  • 理发师可以得到15%~20%的小费,送外卖的可以得到两美元。在洲,付小费没有那么普遍;
    Hairdressers can expect to get 15~ 20% ,the man who delivers your groceries $ 2.In Europe,tipping is less common;
  • 恐慌始于3日晚。距赫尔辛基30公里的小城维赫蒂的一名男子当晚在食杂店用一张面值为500元的纸币付账时,收款员不接受这张纸币。
    The alarm was raised when a man paying for groceries in the small town of Vihti, 30km from Helsinki, had his- 500 note rejected by a cashier on Jan, 3 night.
  • 大型黑松鸡,尾巴呈里拉琴状。
    large north European black grouse with a lyre-shaped tail.
  • 松鸡原产于洲北部的一种大型松鸡(松鸡),具有黑色的羽毛和一条扇形的尾巴
    A large grouse(Tetrao urogallus), native to northern Europe and having dark plumage and a fanlike tail.
  • 米密尔居住在乾坤树的根部守卫智慧之泉的北巨人
    A Norse giant who lived by the roots of Yggdrasil, where he guarded the well of wisdom.
  • 西欧行会制度
    guild system in Medieval Western Europe
  • 这个字海是中间有空格的复合词
    The word sea gull is an open compound.
  • 白俄罗斯体操选手谢尔博被提名为1993年杰西·文斯国际金球奖获得者。
    Gymnast Scherbo of Belarus has been chosen the recipient of 1993 Jesse Owens International Trophy Award.
  • (希腊神话)伟大的音乐家;当他妻子律荻斯死后前往冥界索回但是失败。
    (Greek mythology) a great musician; when his wife Eurydice died he went to Hades to get her back but failed.
  • 奥菲士传说中色雷斯诗人和音乐家,他的音乐的力量甚至可以打动没有生命的物体,他差一点将他妻子瑞狄柯从地狱中成功救出
    A legendary Thracian poet and musician whose music had the power to move even inanimate objects and who almost succeeded in rescuing his wife Eurydice from Hades.
  • 律狄刻俄耳甫斯的妻子,没能被丈夫救出地狱,因为他们在走出冥界之前他回头看了妻子,违反了冥王的规定
    The wife of Orpheus, whom he failed to rescue from Hades when he looked back at her and so violated the command of Pluto on their journey back to the upper world of the living.
  • 叶子上有柔毛的洲山柳菊属植物;有时归为山柳菊属。
    European hawkweed having soft hairy leaves; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium.
  • 有毛裂叶和黄色花冠的亚多年生草本植物;北美洲野生植物。
    Eurasian perennial herb with hairy divided leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in North America.
  • 1998年11月,亚基金会和德国《时代》周刊在汉堡联合主办了一个关于人权和人类责任的大型研讨会。
    In November 1998, the Asia-Europe Foundation co-organised a colloquium on Human Rights and Human Responsibilities, with the German newspaper, Die Zeit, in Hamburg.
  • 洲和亚洲常见仓鼠的一个变种。
    a variety of hamster common to Europe and Asia.
  • 手球在洲很盛行,在奥运会上也是一项非常精彩的球类运动。
    Handball is very popular in Europe and it is a very wonderful game at the Olympics.
  • 法国承担摩洛哥的债务又为德·坎特尔带来一笔丰厚的收入,但是同拉罗哲·马底和华代尔先生相比,他还是小巫见大巫,这两位由于预谋得逞而成了百万富翁。
    De Cantel profited handsomely when France assumed the Moroccan debt, but his gains were small compared to those of Laroche-Mathieu and M. Walter, who had become millionaires as a result of the intrigue.
  • 这时洲上空笼罩着战争乌云。
    War-clouds were hanging over Europe.
  • 耐寒小麦主要生长于洲,作牲畜饲料。
    hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe for livestock feed.
  • 洲本地产强壮的褐灰色小鸟。
    small hardy brown-and-gray bird native to Europe.
  • 洲北非及西亚的陆生的一个顽强的兰花属。
    a hardy genus of terrestrial orchids of Europe and northern Africa and western Asia.
  • 颈部为亮黄色的洲无毒蛇;在英格兰很普遍。
    harmless European snake with a bright yellow collar; common in England.
  • 德国之所以受到洲邻国的尊重和接纳,之所以能够与盟其他国家和谐地融为一体,原因就在于他们勇于承认错误,敢于为自己的行为负责。
    Germany’s courage to own up to its mistakes and be responsible for them is the reason why it has won the respect and acceptance of its European neighbours, and is able to live harmoniously with other members of the European Union.
  • 为了反驳“协调论”,他们还必须游说美国和盟的相关行业,考虑到大多数这样的行业都是跨国公司,这还不是特别困难。
    To counter the "harmonization" argument, they would have to lobby both U.S. and EU industries, though that is hardly a meaningful hurdle given that most of these industries have consolidated into multi-national corporations.
  • 北美洲和洲普通的猎鹰;在沼泽和空旷的地域筑巢。
    common harrier of North America and Europe; nests in marshes and open land.
  • 海盗常常侵袭英国沿海地区。
    The Vikings used to harry the English coast.
  • 洲蟾蜍,其雄性携带受精卵并裹在其后腿中直到孵化。
    European toad whose male carries the fertilized eggs wrapped around its hind legs until they hatch.
  • 夏威夷首府和最大的城市;位于胡岛上。
    the capital and largest city of Hawaii; on the island of Oahu.
  • 鹰;洲秃鹰;鸢鹞鹰;猎鹰;老鹰。
    hawks; Old World vultures; kites; harriers; eagles.
  • 美国东北部引入的洲山柳菊;不易根除的杂草。
    European hawkweed introduced into northeastern United States; locally troublesome weeds.
  • 有橘红色边花头状花序的洲山柳菊;已在北美洲归化,很难根除;有时归为山柳菊属。
    European hawkweed having flower heads with bright orange-red rays; a troublesome weed especially as naturalized in northeastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium.
  • 洲的一种山楂属植物,叶深裂,果亮红色;在园艺上已培育出各种不同的类型,常用作绿篱;在北美东部成为逸生种。
    European hawthorn having deeply cleft leaves and bright red fruits; widely cultivated in many varieties and often grown as impenetrable hedges; established as an escape in eastern North America.