  • 委员会把他的旅费削减得几乎不能再低了。
    The committee have pared his travelling allowance down to the bare minimum.
  • 虽然这位媳妇是华欧裔,但她还是能够分辨清明和圣诞节之间的别。
    The daughter-in-law, even though of mixed parentage, does know the difference between Qingming and Christmas.
  • 最终,在技术成熟的时候,我们有可能看到距水平在所有的群体中趋向相等。
    Eventually, as the technology matu res we are likely to see penetration levels approach parity across all groups.
  • (计算机科学)错检测过程附加在一组二进制数字上的一个二进制数这一位用来使所有数字的和总是一个奇数(奇校验);或者总是一个偶数(偶校验)。
    (computer science) an error detection procedure in which a bit (0 or 1) added to each group of bits so that it will have either an odd number of 1's or an even number of 1's; e.g., if the parity is odd then any group of bits that arrives with an even number of 1's must contain an error.
  • 官方出版的议会机构会议记录一字不的报告;源于英国议会。
    the official published verbatim report of the proceedings of a parliamentary body; originally of the British Parliament.
  • "十五分钟过去了,而后,在12点5分时,大钟停了。"
    "Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped."
  • 我不能接受这件劲的作品!
    I can't pass this bad piece of work!
  • 传球太,你能更详细一些吗?
    Bad passes? Can you be more specific?
  • 只是因为传球太差。
    Because they made too many bad passes.
  • 我想应该对传球太的球员施加惩罚。
    Should we run suicides for making bad passes?
  • 她这部新小说比以前所写的得远。
    Her latest novel isn't a patch on her others.
  • 她跳舞跳得好,但唱歌就劲了。
    She dances well, but as a singer, she is pathetic.
  • 虽然中国已经基本解决了温饱问题,但是,经济发展水平还比较低,人民的生活水平与发达国家相比还有较大的距,人口的压力和人均资源的相对贫乏还将制约着社会经济的发展和人民生活的改善。
    Although China has basically solved the problem of food and clothing, its economy is still at a fairly low level, its standard of living falls considerably short of that in developed countries, and the pressure of a huge population and relative per-capita paucity of resources will continue to restrict the socio-economic development and the improvement of the people's lives.
  • 她们出去,莫利就跟在后面一步远,她们干家务活,它就助“一爪”之力。
    When they went outside, she was one step behind them. When they did chores, she was there to lend a hand (or should I say, paw ).
  • 政务院许多部门的领导人,他们注意抓生产,抓基本建设,这是对的,但是对培养干部重视不够,这主要表现在对自己所管的学校注意得很
    Leaders in many departments of the Government Administration Council are paying close attention to production and capital construction, which is the right thing to do, but they are not paying enough attention to the training of cadres, as can be seen from the little attention they have paid to the schools they run.
  • 个人计算机的结果如何解释贫富距越来越大呢?
    The PC did it. How to explain the growing disparities in wealth?
  • 关押政治犯或战争犯的地方(那里的条件通常是非常的)。
    a penal camp where political prisoners or prisoners of war are confined (usually under harsh conditions).
  • 因服务他们受到惩罚。
    They are penalized for bad service.
  • 这仍然相差5便士。
    There's still a gap of 5 pence.
  • 我收集到的全部便士只1816年铸造的1枚。
    A 1816 penny was the missing link in my collection of pennies.
  • 销售收入和销售成本之间的百分比
    Percentage difference between sales income and the cost of sales
  • 1990年以来,中国的男女童入学率距由1.28个百分点降至0.1个百分点。
    Since 1990, the gap between the school attendance rates for boys and girls has narrowed from 1.28 percentage points to 0.1 percentage point.
  • 天然物质在变成可供人类直接使用的形态之前所需的转化量,是千万别的,可以是象上面那样的变化,或物品的性质和外观更少程度的改变,也可以是非常巨大的变化,以致看不出原先的形态和构造。
    The amount of transformation which natural substances undergo before being brought into the shape in which they are directly applied to human use, varies from this or a still less degree of alteration in the nature and appearance of the object, to a change so total that no trace is perceptible of the original shape and structure.
  • (同步电动机的)速度偏同步电机运行速度的周期性变化
    The periodic variation in speed of a synchronous motor with respect to the current.
  • 又如钢,日本不多一个人一吨钢,美国和苏联是两个人一吨钢。
    Take steel for another example.In Japan the figure is almost one ton per person while in the United States and the Soviet Union, it is one ton to every two persons.
  • 在摄影艺术中明暗的反是很重要的。
    The contrast of light and shade is important in photography.
  • 在能见度或者几个驾驶员同时等待降落时,特别需要用电讯通话协助飞机降落。
    There is a particular need to talk aircraft down when visibility is poor or when several pilots are waiting to land.
  • 乡村里的条件同培训中心相比是太了。首先,没有浴池。
    Conditions at the village contrasted sadly with the training centre. For a start, there were no pithead baths.
  • 比萨店主:可能跟你懂得不多。
    Pizza Probably about as much as you do.
  • 将铀化合物放人金属盘a,与a盘相对的一端放金属盘b,并在a、b两盘间保持势能,这样两盘之间就会出现电流;
    When a uranium compound is placed on a metal plate A situated opposite another plate B and a difference in potential is maintained between the plates A and B, an electric current is set up between these plates;
  • 决赛先由成绩较好的球队与成绩较的球队对阵,采取5局3胜制,先获得3场比赛胜利的球队出线。
    The playoffs start with the teams with better records playing the teams with worse records in a best-of-five series,in which the winner is the first team to win three games.
  • 在水本身丰富的地方,水力资源,即可用其机械力服务于产业的有落的水流,同水利资源如果较为丰富,人们可能对其加以利用的程度相比,也许是极其有限的。
    Where water itself is plentiful, yet waterpower, i.e. a fall of water applicable by its mechanical force to the service of industry, may be exceedingly limited, compared with the use which would be made of it if it were more abundant.