  • 一个分布广泛的属,草本植物或木质柔软的树木状灌木,因其艳丽朵而栽植。
    widespread genus or herbs or soft-wooded arborescent shrubs cultivated for their showy flowers.
  • 树木状的多年生的灌木,有叶状的有舌苔的叶子和艳丽的紫红色的;分布在美国的西南部。
    arborescent perennial shrub having palmately lobed furry leaves and showy red-purple flowers; southwestern United States.
  • 美国西南部的一种大的分枝乔木状丝兰,有短叶和簇生的带绿色的白
    a large branched arborescent yucca of southwestern United States having short leaves and clustered greenish white flowers.
  • 春暖昼长,谁不想去中央公园度周末?那是我们这里与桃源最相近似的地方。那里我们可以忘记紧张繁忙的生活,在悠闲中,或者最好不过,在一切都静止的环境里享受人生。
    With spring come warm weather, longer days and the impulse to spend our weekends in Central park. It's the closest thing we have to an Arcadian wilderness – a place where we can forget about life in the fast lane and enjoy life in the slow lane or, better yet, no lane at all.
  • 用砖块或石头砌成的弓形天板或屋顶。
    an arched brick or stone ceiling or roof.
  • 储藏室;地下室;地窖房间或空间,如地下室或储藏间等,有拱形的墙壁或天板,尤指地下的
    A room or space, such as a cellar or storeroom, with arched walls and ceiling, especially when underground.
  • 拱顶一种拱形结构,通常由石头、砖头或混凝土构成,形成某一天板或屋顶的支撑结构
    An arched structure, usually of stone, brick, or concrete, forming the supporting structure of a ceiling or roof.
  • 她的手臂一直裸到肘部,露出了被日光晒成褐色的那部分,美得象维纳斯女神的手一样。她那双柔软好看的脚上穿着纱袜,踝处绣着灰蓝色的小,由于内心焦燥不安,一只脚正在轻轻地拍打着地面,好象故意要展露出她那丰满匀称小腿似的。
    her arms, bare to the elbow, brown, and modelled after those of the Arlesian Venus, moved with a kind of restless impatience, and she tapped the earth with her arched and supple foot, so as to display the pure and full shape of her well-turned leg, in its red cotton, gray and blue clocked, stocking.
  • 北美的一种大一枝黄,美丽的黄在拱形的枝上集结成簇;一种杂草。
    large North American goldenrod having showy clusters of yellow flowers on arching branches; often a weed.
  • 天鹅兰属的任何一种植物,排列成细长的弓状呈天鹅颈形。
    any of several orchids of the genus Cycnoches having slender arching columns of flowers suggesting the neck of a swan.
  • 叶子长方形发光,拱形白色串带有贝壳粉色调,带褶的黄色唇瓣上有品红色带斑点的条。
    cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching clusters of white flowers with shell-pink shading and crinkled yellow lip with variegated magenta stripes.
  • 高大的多叶植物,其直立的枝条顶端带有边相下呈拱状的黄色头;分布于亚利桑纳州以南或大西洋以东的多山地区。
    tall leafy plant with erect branches ending in large yellow flower heads with downward-arching rays; Rocky Mtns south to Arizona and east to Atlantic coast.
  • 几种每年落叶的小树的任意一种,其深色木材及富含果汁的粉色的稠密总状序十分珍贵,多,长在拱形树枝上,;根、皮、叶及种子均。
    any of several small deciduous trees valued for their dark wood and dense racemes of nectar-rich pink flowers grown in great profusion on arching branches; roots and bark and leaves and seeds are poisonous.
  • 蓝饰作建筑装饰用的雕塑篮或果篮
    A sculptured basket of flowers or fruits used as an architectural ornament.
  • 白色、有香味、呈喇叭状;生长在干燥、沙质的土地上。
    plant having heads of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers; grows in sandy arid regions.
  • 背上有不规则的十字纹;产于亚利桑那州南部和墨西哥地区干旱的丘陵和峡谷地带。
    having irregularly cross-banded back; of arid foothills and canyons of southern Arizona and Mexico.
  • 寻找车位的困难,使用汽油的费和需交纳公路税等问题都增添了驾驶者的烦恼。
    Difficulties in finding parking lots, arid the cost of petrol and road tax all add to the driver's worries
  • 粗糙的药草和亚灌木的一种,在南北美洲的干旱地,有粉色或猩红色的和球形的果实。
    genus of coarse herbs and subshrubs of arid North and South America having pink or scarlet flowers and globose fruits.
  • 她难以相信她所听到的话,但还是将衣服上的那朵取下来,递给了基米。
    Hardly believing that she heard him aright she unpinned the flower from her dress, and gave it to Jimmy.
  • 火树一种北美东部落叶灌木或小树(涤紫卫矛卫矛属),具有小的略紫色、粉红果实和红色具有假种皮的种子
    A deciduous shrub or small tree(Euonymus atropurpurea) of eastern North America, having small purplish flowers, pink fruit, and scarlet arillate seeds.
  • 一种兰黄褐色、带有暗色条纹;产自亚利桑纳州东南到美国东部一带。
    orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins; southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States.
  • 一种野生紫苑,头状序,有淡紫红色或紫色边;产自科罗拉多至亚利桑那州。
    wild aster having leafy stems and flower heads with narrow bright reddish-lavender or purple rays; western Colorado to Arizona.
  • 一种蝴蝶百合,在短的茎干上长有簇状、钟形的色有朱红色、橙色或黄色;分布于加利福尼亚南部到亚利桑那州和墨西哥。
    mariposa with clusters of bell-shaped vermilion or orange or yellow flowers atop short stems; southern California to Arizona and Mexico.
  • 塞密斯陶克立斯对波斯王的话说得极是。他说:“言语有如张挂展览的毡,其中的图形都是显明的;而思想则有如卷折起来的毡。”
    It was well said by Themistocles, to the king of Persia, That speech was like cloth of Arras, opened and putabroad; whereby the imagery doth appear infigure; whereas in thoughts they lie but as in packs.
  • 的艳丽色彩引起苏珊的注意。
    The bright colors of the flowers arrested Susan's attention.
  • 慈菇一种慈菇属水生或沼泽地生长的多年生植物,有箭头状叶子和白色的雌雄异的圆锥
    Any of various aquatic or wetland perennial plants of the genus Sagittaria, having arrowhead-shaped leaves and panicles of white, unisexual flowers.
  • 西印度群岛白植物,其根产食用淀粉。
    white-flowered West Indian plant whose root yields arrowroot starch.
  • 竹芋任一种美洲热带竹芋属的植物,包括竹芋,生有卵形的通常带有斑点的细叶和开形状不规则的
    Any of several tropical American plants of the genus Maranta, including the arrowroot, having thin, ovate, usually spotted leaves and irregular flowers.
  • 泽米任一种泽米属常绿植物,原产于美国佛罗里达、墨西哥及西印度群岛,生有复叶,开有雌雄异体的球状朵,其明显膨大的地下茎可制成类似竹竽粉的淀粉
    Any of several evergreen species of the genus Zamia native to southern Florida, Mexico, and the West Indies, having compound leaves, unisexual cones, and conspicuously thickened underground stems that yield starch resembling arrowroot.
  • 蒿属植物一种菊科蒿属的带香味的植物,有绿或浅灰色叶子,常有许多盘状,包括艾蒿,三齿蒿,龙蒿和除虫草
    Any of various aromatic plants of the genus Artemisia in the composite family, having green or grayish foliage and usually numerous small discoid flower heads and including the mugwort, sagebrush, tarragon, and wormweed.
  • 招,伎俩事务的艺术处理,常具有仔细谋划和欺骗的特征
    Artful handling of affairs that is often marked by scheming and deceit.
  • 为了达到这个目的,她言巧语地说服女儿苔丝到同宗的一个暴发户家去找工作。
    To which end Tess was artfully prevailed upon to seek work in a wealthy upstart family of the same illustrious name.