  • 尖具雕刻时用的尖锐的突
    A sharp-pointed instrument used in engraving.
  • 从雕版上印刷来的图案。
    a print made from an engraving.
  • 用铜版雕刻术制作来的印刷品。
    a print produced by dry point engraving.
  • 雕版制作的印刷品,雕版被雕刻来代表光亮和阴暗。
    a print produced by an engraving that has been scraped to represent light or shade.
  • 好丈夫调教好妻子。
    A good Jack makes a good Jill.
  • 好妻子调教好丈夫。
    A good wife make a good husband.
  • 加强湿地保护和建设2001年年初,中央提了在生态建设中要大力加强湿地保护。
    To Enhance Wetland Conservation and Construction In early 2001, the Central Government pointed out that while conducting eco-construction, great efforts should be devoted to enhance wetland conservation.
  • 不着力表现来的谦虚持重是提高你的魅力的文雅大方之术。
    Modesty: the gentle art of enhancing your charm by pretending not to be aware of it.
  • 美国不断向台湾售先进的武器装备,其国内有人企图推动国会通过所谓《加强台湾安全法》,还有人企图将台湾纳入战区导弹防御系统;
    The United States has never stopped selling advanced weapons to Taiwan. Some people in the United States have been trying hard to get the Congress to pass the so-called Taiwan Security Enhancement Act. And some are even attempting to incorporate Taiwan into the US TMD system.
  • 语文教育及研究常务委员会于一九九六年成立,负责就一般语文教育事宜向政府提供意见,而特别关注的是定各个教育阶段语文学习的目标,以及识别有助提高语文能力及语文教育质素的研究及发展项目。
    The Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) was set up in 1996 to advise the Government on language education issues in general and, in particular, to set goals for language learning at different levels of education and to identify research and development projects which are necessary for the enhancement of language proficiency and language in education.
  • 《谜3》加入了其杰先驱的行列。受其首次发行的单曲《冥界之外》的刺激,《国王死了,国王万岁!》尚未发行便已有400万的预订额。
    ENIGMA 3 joined the ranks of its distinguished predecessors,spurred by the debut single Beyond The Invisible,LE ROI EST MORT,VIVE LE ROI!had already been preordered to the tune of four million units before its release.
  • "观众们很欣赏这戏,不时地报以雷鸣般的掌声。"
    The audience enjoyed the play very much and time and again clapped loudly.
  • "她开心地迫使这位售货员几乎把橱窗内所有的东西都拿来看看,最后才买下她最初要看的那件衣服。"
    She enjoyed herself making the assistant bring almost everything in the window before finally buying the dress she had first asked for.
  • 你欣赏这出戏吗?
    Did you enjoy the play?
  • 你欣赏这出戏吗?
    Do you enjoy the play?
  • 享受一块夹肉面包和享受周遭的景色(后者就是我们所谓诗歌),其差异是否可以很容易地分别来呢?
    Is it so easy to draw a distinction between the enjoyment of a sandwich and the enjoyment of the surrounding landscape, which we call poetry?
  • 我们在扩充生产规模以便生产更多更好的计算机。
    We're enlarging the production scale to produce more and better computers.
  • 这台放大机可以从底片冲洗各种型号的照片来
    This enlarger can make prints of various size from the negative.
  • 此外,中国纺织工业将进一步开拓国内市场,积极扩大口。
    Moreover, China's textile industry will further tap the domestic market while positively enlarging exports.
  • 通过利用外资、扩大口和鼓励我国有比较优势的企业对外投资,有利于我国产业结构的优化,增强我国产品在国际市场上的竞争力。
    Through utilizing foreign investment, enlarging export and encouraging overseas investment of Chinese enterprises with comparative advantages, China will be in a better position to optimize its industrial structure and raise the products' competitiveness in international market.
  • 非常有启发性;使得可以理解或者作说明。
    highly enlightening; making understandable or clarifying.
  • 如尚需其他资料或能提其他任何建设性建议,请与我方联系。
    If you need further particulars or if you have any other enlightening advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.
  • 可见中文报章逐渐辨自己的风格,并充分利用他们的洞察力,对社会产生启迪的作用。这个是可喜的现象。
    We are pleased to note the enlightening role played by the Chinese newspapers, which have gradually worked out their own style and made full use of their insight.
  • 李光耀在香港政策研究所的演讲,颇引起香港传媒和政界人士的关注,因为他确实对香港的现在和未来,提不少启发性的问题。
    The curent speech by Mr Lee Kuan Yew at Hong Kong Policy Research Institute grabbed the attention of our mass media and political circle with the Singapore leader's enlightening views on several issues affecting the present and future of Hong Kong.
  • 李光耀在香港政策研究所的演讲,颇引起香港传媒和政界人士的关注,因为他确实对香港的现在和未来,提不少启发性的问题。
    THE RECENT speech by Mr Lee Kuan Yew at Hong Kong Policy Research Institute grabbed the attention of our mass media and political circle with the Singapore leader's enlightening views on several issues affecting the present and future of Hong Kong.
  • 使从事,投资于列(一人或多个人)的名单或向企业投(资本)
    To enlist(a person or persons) or invest(capital) in an enterprise.
  • 新兵动员方式的改善,与部队政治工作的加强,将配合着战略战术的进步,锻炼最大数量的有优良技术的有最高战斗力量的国防军队,最后战胜日本帝国主义。
    Improved enlistment procedures and political work in the army and advanced strategy and tactics will enable us to turn out a huge armed force for national defence, possessing great skill and the best fighting capabilities, which will finally defeat the Japanese imperialists.
  • 她因历经艰辛而似乎奇地备受敬重
    In a strange way she seems ennoble by the grief she has experienced
  • 她因历经艰辛而似乎奇地备受敬重。
    In a strange way she seem ennoble by the grief she have experienced.
  • 他同邦迪谈了一会儿,他提的问题反映他有很大的怀疑。
    He talked for some time with Bundy, and his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts.
  • 巨大的,庞大的规模巨大或大得奇的;巨大的
    Of enormous size or magnitude; huge.
  • 不过在检查完“蒂尼二号”之后我长了一口气,这只小猫绝对的、相当的、非常的正常和健康。
    But I was enormously relieved upon examining"Tiny Two" to find he was absolutely, perfectly, wonderfully normal and healthy.