  • 1688年的国革命发生在安妮女王时代之前。
    English revolution of 1688 was before the time of Queen Anne.
  • 圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。在1888年由国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚
    An Australian-administered island in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Java. It was annexed by Great Britain in1888 and came under Australian sovereignty in1958.
  • 乌尔斯特爱尔兰北部的一个历史上的地区和古代的王国,在詹姆士一世统治时大部分被并入国,现在分到爱尔兰和北爱尔兰,经常被叫做乌尔斯特
    A historical region and ancient kingdom of northern Ireland. Largely annexed by the English Crown during the reign of James I, it is now divided between Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is often called Ulster.
  • 诺林伯利亚北格兰-盎格鲁-撒克逊王国,公元7世纪由伯尼西亚和德伊勒联盟建立,盎格鲁王国始建于公元500年。诺森伯利亚的大部分在9世纪被入侵的丹麦人占领,954年被韦塞克斯吞并
    An Anglo-Saxon kingdom of northern England formed in the seventh century by the union of Bernicia and Deira, Angle kingdoms originally established c. a.d.500. Much of Northumbria fell to invading Danes in the ninth century and was annexed to Wessex in954.
  • 另一方面,则是在他们面前表示中国军队和中国人民不可屈服的精神和勇顽强的战斗力,这就是给以歼灭战的打击。
    On the other hand, we should demonstrate to the Japanese soldiers the indomitable spirit and the heroic, stubborn fighting capacity of the Chinese army and the Chinese people, that is, we should deal them blows in battles of annihilation.
  • 作为在公共场所促进双语的应用的一种措施,中华艺术展览应提供中文两种注解及介绍文字,我们不应太以自我为中心,而坚持这类展览只用中文。
    To promote bilingualism in public places, annotations of Chinese art exhibitions should be in both Chinese and English. We should not be too self-centered and insist that such exhibitions be annotated only in Chinese.
  • 国非正式)脾气不好或者发怒了。
    (British informal) ill-tempered or annoyed.
  • 入会须缴入会费20镑, 年费10镑.
    If you want to join, there's an entrance fee of 20 and an annual membership fee of 10.
  • 工资提高5%对收入最低的工人来说相当於全年收入增加250镑.
    A wage rise of 5% represents an annual increase of 250 for the lowest-paid workers.
  • 凡年收入在5000镑以下者均可申请.
    Anyone with an annual income of under 5000 may be eligible to apply.
  • 这家公司的年营业额为7500万镑.
    The firm has an annual turnover of 75 million.
  • 国的利物浦举行的一年一度的赛马。
    an annual steeplechase run in Liverpool, England.
  • 四英尺厚的雪
    Snow four feet deep.
  • 吹积成五尺厚的雪堆
    Snow drifting to five feet.
  • 将30元/年的会费汇至“希望语俱乐部”。
    Mail 30¥ RMB to us annually as your fee to enter the club.
  • 国)通常在国大学学院中举行的庆祝年宴。
    (British) a celebratory feast held annually at one of the colleges in a British university.
  • 工厂检查员平均每人每年花25,000镑。
    Factory inspector cost on average??25,000 per head per annum.
  • 每年每人平均花费25000镑。
    Representative cost on average 25,000 per head per annum.
  • 工厂检查员平均每人每年花25,000镑。
    Factory inspector cost on average £25, 000 per head per annum.
  • 英语拼法的不规则
    the anomaly of English spelling
  • 然而西安事变后和平实现是事实,这种情况是由多方面促成的(日本进攻的基本方针,苏联和美法的赞助和平,中国人民的逼迫,共产党在西安事变中的和平方针及停止两个政权敌对的政策,资产阶级的分化,国民党的分化等等),不是蒋介石一个人所能决定和推翻的。
    But the fact is that peace was attained after the Sian Incident and was the product of several factors (Japan's fundamental policy of invasion, the favourable attitude of the Soviet Union and also Britain, the United States and France towards internal peace in China, the pressure of the Chinese people, the Communist Party's peace policy during the Sian Incident and its policy for ending the antagonism between the two regimes, the differentiation within the bourgeoisie, the differentiation within the Kuomintang, and so on); peace cannot be made or unmade by Chiang Kai-shek alone.
  • 最冷的一个洲,位于南极,几乎完全处于南极圈内;覆盖冰雪厚达尺。
    an extremely cold continent at the south pole almost entirely below the Antarctic Circle; covered by an ice cap up to 13,000 feet deep.
  • 地理南极在南极大陆的中央,但是磁极却离此数百里,在海岸带附近。
    the geographic South Pole is at the center of the Antarctic continent, but the magnetic pole is hundreds of miles away, near the coast.
  • 国南极勘查局教授约翰·克罗克索尔说:"然而,我们的研究人员发现,信天翁正以惊人的速度被杀死,而凶手正是延绳钓捕鱼作业。
    'However, our research has discovered that albatrosses are being killed at a horrific rate,' said Professor John Croxall, of the British Antarctic Survey. 'The trouble stems from long-line fishing in which boats tow huge, heavily baited lines.
  • 其最宽阔处约4000里。
    At its widest point,Antarctica is about 4,000 miles across.
  • 南极洲到南美洲尖端的距离约为六百里。
    Antarctica is about 600 miles from the tip of South America.
  • 1985年,国科学家确认,化学反应已开始损害南极上空的臭氧层。
    In 1985, British scientists confirmed that chemical reactions had begun to damage the ozone layer above Antarctica.
  • 国国歌是“上帝拯救女王”。
    The british national anthem be' god save the queen'.
  • 国国歌是“上帝拯救女王”。
    The British national anthem is ' god save the queen'.
  • 奥地利作曲家约瑟夫·海顿(1732—1809)在伦敦听了国国歌《上帝保佑我正》后,也为自己的国家写了一首国歌。
    After hearing God Save the King played in LONDON, the Austrian musician Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) wrote a national anthem, for his own c country.
  • 我们出价1000,000镑购买这个库房,但另一家公司出价高于我们。
    We offer 100,000 for the warehouse, but anther company outbid us.
  • 帕尔格雷夫,弗朗西斯·特纳1824-1897国诗人和人类学家,以他的在语语言中最好的歌曲和抒情诗篇的宝库(1861年)而闻名
    British poet and anthologist known for his Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language(1861).