  • 不过最为脆的,应该是40岁以上,靠自己一份收入撑起整个家的中年人。
    But the most vulnerable are those aged 40 and above. Likely to be the sole breadwinners.
  • 联合国还发起国际运动,在全球提高人们对影响势群体的问题的认识。
    The UN also conducts international campaigns to raise global awareness of the problems affecting vulnerable groups.
  • 政府继续提供额外支援,提高本港势社?的就业能力。
    The Government has continued to offer extra help to enhance the employability of the more vulnerable groups in the community.
  • 他从两条街以外的地方就能听到那微的哭泣声。
    From two blocks over he could hear the thin wail.
  • 他的力量[名声]减了。
    His strength[reputation] is -ning.
  • 若要完全单一化,恐怕各族群都反对,因为各族群都要保留自己的一些特征。而且若要完全单一化,我认为我们将变得更加脆
    If we were all homogenised, not only do the communities not want it — because actually each community wants to retain some of its own identity — but I think we would be the weaker for it.
  • 若要完全单一化,恐怕各族群都反对,因为各族群都要保留自己的一些特征。而且若要完全单一化,我认为我们将变得更加脆
    If we were all homogenized, not only do the communities not want it — because actually each community wants to retain some of its own identity — but I think we would be the weaker for it.
  • 汤姆没有听见这个动物小心翼翼前行时所发出的微响声。
    Tom do not hear the faint sound of the creature's wary advance.
  • 老人的体力变得越来越了。
    The old man 's strength was wasting away.
  • 可怜的姑娘!她给病折磨得越来越虚了。
    Poor girl! She's wasting away with her illness.
  • 他的身体越来越虚,医生好像对他也无能为力了。
    He's just wasting away and the doctors seem unable to help him.
  • 世界各地监狱里的政治战俘日渐衰
    Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world.
  • 波浪逐渐减并消失。
    The wave damped out.
  • 他的勇气从未减弱.
    His courage never wavered.
  • 我们要关心那些者,不然他们会因失败而放弃努力的。
    We must care for the weak who will otherwise fall by the wayside.
  • 这些内部纠纷削了这个政党的力量。
    These internal disputes have weakened the party's power.
  • 敌人虽强,经过多次的袭击,也就削下来,往往中途撤退,此时游击队又可于追击敌人时继续袭击,再行削他。
    The enemy, though strong, will be weakened by repeated surprise attacks and will often withdraw when he is halfway; the guerrilla units can then make more surprise attacks during the pursuit and weaken him still further.
  • 他们观察到她随着病情变化身体也渐渐衰下去。
    They watched her gradually weaken as the disease progressed.
  • 使减在力量、价值、数值或程度上减小
    To reduce in force, value, amount, or degree; weaken.
  • (二)是削封建,而不是消灭封建。
    2) We should weaken the feudal forces, not destroy them.
  • 国王试图削教会的权力。
    The king tried to weaken the power of the clergy.
  • 这样提不会削党的领导。
    What I am proposing will not weaken the Party's leadership.
  • 他们日常饮食中蛋白质含量不足,因而身体虚
    They is weaken by a diet that is low in protein.
  • 我看这根本就是因为进攻被削了的缘故。
    I think it 's simply a matter of the attack being weaken.
  • 军阀间的分裂和战争,削了白色政权的统治势力。
    Splits and wars among the warlords weaken the power of the White regime.
  • 这不是削党的领导,而是更好地改善党的领导,加强党的领导。
    This does not weaken but improves and strengthens the leadership of the Party.
  • 降低或减某事物(如下落或打击)的冲撞力
    Break the force of sthbreduce or weaken the impact of sth such as a fall or blow
  • 减少一百万,实际上并没有削军队的战斗力,而是增强了军队的战斗力。
    In fact, reducing the army by one million men will not weaken but enhance its combat effectiveness.
  • (六)对富农应采取削其封建部分、奖励其资本主义部分的方针。
    6) Our policy relating to rich peasants is to weaken their feudal aspects and, at the same time, encourage their capitalist aspects.
  • 所以没有群众自觉地参加政治斗争,要想削封建阶级的政治地位,是不可能的。
    Therefore, it is impossible to weaken the political position of the feudal classes without the voluntary participation of the masses in political struggles.
  • 无论在军队或在地方,党内民主都应是为着巩固纪律和增强战斗力,而不是削这种纪律和战斗力。
    Both in the army and in the local organizations, inner-Party democracy is meant to strengthen discipline and increase combat effectiveness, not to weaken them.
  • 由於本港经济属开放性质,假如政府在政策上作出任何根本的改变,取消联系汇率,便会令市场出现重大的不明朗因素,造成市场动荡,进而削投资意欲。
    Given the open nature of the Hong Kong economy, any fundamental change in policy as delinking would cause grave uncertainty and disturbance which would weaken investment sentiments.