  • 目前由于原材料的不确定性,我们不能承保证你方的订单
    At present, we can not undertake to entertain your order owning to the uncertain availability of raw materials.
  • 非诺洛芬
    Fenoprofen Cal.
  • 人事经理曾口头许要给他解决北京户口问题,或者北京北京工作居住证。但这些承到头来只是一张空头支票。此外,公司曾许他的奖金也缩水了一半。
    The HR manager promised him in words that he would get a hukou, or a permanent residence permit in Beijing. But the promise turned out to be an empty one. In addition, the incentive payment Zhang was promised was also cut in half.
  • 张骞抱怨说:“尽管我极力要求公司履行承,但他们极尽能事逃避自己的责任。”
    “I kept urging the company to keep their promise, but they just tried to shirk their responsibility with various excuses,” Zhang complained.
  • 最佳策略就是坚决要求用人单位将所有承都写入劳动合同中。
    The best practice is to insist that the company includes everything it promises in the job contract.
  • 但如果只是一份不含细节的制式合同,你应要求该公司将承写入聘用书中。
    But if it's a standard contract that doesn't include these details, you should ask the company to list the promises in the offer letter.
  • 不要做一个“唯唯者/否定论者”,做一个“优秀的中尉”。
    Don't be a yes /no man, be a good lieutenant.
  • 多吃东西。健康的食品如格兰拉燕麦卷或水果可以帮助你提高血液里血糖含量,为你提供健康的能量。(吃得过度会得到相反效果并让你精力下降),关键是适度。
    Snack more! Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy. (Overeating will do the opposite and drag you down!) Moderation is key!
  • 他又一次违背了言。
    He broke his words once again.
  • 如果汤姆不能信守言,他就会丢面子。
    If Tom cannot keep his promise, he'll lose face.
  • 一诺千金
    A promise is weightier than one thousand ounces of gold.
  • 阿多诺
    Adorno, T.W.
  • 德是我见过的最笨的人。
    Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.