  • 涉及有心计的歹徒或者冒险家,特别指一种小样式。
    involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction.
  • 流浪汉体裁小的流浪汉体裁小的,这种叙述性小体源于西班牙,以现实主义的细节描写了一个流浪汉式主人公的历险,通常具有讽刺或幽默的效果;或关于这种小
    Of or relating to a genre of prose fiction that originated in Spain and depicts in realistic detail the adventures of a roguish hero, often with satiric or humorous effects.
  • 经过几次初试镜头,她获得了“there'soneborneveryminute”一片中成为出任角色的机会,当然那是个小角色,但这对她来,是获得正式演员所承担更好角色的机遇。
    After castings she received the opportunity to perform in "There's one born every minute" certainly it was a small role, but it gave her the chance to get better roles like the one who rose her to stardom "National velvet".
  • 这部电影是由小改编的。
    The movie was adapted from a novel.
  • “离这里最近也只有到小石城才能找到人打开这门。”亚当斯先生声音颤抖地,“我的天!
    “There isn’t a man nearer than Little Rock who can open that door,” said Mr. Adams in a trembling voice. “My God!
  • “通常来,我知道他在什么地方,但我却不总能出他从哪里来”(罗伯特·m·亚当斯)
    "Generally, I knew where he was at, but couldn't always tell where he was coming from?Robert M. Adams).
  • 汤姆望着亚当斯太太,泰然自若,就好像谚语所的看着国王的猫。
    Tom was looking at Mrs Adams, as unabashed as the proverbial cat looking at a king.
  • 用以修饰或明为某一具体应用问题而专门设计和编写的软件,有别于,例如,应用软件包中的程序或者只读存储器(rom)中的程序。
    Pertaining to software that has been particularly designed and written for an application(as contrasted, for example, to a program from an application package or provided on ROM).
  • 杰夫:王平得妙,难怪尼克和他的女朋友天天去打网球,原来女此!
    Jeff: Wang Ping said it clearly. No wonder Nick and his gift friend goes to play tennis every day. It roms out that this is the rea-son!
  • “不是,”那个男孩,“她是安娜贝尔·亚当斯。
    “No,” said the boy. “She’s Annabel Adams.
  • 在罗马帝国的后期,奴隶制就巳经广泛地转变成了一种农奴制。罗马人的所谓coloni与其是事实上的奴隶不如是农奴。
    Already, in the later times of the Roman empire, predial slavery had extensively transformed itself into a kind of serfdom: the coloni of the Romans were rather villeins than actual slaves;
  • 浪漫诗歌或传说
    A verse romance or tale.
  • 意大利人的浪漫文学语言。
    the Romance language spoken in Italy.
  • 在他肯定地宣布完她绝对没告诉他这件事之后,她平静地:“总有一天我会有一些重要的事情对你。”
    She waits for his adamant declaration that she definitely didn't tell him and then she says quietly, " One day I'll say something important."
  • 她在电话里的口气听起来很坚决,但我也许还能服她。
    She sounded adamant over the phone but I may still be able to talk her round.
  • 关于罗曼斯语的人或国家的。
    relating to people or countries speaking Romance languages.
  • 介于传奇和讽刺之间的小
    A novel that is a cross between romance and satire.
  • 关于荒凉神秘的离奇故事的浪漫小
    a romance that deals with desolate and mysterious and grotesque events.
  • 然而正如爱情小中描写的那样,我的骑士披着闪亮的铠甲出现了。
    Then, just like the storybook romances, my knight in shining armor came one the scenes.
  • 马洛礼,托马斯1470年英国作家,写有亚瑟王之死,此书是源于法国有关亚瑟王传的合集,1485年由威廉·考克斯根出版
    English writer of Le Morte d'Arthur, a collection of Arthurian romances adapted from French sources and published by William Caxton in1485.
  • ,从罗曼风格到峨特风格的这类过渡建筑物也值得好好研究,绝不亚于那种纯一的建筑类型。
    However, these edifices of the transition from the Romanesque to the Gothic, are no less precious for study than the pure types.
  • 例如,在一次共和党的竞选学中,因演讲者不慎将“离厅古怪,罗马一塌胡涂主教和叛乱”等词连在了一起,结果罗马天主教徒都投了格洛弗·克利夫兰的标,让他赢得了总统竞选的胜利。
    For instance, on one occasion the four unfortunate words,"Rum, Romanism and a Rebellion" used in a Republican campaign speech threw the Catholic vote and the presidential victory to Grover Cleveland.
  • 亚当,在他还未话之时,是可以任意使用乐园的。
    Adam, whiles he spake not, had paradise at will.
  • 亚当,在他还未话之时,是可以任意使用乐园的。
    Adam, whiles he speak not, paradise at will.
  • 俗话。“入乡随俗”。
    As the saying goes, "Do in Rome as the Romans do".
  • 唐:是的,就像英语格言的:在罗马,为罗马人所为。
    Yes, just as the English proverb when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  • 坎斯帕尼亚区的欧斯干语并且和古罗马人不断发生冲突的远古民族的人。
    an Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania who clashed repeatedly with the early Romans.
  • 她写了很多浪漫小,质量很差。
    She churns out romantic novels.
  • 夸大的、言过其实的谎言。
    tell romantic or exaggerated lies.
  • 一部浪漫小中无病呻吟的柔懦情调
    The sickly sentimentality of a romantic novel
  • 民间传讲述一个抒情的或浪漫主题的叙事诗
    A narrative poem treating an epic or romantic theme.
  • 有人告诉我,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。
    I was told that Spain is a romantic nation.