lordship like no fellowship.
  • 这手表一天大约要慢一钟。
    This watch loses about one minute a day.
  • 迷恋;十喜爱(某事物)
    Lose one's heartto sth.
  • 输了的那个人脸上显出十失望的神情。
    Disappointment was writ large on the face of the loser.
  • 输了的那个人脸上显出十失望的神情。
    Disappointment is writted large on the face of the loser.
  • 得零的惨败游戏中败方得零的惨败
    A defeat in a game in which the loser scores no points.
  • 我的表现在慢两钟。
    My watch is losing two minutes.
  • 听觉障碍部地失去听觉能力的
    Having a partial loss of hearing.
  • 咱们来把它们成6堆。
    Let's separate them into six lots.
  • 玛丽莲·梦露十性感。
    Marilyn Monroe had lots of oomph.
  • 他把农地再为若干块的建筑用地。
    He subdivided the farm into building lots.
  • 胸围部多给我留些余地。
    Give me lots of leeway around the chest.
  • “西格”通过安装在头部两侧的麦克风来辨人声,当有人对它说话时,它会通过计算诸如声音的响度等数据来确定对方的方向,然后将头转向对方。
    Sig recognizes human voices through microphones attached to both sides of its head. It can turn its face toward someone who talks to it by calculating the speaker's location based on data such as the loudness of the voice captured on its microphones.
  • 冈波语美国路易斯安那州和法属西印度群岛的部黑人和克里奥尔人所说的方言
    A patois spoken by some Black people and Creoles in Louisiana and the French West Indies.
  • 请在休息室等大约5钟好吗?
    Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes?
  • 不要向他求助以免降低身.
    Don't lower yourself by asking him for help.
  • 下身轻瘫,下肢轻瘫下肢部位部的瘫痪
    Partial paralysis of the lower extremities.
  • 高于x字母的小写字母(如b,d,h,k)小写字母中高出其它字母的高出部,如b,d,和h
    The part of the tall lowercase letters, such as b, d, and h, that extends above the other lowercase letters.
  • 一所建筑中部低于或完全低于地平面的最低的那一部;通常是作储藏之用。
    the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level; often used for storage.
  • 一个建筑物的最底层的支撑部
    lowest supporting part of a structure.
  • 复调音乐中最底的部
    the lowest part in polyphonic music.
  • 以低于信号中最高频率两倍的频率进行信号取样时出现的一种效应,即当由取样状态还原时,还原后的信号将不再含有原来信号中的高频成,并将显示出虚假的低频信号。
    An effect that occurs when a signal is sampled at a rate less than twice the highest frequency present in the signal.The subsequent signal recovered from the samples will not contain the high frequency component of the original signal and will display a false low frequency signal.
  • 歧意见、利益或忠诚上的明显差异
    A pronounced difference of opinion, interests, or loyalty.
  • 使用此上下文帮助命令在<<yourapp>>的某些部上获得帮助
    Use the context help command to obtain help on some portion of<< yourapp>>
  • 加入润滑油使活动部运转自如
    Applied a lubricant to keep the moving parts from binding.
  • 粘性泌液中的含氮物质,保护体表的润滑剂。
    a nitrogenous substance found in mucous secretions; a lubricant that protects body surfaces.
  • 骨脂的液体部,用作润滑剂,亦用于制革。
    the liquid portion of bone fat; used as a lubricant and in leather manufacture.
  • 工程学中有关相对运动中物体表面的互动作用(如轴承和齿轮的设计,摩擦,损坏和润滑)的支。
    the branch of engineering that deals with the interaction of surfaces in relative motion (as in bearings or gears): their design and friction and wear and lubrication.
  • 我只是十幸运罢了。
    I'm just very lucky.