  • 在文物工作方面,五六十年代的重点是对故宫博物院旧藏的清宫文物重新清点核对,登记造册,进行鉴别、分类和建档,纠正了过去计件不确之处并增补了遗漏的文物,例如从杂物堆中发现了用草帘裹的象牙席、修复漱芳斋戏台时发现在地板下存放的传为唐代卢棱伽的《六尊者像》册等。
    As for the collection of antiquities, a systematic inventory was completed during the 1950s and 1960s, redressing the legacy of inaccurate cataloguing of former times. The collection was moreover augmented, for example by the salvage of a number of precious artefacts from a jumble of apparently worthless objects.
  • 能从灰烬中抢出的就是一只盛仪器的小金属盒子。
    All that could be salvaged from the ashes was a small metal box containing instruments.
  • 穿一些人丢弃的衣服;被遗弃的孩子流浪在路边;收捡一些被丢弃的家具。
    wearing someone's cast-off clothes; throwaway children living on the streets; salvaged some thrown-away furniture.
  • 中国期待新的社会力量寻找先进理论,以开创救国救民的道路。
    China was then looking forward to a new social force that could find advanced theories leading to a path of salvaging the country and the nation.
  • 是的,我不否认,我是在等待,我是爱你所指的那个人,即使他不回来,我也不相信他会象你所说的那样靠不住,我相信他至死都只会爱我一个人。”
    Yes, I will not deny it, I do await, and I do love him of whom you speak; and, if he does not return, instead of accusing him of the inconstancy which you insinuate, I will tell you that he died loving me and me only."
  • 一天,克鲁索沿沙滩走向他的小船时,看到沙地上有一只人的脚印。
    One day, walking along the sands towards his boat, Crusoe saw in the sand the mark of a man's foot.
  • 覆盖沙的海滩是适合于游泳的。
    The beach covered with sand is suitable.
  • 指着某人责骂
    point an accusing finger at a person
  • 这时门铃响了,佩吉一边飞奔去开门,一边叫一定是圣诞老人。
    The doorbell rang and Peggy ran fleetly to answer it, calling that it must be Santa Claus.
  • 他漠然地看指责他的人,一句话也不说。
    He eyed his accuser levelly without saying anything.
  • 带着一丝嘲讽地说
    Spoke with a trace of sarcasm.
  • 明显挖苦的口气;在明显的停顿之后,他接开始了。
    a detectable note of sarcasm; he continued after a perceptible pause.
  • 乞丐没有动弹一下,接住施舍,忍住嘲讽,继续悲哀地叫:“行行好,请行行好吧!”
    The man received both alms and sarcasm without wincing, and resumed his doleful petition: “Charity, I pray you!
  • 数个月前,非常受欢迎的国际性电视节目“百万大赢家”在本地启播。不久,一分外国报章带嘲笑的口吻,讥讽所谓的聪明新加坡人,表现和人们的期待相差太远了。因为,在前几期被抽中参加节目的人,连相当简单的选择题都答错了。
    When the popular international TV show, “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”, was launched here several months ago, a foreign newspaper commented sarcastically that Singapore's much publicised intelligent population did not measure up to expectations, as a good number of the pioneer participants, picked by luck of the draw, failed to answer correctly the relatively simple multiple-choice questions.
  • 一块很宽的有褶的腰带,和男士无尾半正式礼服搭配穿。
    a broad pleated sash worn as formal dress with a tuxedo.
  • 一种长袖且有腰带、到脚踝的(棉布或丝绸)外衣;地中海东部地区男子穿
    an ankle-length (cotton or silk) cloak with full sleeves and sash; worn by men in the Levant.
  • 他的小说充满封基督教的偏见。
    His novel is saturated with prejudice toward Christianity.
  • 他还得益于另一种看法,即每个搞政治的人都在指责他的对手有什么事在瞒别人。
    He may also be benefiting from a sense that all politicians now accuse their opponents of having something to hide.
  • 那房间弥漫咖啡的芳香。
    The room was saturated with the aroma of coffee.
  • 空气中飘荡着花香。
    The air was saturated with the perfume of the flowers.
  • 一块渗透墨水的可吸收性材料;它被用来把墨水均匀地涂到橡皮图章上。
    a block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink evenly to a rubber stamp.
  • 并且随暖雨融化冰雪或者下到水量已饱和的地面,大洪水泛滥的危险将急剧增长。
    And with warm rains melting snow or drenching already saturated ground, the risk of extreme floods will rise dramatically.
  • 由于天气极好,信号极强,金星上的科学家们能够得到关于载人飞碟在地球上陆的可行性的有价值的资料。
    Because of excellent weather conditions and extremely strong signals, Venusian scientists were able to get valuable information as to the feasibility of a manned flying saucer landing on Earth.
  • 他面对我,身子直往后退,我看得出他吓得两眼睁得大大的。
    He was facing me and walking backwards, and I could see his eyes growing as round as saucers.
  • 她脸朝我,向后走。我看到到她的眼睛睁大地盯我。
    She was facing me and walking backwards, and I could see her eyes growing as round as saucers.
  • 母亲们和孩子们渐渐来到这个救灾中心,一个个母亲形容枯槁,一个个孩子饿肚子,瞪圆圆的大眼睛。
    Gradually mothers and children started coming into the famine relief centre, the mothers thin and emaciated, the children with empty bellied and eyes as big as saucers.
  • 控诉,申诉指控或控告的一部分,针对被控方起极重要的作用
    The part of a charge or an accusation that weighs most substantially against the accused.
  • 当全世界都在纪念"9·11"恐怖袭击的遇难者时,一群蓄大胡子的比利时人在9月11日这天排起长队等候一个电影的试镜机会。他们要试演的角色就是该电影的原形:沙特阿拉伯的伊斯兰好战分子――本·拉登。
    Bearded Belgians eager to play Osama bin Laden queued on Sept.11 to audition for a role in a film inspired by the Saudi-born Islamic militant -- as the world remembered the victims of the September 11 attacks.
  • 厚厚脂粉的脸;浑身涂满颜料的野蛮人;沾满泥浆的墙。
    cheeks beplastered with cosmetics; paint-besmeared savage bodies; mud-daubed walls.
  • 《萨维奇传》我已准备手写了。
    "The Life of Savage" I'm ready to go upon.
  • 是野人吗?克鲁索盯脚印看,满心恐惧。
    Was it a savage? Crusoe at Crusoe at the footprint, full of fear.
  • 他把那男孩从燃烧的房子中救了出来。
    He saved the boy from the burning house.