  • 功率度量单位。奈培数等于所测的电平功率与参考电平的比值取自然对数。1奈培等于8。686贝。
    A unit for measuring power. The number of nepers is the logarithm(base e) of the ratio of the measured power levels.
  • 声音强度对数单位等于贝。
    a logarithmic unit of sound intensity equal to 10 decibels.
  • 对数正态呈正态布的对数函数的或与其相关的
    Of, relating to, or being a logarithmic function with a normal distribution.
  • 欧拉,莱奥哈尔德1707-1783瑞士数学家,尤其他对微积的开创性贡献,以及他的复数、对数、三角函数和月球运动等理论而闻名于世
    Swiss mathematician particularly noted for his full development of integral calculus and for his theories of complex numbers, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, and lunar motion.
  • 玛丽本学期得了高
    Mary logged up good grades this term.
  • 这种逻辑是十荒谬的。
    This kind of logic is quite ridiculous.
  • 有些厂商使用更加面向软件的区(即逻辑区)方法。
    Others use a more software-oriented -- or logical partitioning -- approach.
  • 1997年5月,中国政府决定原则上参加联合国维和待命安排,并将在适当时候向联合国维和行动提供军事观察员、民事警察和工程、医疗、运输等后勤保障队。
    In May 1997, the Chinese government decided that in principle China would take part in the UN's stand-by arrangements and would provide military observers, civilian policemen, and engineering, medical, transportation and other logistic service teams in due time for UN peace-keeping operations.
  • 目前中国仍有32名军事观察员别在“联合国中东停战监督组织”、“联合国伊拉克--科威特观察团”、“联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团”3个维和任务区执行任务。1997年5月,中国政府决定原则上参加联合国维和待命安排,并将在适当时候向联合国维和行动提供军事观察员、民事警察和工程、医疗、运输等后勤保障队。
    China still has 32 military observers serving with the UNTSO, UNIKOM and MINURSO. In May 1997, the Chinese government decided that in principle China would take part in the UN's stand-by arrangements and would provide military observers, civilian policemen, and engineering, medical, transportation and other logistic service teams in due time for UN peace-keeping operations.
  • 按保障范围,既包括现役部队,又包括民兵、预备役部队,并负担了相当一部社会性支出,主要用于部退役军官的供养,军队子弟学校、幼儿园,培养军地两用人才,支援国家经济建设和参加抢险救灾。
    In terms of the scope of logistic support, these expenditures cover not only active service personnel, but also militia and reserve requirements. In addition, a large amount of spendings are used to fund activities associated with social welfare, mainly pensions for some of the retired officers, schools and kindergartens for children of military personnel, training personnel competent for both military and civilian services, supporting national economic construction, and participation in emergency rescues and disaster relief efforts.
  • 总后勤部主管全军的联勤工作,军区联勤部主管战区内的联勤工作,联勤部主要负责组织实施保障区域内诸军兵种部队的通用保障。
    The General Logistics Department is in charge of the PLA's joint logistics work. The military area command's joint logistics department is in charge of the joint logistics work within a theater of war. And the joint logistics sub-department is mainly responsible for organizing and implementing the general-purpose support of the services and arms within its support area.
  • 至少35个国家向我们提供重要帮助,包括使用他们的基地、享情报、提供后勤支援。
    "More than 35 countries are giving crucial support, from the use of naval and air bases, to help with intelligence and logistics, to the deployment of combat units.
  • 新中国成立以来,中国军队的后勤工作不断发展,已经由单一的陆军后勤发展为诸军兵种合成的军队后勤,由简陋落后的后勤装备发展为拥有现代技术和部高技术支撑的多样化的后勤装备,由保障一般条件下的军事行动发展为保障现代技术特别是高技术条件下的军事行动。
    Since the founding of New China, the logistical work of the Chinese armed forces has been making progress constantly. Logistics for the Army alone has evolved into combined logistics for all the services and arms. Simple and backward logistical equipment has evolved into diversified equipment backed by modern technology and some high technology. Logistical support capability for military operations in ordinary conditions has evolved into that under modern, especially high-tech, conditions.
  • 析家说消费者是否喜欢新商标并不重要,重要的是这个商标是新的。年轻的买主似乎易被最时髦的款式所吸引,即使产品本身比他们的祖父母还老。
    Analysts said that whether consumers were pleased with the new logo was less important than the fact that the logo was new. Younger buyers are attracted to packaging that seems to be on the cutting edge of style, even if the product itself is older than their grandparents.
  • 银行花了不少心血,好不容易才把“锁匙标”银行打入人民的心目中,在街头巷尾设立提款机,人手一卡,成为众多新加坡人生活中不可欠缺的一部
    Meanwhile, the bank's long-time efforts to serve the masses have earned a place in people's hearts for its logo of the big key. Its ATM machines at every turn of the street, along with the ATM cards in almost everyone's pocket, have become an integral part of life for many Singaporeans.
  • 当局花了不少心血,好不容易才把“锁匙标”银行打入人民的心目中,在街头巷尾设立提款机,人手一卡,成为众多新加坡人生活中不可欠缺的一部
    Meanwhile, the bank's long-time efforts to serve the masses have earned a place in people's hearts for its logo of the big key.Its ATM machines bearing the key design at every turn of the street, along with the ATM cards in almost everyone's pocket, have become an integral part of life for many Singaporeans.
  • 请电开三百辆永久牌自行车拉各斯成本保险加运费价三佣注明付款方式交货期。
    Please offer by cable cifc 3 logos 300 pcs forever bicycle indicate term payment timesheet.
  • 请电开三百辆永久牌自行车拉各斯成本保险加运费价三佣注明付款方式交货期。
    Pls offer by cable cifc3 logos 300pcs Forever Bicycle indicate term payment timesheet
  • 微米等于百万之一(10-6)米的长度单位。不再用于科技
    A unit of length equal to one millionth(10-6) of a meter. No longer in technical use.
  • 这些发现是日本国家长寿研究所正在进行的研究人类智力和我们日常饮食之间联系的调查的一部
    The findings are part of an ongoing study by Japan's National Institute for Longevity into the links between human intelligence and what we eat and drink.
  • 这个节目后面的一部时间里,他一直盯着我右肩上方被灯光照亮的‘出口’两个字。
    he spent the rest of the act gazing longingly over my right shoulder at the illuminated word `Exit'.
  • 地球表面按经度划的个经度地区,实行标准时间的区域中的任何一个。
    any of the 24 regions of the globe (loosely divided by longitude) throughout which the same standard time is used.
  • 今天的比赛有警察防备著捣乱子。
    Police will be looking out for trouble-makers at today's match.
  • 该路由器检查包的ip地址,查找路由表,看看目的端点是否位于本地(物理位置)网络,它通常叫做ip子网,ip子网一般被配到路由器的每个网络接口上。
    The router inspects the packet's IP address and performs a route table lookup to see if the destination endstation resides on the local (physically connected) network, typically called an IP subnet.An IP subnet usually is assigned to each of the router's network interfaces.
  • 不严格地讲,指一个或多个计算机程序,或计算机程序的一部
    Loosely, one or more computer programs, or part of a computer program.
  • 解开通过向相反的方向转来松开或开(缠结或拧纽的某个事物;解开)
    To loosen or separate(something twisted) by turning in the opposite direction; unwind.
  • 我不反对朋友们偶尔在一起欢乐一下,但要有寸,不能放荡。
    I don’t mind a little fun every now and then among friends, but I draw the line at looseness.
  • 他们把战利品成了4份。
    They split the loot four ways.
  • 他们把掠夺来的财产了三份。
    the split the loot three ways.
  • 小偷分赃。
    The thieves whacked up the loot.
  • 小偷们为如何赃而互相争吵。
    The thieves quarrel(l)ed with one another about how to divide the loot.
  • 操纵者或匪徒得的一份(从赃物或利润中)。
    a percentage (of winnings or loot or profit) taken by an operator or gangster.