  • 把这些支持放进内核,通常会使这些功能更快、更强。但是,当把越来越多的功能硬塞进内核时,就更难生产出能维护、能升级和能按时提交客户的操作系统。
    Putting such support in the kernel usually makes those functions faster and more robust. But as more and more capabilities are shoehorned into the kernel, it's harder to produce operating systems that can be maintained, enhanced and delivered to customers on time.
  • 给你自己买双鞋吧。
    Buy yourself some shoes.
  • 钉马掌的铁匠马钉掌的人
    One that shoes horses.
  • 一个马钉蹄铁的人。
    a person who shoes horses.
  • 我的母亲停止我寄钱之后,我的日子过得非常寒酸。
    I've been living on a shoestring since my mother stopped sending me money.
  • 自从父亲不再我寄钱后,我便靠小本经营维生。
    I have been living on a shoestring since my father stopped sending me money.
  • 自从父亲不再我寄钱後,我便靠小本经营维生。
    I have is living on a shoestring since my father stop send me money.
  • 即使在西方,堕胎也会人留下心灵上的创伤。
    Even in the West, having an abortion is a traumatic experience.
  • 我把正确的货款交店主。
    I gave the shopkeeper the exact change.
  • 那店员多收了我的钱,我去找经理,经理命令店员将多收款项退我。
    The shopkeeper overcharged me when I went to the manager for that, he ordered the shopkeeper to refund the overpayment to me.
  • 店主我们的分量不足。
    The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos.
  • 贝内特被人发现企图将一些伪币付一家商店的店主。
    Bennette was caught trying to pass off some counterfeit money on a shopkeeper.
  • 我肯定那店老板我称土豆时?
    I'm sure the shopkeeper gave me short measure when she weighed out the potatoes.
  • 尽管他有犯罪的前科,但我当时还是了他工作,可是我看错了人,因为他刚又被判有冒充顾客进商店行窃的罪行。
    Despite his criminal record I still gave him a job, but I backed the wrong horse because he's just been convicted of shoplifting.
  • 黛利拉圣经旧约中,参孙的情妇。她将参孙出卖非利士人,在参孙睡觉时剪掉了他的头发,使参孙丧失了能量
    In the Old Testament, a mistress of Samson who betrayed him to the Philistines by having his hair shorn while he slept, thus depriving him of his strength.
  • 我们会把它们您改短一点。
    We'll shorten them for you.
  • 我们会把它们您放短一点。
    We 'll shorten them for you.
  • 可以。我们会把它您改短一点。
    Yes, we'll shorten it for you.
  • 赫利孔山海拔1,749。2米(5,735英尺)一座山,位于希腊中部。传说中是女神缪斯居住的地方,后奉献太阳神
    A mountain,1, 749.2(5, 735 ft) high, of central Greece. It was the legendary abode of the Muses and was sacred to Apollo.
  • 你,”他简短地说。
    "There you are," he said shortly.
  • 商船上的商品,主要是卖船员。
    merchandise maintained aboard merchant ships for sale to crew.
  • 她希望你在留学期间,每星期能她一张信,没有话说也好,随便写几个字,这回好几天没有信来,她天天惦记着,前几天听李柏文说他的孩子有信说已和你会面了,她很喜欢,前后寄去两批物件,前一批是三件运动衣、二条短裤,还有鞋、袜、口琴各一件,后一批四月四号才寄,系三条长裤,你收到后回信中须写明收到的日期。
    It is your mother's hope that while you are studying overseas, you can write to her once a week; even if there is nothing to say, you can just scribble a few words. In these few days, she has not heard from you and she worries about you every day. A few days ago, she heard Li Bo-wen say that his son has written to say that he had met you. She was very happy. The last two postal parcels that were sent to you comprised three sports shirt, two pairs of shorts, a pair of shoes, socks and a harmonica. The latest parcel was sent on 4 April and comprised three pairs of trousers. When you receive them, you should note down the date of receipt in your reply.
  • 最后他不得不把工作让了更有经验的工人们。
    At last he had to be shouldered aside in favor of the experienced workers.
  • 一个大个子从商店里冲出来,用肩膀把挡他进的人都挤开。
    A big fellow the low rushed from the store, shouldering aside anyone who got in his way.
  • 要不要你叫一杯啤酒?
    Can I shout you a beer?
  • 不要把工作硬推别人去干。
    Do not shove the job off onto others.
  • 我们予该计画所需的支援。
    We gave the plan the shove it needed.
  • 海伦将书本推到书桌的另一边他。
    Helen shove the book across the desk to him.
  • 她不愿意把重担推别人。
    She will not shove the heavy load onto others.
  • 朋友,挪过去点儿,我留出点地方。
    Shove over, friend, and make room for me.
  • 不要把所有的不愉快的工作都推别人。
    Don't shove all the unpleasant jobs off on (to) other people.
  • 他们一直想再次将所有不愉快的工作都推我。
    They've been trying to shove all the unpleasant jobs onto me again.