  • 八十年来,我们党高举中国先进文化的前进旗帜,努力建设和弘扬反映革命、建设和改革要求的新文化,荡涤旧社会遗留下来的和国外渗透进来的腐朽没落的旧文化,从思想上精神上极大地解放和激励了广大干部众,在全党和全国人民中形成了凝聚人心、统一意志的正确指导思想和共同理想。
    Over the past 80 years, our Party has held high the marching banner of China's advanced culture, worked hard to build and carry forward the new culture that reflects the requirements of revolution, construction and reform, and cleaned up the old decadent and dying culture which was left over from the old society and infiltrated into China from abroad. As a result , the cadres and masses have been emancipated and encouraged ideologically and mentally, and a correct guiding ideology and a common ideal have taken shape among the whole Party and the people throughout the country to rally popular feeling and unify public wills.
  • 与此同时,一些与封建农奴制相伴随的腐朽、落后、蔑视劳动众的旧习俗,随着社会的进步与发展而被众所摒弃,这既反映了藏族人民对现代文明、健康生活的追求,也是藏族文化在新时代不断进步的一种表现。
    As society progresses, some decayed, backward old customs despising laboring people that bear a strong tinge of the feudal serf system have been abandoned, which reflects the Tibetans' pursuit of modern civilization and a healthy life as well as the continuous development of Tibetan culture in the new era.
  • 这一理论旨在欺骗天真众。
    This theory was intended to deceive naive people.
  • 联合国如何保护社会中的弱势体?
    How does the UN defend vulnerable groups in society?
  • 虚拟接口体系结构定义了集器的规范,通过在两台服务器上运行单一应用程序,提供高可用性和更佳性能。
    The Virtual Interface Architecture defines specifications for clusters that provide both high availability and better performance by running a single application across two servers.
  • 北美洲居蛾子的幼虫,吐丝建毯子而不是帐篷;落叶植物的严重食叶昆虫。
    larvae of a gregarious North American moth that spins a carpet rather than a tent; serious defoliator of deciduous trees.
  • 开头,各县完全没有了党的组织,地方武装只袁文才、王佐各六十枝坏枪在井冈山附近,永新、莲花、茶陵、酃县四县农民自卫军枪枝全数缴给了豪绅阶级,众革命情绪已经被压下去了。
    At the start, all our Party organizations in the counties were defunct.The local armed forces consisted only of the two units under Yuan Wen-tsai and Wang Tso in the vicinity of the Chingkang Mountains, each unit having sixty rifles in bad repair, while the peasant self-defence corps in the counties of Yunghsin, Lienhua, Chaling and Linghsien had been totally disarmed by the landlord class and the revolutionary ardour of the masses had been stifled.
  • 商议在这种集会或体中进行的讨论和评议
    The discussion or deliberation that takes place in such an assembly or body.
  • 他们代表信教众积极参政议政,并对政府贯彻宗教信仰自由政策进行监督。
    They take the initiative in participating in deliberation and administration of state affairs on behalf of religious believers, and in exercising supervision over the government in respect to the implementation of the policy of freedom of religious belief.
  • 督促有林的和林区的基层单位,订立护林公约,组织众护林,划定护林责任区,配备专职或者兼职护林员。
    and urge grass-roots organizations with forests and in forest districts to conclude forest protection covenants, mobilize the masses to protect forests, delimit forest protection responsibility zones, and provide full-time or part-time forest protection personnel.
  • 狂喜;一狂热的棒球球迷
    Delirious joy; a crowd of delirious baseball fans.
  • 疯狂的棒球迷;他们欢乐的有些疯狂;快乐的疯转。
    a crowd of delirious baseball fans; something frantic in their gaiety; a mad whirl of pleasure.
  • 一名新教徒向人发表了演说。
    A Protestant delivered a speech to the crowd.
  • 最初来到这片土地的是一些不适应环境的人、罪犯、冒险家和宗教狂热分子(将近四百年来,这种体构成几乎没有什么变化)。与此相应,美国有一种强烈的绝不合作的气氛。
    As befits a nation originally settled by misfits, con-victs, adventurers, and religious fanatics (a demo-graphic mix that has changed hardly at all in nearly 400 years), the United States retains a strong flavour of intransigent noncooperation.
  • 的人聚集到监狱外面,表示他们的关切。
    Huge crowds gathered outside the prison to demonstrate their concern.
  • 他们派防暴警察去驱散示威众。
    They sent in the riot police to break up me demonstration.
  • 加强北京市全民健身晨晚练辅导站的建设,发挥天坛公园、王府井金街、西单文化广场、香山、八大处公园等一批具有特色的众晨晚练场所的示范和窗口作用。
    Improve the work at the instructors' stations for the mass morning and evening exercises throughout the city and give play to the demonstrative role of the instructors' stations at the Temple of Heaven, the Wangfujing Golden Street, the Xidan Cultural Square, the Fragrance Hill and the Badachu Park for the mass morning and evening exercises.
  • 努力形成广纳贤、人尽其才、能上能下、充满活力的用人机制,把优秀人才集聚到党和国家的各项事业中来。
    Efforts should be made to form a vigorous personnel mechanism under which we can gather large numbers of talented people, put them to the best use and get them prepared for both promotion and demotion, calling them to the service of the Party and state.
  • 法罗岛上的自治丹麦殖民地。
    a self-governing colony of Denmark on the Faroe Islands.
  • 集,聚集密密地挤成一团或一,如人或动物
    A densely packed group or crowd, as of people or animals.
  • 聚生的成生长但不密集或丛簇生的
    Growing in groups that are close together but not densely clustered or matted.
  • 各级人民政府应当采取措施,组织众植树造林,护林防火,防治森林病虫害,保护林地,制止滥伐、盗伐森林,提高森林覆盖率。
    People's governments at various levels shall take measures to organize the masses to plant trees, protect forests and prevent fires, control plant diseases and insect pests in the forests, protect forest lands, check up denudation and illegal felling of trees, and increase the forest coverage.
  • 这件由《海峡时报》记者“发掘”出来的新闻,只不过不成比例也不科学地挑起一种假设,却造成舆论起声讨,也让人民重新思考社会道义的问题。
    "Played up" out of proportion by some Straits Times journalists, those scholars' answer to a hypothetical query has aroused waves of criticism and denunciation. Moreover, it has set people re-thinking about the issue of moral principles and obligations.
  • (六)本位主义,一切只知道为四军打算,不知道武装地方众是红军的重要任务之一。
    6.Selfish departmentalism -- they think only of the Fourth Army and do not realize that it is an important task of the Red Army to arm the local masses.
  • 大批离去大人的离去
    A departure of a large number of people.
  • 夏威夷岛是美国的属地吗?
    Are the Hawaiian Islands a dependence of the USA?
  • 六是坚持调动社会各方面的积极性,西部大开发既要有国家和各方面的支持,更要靠中西部广大干部众自力更生、艰苦奋斗。
    6.To bring every positive factor from society. What western China development needs is not only supports from state and all walks of life, but also self-dependence and hard work of all people in western China.
  • 夏威夷岛已不再是美国的属地.
    The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA.
  • 夏威夷岛已不再是美国的属地。
    The Hawaiian island is no longer a dependency of the U.S.A.
  • 反动时期的资产阶级文艺家把革命众写成暴徒,把他们自己写成神圣,所谓光明和黑暗是颠倒的。
    The writers and artists of the bourgeoisie in its period of reaction depict the revolutionary masses as mobs and themselves as saints, thus reversing the bright and the dark.
  • 因此,市场推广人员特意告诉我们他们的产品是销路最好的或成长最快的,而电视广告则经常描述说人涌向商场抢购广告介绍的产品。
    Marketers, therefore, go out of their way to inform us when their product is the largest? selling or fastest growing of its kind, and television commercials regularly depict crowds rushing to stores to acquire the advertised item.
  • 中的人将宣扬他们的政敌的标语撕了下来。
    The crowd ripped down posters depiction their political opponents.