| - 尽管官员们一度表示准备在6月份考虑立法问题,现在他们仍说不知道新的濒危物种法律何时能够出台。
Although officials at one point said legislation would be ready for consideration in June, they now say they have no idea when a new version of the endangered species act will be introduced. - 进出口的树木或者其制品、衍生物属于中国参加的国际公约限制进出口的濒危物种的,并必须向国家濒危物种进出口管理机构申请办理允许进出口证明书,海关并凭允许进出口证明书放行。
In case that the imported and/or exported trees or their products and derivatives fall into the category of endangered species, the import and export of which is restricted by the international covenants that China has acceded to, it shall be necessary to file an application with the national administrative authorities in charge of the import and export of endangered species for a certificate of import and export permission; - 个人能力:依斯勒具有出色的创造才能,他有三十年支持策划案取得成功的光辉业绩,包括电视剧“快乐时光”和“我的孩子们”以及电影“贝弗莉山的警察”、“狂热的星期六夜晚”和“亲密爱人”等等。
Personal strength: The creative force behind the company, Eisner has a 30-year track record of backing winning projects that range from the TV shows Happy Days and All My Children to the movies Beverly Hills Cop, Saturday Night Fever, and Terms of Endearment. - 一个努力创造出有特色的创作形式或方法的艺术家群体。
a class of artistic endeavor having a characteristic form or technique. - (b)第(3)款(b)项所指的本联盟国家,一般应尽量派遣本国的代表团出席大会。
The countries of the Union referred to in paragraph (3) (b) shall, as a general rule, endeavor to send their own delegations to the sessions of the Assembly. - “假如一个女人爱上了一个男人,只要女方不故意瞒住男方,男方一定会看得出的。”
"But if a woman is partial to a man, and does not endeavour to conceal it, he must find it out." - 这条路还没有开出来,各行各业,包括企业,都要解决这个问题。
We have to find ways to provide such opportunities. People in all fields of endeavour, including those in enterprises, should try to solve this problem. - 都勒说:"尽管身为一名训练有素的美国军医,只要想到我们要去的地方蔓延着出血热等疾病,我还是害怕得够呛。
"For a U.S.-trained physician and soldier, the idea of going to a place where something like hemorrhagic fever is endemic scares the hell out of me," Doyle said. - 原来这个市每年出生人口中,早婚早育占10%左右,因近亲结婚、遗传并地方病等导致的出生缺陷率达15‰左右。
In the past, of the city's annual newly born babies, about 10 percent were born to parents who married early and had children early; and the rate of births with genetic defects reached nearly 15 per thousand because of the marriage between close relatives, or hereditary and endemic diseases. - 一连串滔滔不绝的话都是同一张嘴巴讲出来的
An endless flow of words stream from the same orifice - 没有出口点可以不断重复的一组指令。
A group of instructions that can is repeated endlessly, there being no exit point. - 花生全部售出5月底前无货可供。
The peanut flubs cantsupply until endogamy - 我愿意认可你做出的任何选择。
I would like to endorse any choice you make. - 证券交易委员会应该为在美国营业的所有上市公司制定全国性规章。规章中应有如下条款:首席执行官和首席财务官本人必须保证财务报表对公司的运营情况,包括重要潜在走向,作出全面而准确的描述。
The SEC should endorse national guidelines for all publicly listed companies doing business in the U.S. Among the provisions:CEOs and CFOs must personally warrant that financial statements paint a full and accurate picture of their companies'positions,including critical underlying trends. - 不过,他在体制改革方面没有提出什么具体建议:几乎没有提到为强化股东权益而采取改革措施,甚至没有对参议院的企业改革法案表示赞同。
But he offered few concrete suggestions for systemic reform:little mention of changes to strengthen shareholders'rights, not even an endorsement of the Senate corporate-re form bill. - 今年早些时候,netscape和大约40家公司一起发出了名为crossware的倡仪,这是对一系列标准的认同,这些标准包括目录、安全和软件分发,它们将使用户能把他们的内部网应用延伸到他们的贸易伙伴那里。
Netscape and about 40 vendors earlier this year launched the Crossware initiative, an endorsement of a series of standards, including directory, security, and software distribution, that will allow users to extend their intranet applications to trading partners. - 是的,而且在中国作出的裁决,可以在别的国家执行。
Yes, it is. And an award made in China is enforceable in another country. - 如果麦克唐纳设计不出偏差的话,他的设计将被英航采用。"
If MacDonald does his job properly then this will be enforced." - 本报盘以尚未出售为准。
To offer subject to unsold, without engagement. - 解脱,解放从约定、誓言或责任中摆脱出来
To release(oneself) from an engagement, pledge, or obligation. - 预约一种约定,如为了一演艺人员的演出
An engagement, as for a performance by an entertainer. - 做巡回演讲,做巡回演出
To travel across while engaging in barnstorming. - 本公司经营多年,信誉极好,经办的出口产品有以下几种:
We are exporter of long-stand and high reputation, engaging in exportation of the following article: - 我汽车的引擎一定是出故障了。
There must be something wrong with the engine of my car. - 机车喷出一股蒸气後就停了下来.
There was a puff of steam from the engine before it stopped. - 发动机发出敲击的声音。
The engine is knocking. - 这一个主张最初是一位工程师提出的。
This proposition harks back to a engineer. - 新时代农民将种植和饲养经过基因工程改造的作物和家畜,生产出具有疗效的蛋白质。
New- age Old MacDonalds will raise crops and livestock that have been genetically engineered to produce therapeutic proteins. - 奥:很显然,只有在毛主席逝世以后才能逮捕“四人帮”,到底是谁组织的,是谁提出把“四人帮”抓起来的?
Question: The Gang of Four could only have been arrested after the death of Chairman Mao. Who engineered their arrest? Who initiated the idea? - 矫治不育可能会更多治愈基因疾病的伟大尝试开辟道路,有些伦理学家甚至害怕会培育出遗传工程超人。
And correcting infertility might open the way to more ambitious efforts to cure genetic diseases and perhaps -- or so some ethicists fear -- create genetically engineered surperhumans. - 奥林匹克官员即将召开紧急会议,他们越来越担心体育竞赛可能会由于基因工程制造出的“超级运动员”的出现而变质。
Olympic offcials are too hold emergency meetings over mounting fears that sport is about to be transformed by the creation of a breed of genetically?engineered ‘super?athletes. - 俄国人可能看不出会使英国人笑出泪来的笑话有什么可笑之处。
A Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.