  • 谁来干?
    Who is to undertake the job?
  • 会在这种极不合适的时刻打电话给我呢?
    Who is calling me at this unearthly hour?
  • 这样,若有意外事件,地方上的底子可以拿上来,因为都爱国,拿上来也是愉快的。
    This way when unforeseen problems arise, the central authorities will be able to collect money from the local authorities, who will be ready to turn over their money out of patriotism.
  • 所以赫鲁晓夫从未向女主人提起此事,留待她自己去猜究竟是敲好的门敲得那么不是时候。
    And so he never mentioned the affair to his hostess leaving her wondering who it was who had knocked at her door at such an ungodly hour.
  • 做这件工作还不知道。
    Who did this work is unknown.
  • 干这工作还不知道。
    Who do this work is unknown.
  • 干这工作还不知道。
    Who does this work is unknown.
  • 她们毫无相似之处,也不相信她们是姐妹。
    They are so unlike nobody will believe they are sisters.
  • 不管犯了法,都要由公安机关依法侦查,司法机关依法办理,任何人都不许干扰法律的实施,任何犯了法的人都不能逍遥法外。
    Whoever does violate the law must be subjected to investigation by the public security organs and brought to justice by the judicial organs according to law. No one is allowed to interfere with law enforcement, and no one who breaks the law should go unpunished.
  • 在施展这种特殊本领的对象中,有比尼克的美丽、聪慧、却易轻信的新任女上司--达西·马圭尔更合适呢?
    And who better to apply his distinctive ability to than Darcy McGuire,his beautiful,talented and unsuspecting new boss.
  • cookies是一些驻留在用户的因特网浏览器存储器中的代码,告诉网站此人是——这就是网站能够叫出用户的名字打招呼的方法。
    Cookies are bits of code that sit in a user's Internet browser memory and tell Web sites who the person is -- that's how a Web site is able to greet users by name.
  • 谁在乱点我的名字?
    Who's that takes my name in vain?
  • 坐满在拍卖桌前板凳上的商人们拼命叫大家安静,好让他们稳稳当当做生意,但也不睬他们。
    the dealers who had crowded on to the benches placed in front of the auction tables called vainly for silence in which to conduct their business in peace.
  • 能比吸血鬼更能理解献血的美德呢?
    Who better to promote the virtues of giving blood than a vampire?
  • 只有决战,才能解决两军之间败的问题。
    Only a decisive battle can settle the question as to which army is the victor and which the vanquished.
  • 纸是谁发明的?
    Who was paper in vent by?
  • 蒸汽机是谁发明的?
    Who is steam engine in vent by?
  • 弗尔南多猛地抬起头来,眼睛直盯着卡德鲁斯,象要找来出气似的。
    said Fernand, lifting up his head, and looking at Caderousse like a man who looks for some one on whom to vent his anger;
  • 除了老苏,都很高兴。
    Everybody was pleased, except Lao Su.
  • 另外又有两位州长宣布他们决定参加下一届的总统竞选。可是我们的州长还是对他的计划保密,也不知道他究竟参不参加。”
    Two other governors have already announced that they will run for president in the next election but the governor of our state is still keeping his plans close to his vest —— nobody is sure what he will do.
  • 我是在那里迎接?大家都认识和喜欢的人——牧师。
    And who should I meet there but your friend and mine, the vicar.
  • 将在这场比赛中获胜还得等著瞧。
    It remains to be see who will be the victor in the contest.
  • 将在这场比赛中获胜还得等著瞧
    It remains to be seen who will be the victor in the contest
  • 将在这场比赛中获胜还得等著瞧。
    It remains to is see who will is the victor in the contest.
  • 人人有依法规定的平等权利和义务,也不能占便宜,也不能犯法。
    Everyone has equal rights and duties prescribed by law, and no one may gain advantages at others' expense or violate the law.
  • 小提琴是谁发明的?
    Who Invented The Violin?
  • 他絮叨了半天,也没听进去。
    He waffled on for hours but no one was listening.
  • 那次交通事故中他的大脑受伤后,他总是唠叨一些也听不懂的话。
    After his brain was hurt in the traffic accident, he always waffled about something that no one could understand.
  • 打赌谁能赢得角色。
    Laid a wager on who would get the role.
  • 这是谁的背心?
    Whose waist - coat is this?
  • 笔者认为应该让全民都有投票的机会,即使无对手也可以让公民投票,这样至少可以让选民知道他们的国会议员是,也使候选人有机会面对选民,不会变成不战而胜的议员。
    I believe that every eligible voter should be able to exercise his or her right to vote, even in cases of walkovers.This will allow voters to know who their Members of Parliament are. On the other hand, MPs will also get a better understanding of the constituents they are serving and not become MPs simply because the wards are not contested by the opposition.
  • 谁家今夜扁舟子
    Where is the wanderer sailing his boat tonight?