  • 要进行这项工作,就必须住在茺天野地里,但他们并不在意。
    To carry on the work would involve living in desolate lands, but they didn't mind.
  • 目前还没有解决温饱问题的7000万人,多数住在中西部的深山区、喀斯特地貌区、荒漠区、高寒山区、黄土高原区,以及地方病高发区。
    At present, 70 million people do not have enough food and clothing. Most of them are living deep in the mountains, in karst, desolate, high and cold areas, and in loess plateau regions in central and western China, and in areas where endemic diseases rage.
  • 北美洲南部中美洲有破坏性的长毛穴鼠。
    destructive long-haired burrowing rat of southern North America and Central America.
  • 我们在他正要闯入邻的屋子时发现了他。
    We detected him in the act of breaking into our neighbour's house.
  • 此外,该处也致力侦查和检控违反入境法例者,以及把非法入境者遣返原地。
    Considerable effort also goes into detecting and prosecuting immigration law offenders, and removing illegal immigrants.
  • 第三十二条 洪泛区、蓄滞洪区所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当组织有关地区和部门,按照防洪规划的要求,制定洪泛区、蓄滞洪区安全建设计划,控制蓄滞洪区人口增长,对住在经常使用的蓄滞洪区的民,有计划地组织外迁,并采取其他必要的安全保护措施。
    Article 32 People's government s of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in places where flooded areas or flood storage and detention areas are located should, as required by flood control planning, organize relevant departments and units to formulate safety and construction work plans for flooded areas and flood storage and detention areas, to bring under control population growth within flood storage and detention areas, to move residents in a planned way out of flood storage and detent ion areas which are frequently in use, and to take other necessary safety and protective measures.
  • 沙咀劳教中心推行一套十分有效的劳教中心计划。这所机构收容14至20岁的少年犯和21至24岁的青年犯。劳教中心计划强调严守纪律、刻苦训练、辛勤工作和起有恒。
    An effective detention centre programme is carried out at Sha Tsui Detention Centre for young offenders aged between 14 and 20 years, and young adults aged between 21 and 24. It emphasises strict discipline,strenuous training, hard work and a vigorous routine.
  • 粮商通常不向生产者购买谷物,而是向政府的官吏购买。后者愿将收来的实物租税委托别人运送到王公、文武官员、军队和满足这些人需要的工匠们所聚的地方。
    The grain dealers do not usually buy grain from the producers, but from the agents of government, who, receiving the revenue in kind, are glad to devolve upon others the business of conveying it to the places where the prince, his chief civil and military officers, the bulk of his troops, and the artisans who supply the wants of these various persons, are assembled.
  • 我邻有一台奇妙的机器,可以削土豆皮,把蔬菜切成小方块,制作油酥面团和磨咖啡。
    My neighbour has this weird and wonderful machine that can peel potatoes, dice vegetables, make pastry and grind coffee.
  • 她因其技术奇货可,故可以主宰自己的薪金待遇。
    Her skills were in such demand that she could dictate her own salary.
  • 她因其技术奇货可,故可以主宰自己的薪金待遇。
    Her skill is in such demand that she can dictate her own salary.
  • 诗中每一句,都是用浅易的文字写出心中深情,父亲生前最欣赏白易的诗作,喜欢引用白易的话云“天下无正声,悦耳即为娱”,并说“香山之诗,老妪都解,此真诗人也1
    The language used is simple and unadorned and yet able to bring out the deeply felt sentiments. Father loved the poems of Bai Juyi and was fond of following the dictum of the poet who said, "There is no such thing as the correct sound (in composition). Whatever that pleases the ear, that then is the right sound.
  • 隐居,不问人间事
    Die to the world
  • 奇特的民族服饰、风俗礼仪、饮食习惯以及东巴文化、洞经音乐和各具特色的民建筑等,向世界人民展示了一幅“民俗大观园”般的民族风情画卷。
    The peculiar national costumes, folklore and rituals, dietary habits, Dongba civilization, Dongjing music and characteristic architectural style display to the peoples of the world a panorama of folk customs.
  • 按照《九十年代中国食物结构改革与发展纲要》和城乡民的饮食习惯,今后中国人民的食物构成将是中热量、高蛋白、低脂肪的模式,在保留传统膳食结构的基础上,适当增加动物性食品数量,提高食物质量。
    In accordance with the "China Dietary Pattern Reform and Development Program in the 1990s" and the dietary habits of the Chinese people, a food consumption pattern featuring medium calories, high protein and low fat will be gradually brought into being among both urban and rural residents. On the basis of retaining the traditional food structure, food of animal origin will be added to a proper extent to improve the food quality.
  • 但是,大家也注意到这样一个现象:不论多么成功的外来人才,不管你是身高位的专家、学者、企业家、商人,还是从事具体工作的工程师、教师、演员、运动员,在生活的似乎无忧无虑的同时,许多人还是时不时会流露出一种无助、不自信、不理直气壮的神情。
    Yet we have noticed a phenomenon: While foreigners seem to be getting on well here, no matter how successful they are, as experts, academics, businessmen, engineers, teachers, artistes or athletes, many will, time and again, reveal a sense of helplessness and diffidence that cannot be concealed.
  • 在民生方面,我的理想是让香港成为一个市民安乐业的地方:大部分家庭都能自置所,人人重视传统观念,长者在退休后安享晚年,人们互相关怀爱护。
    In social terms, my vision is for Hong Kong to be a place in which the majority of families have the security of owning their own home, where our traditional values are upheld, where the elderly can enjoy a dignified retirement and where care and compassion are encouraged.
  • 王宫,宫廷国王或贵族住的地方;皇家宅第或宫殿
    The place of residence of a sovereign or dignitary; a royal mansion or palace.
  • 在土壤中挖巢的独蜜蜂,为其幼子储存被之麻痹瘫痪的昆虫。
    solitary wasp that digs nests in the soil and stocks them with paralyzed insects for the larvae.
  • 室兼为用餐之处。
    The living room doubles as a dining area.
  • 恐龙的足迹,大量的化石堆积和群的巢穴,这些证据都证明恐龙是一种群动物。
    There is evidence from dinosaur track ways, mass accumulations of certain dinosaur fossils, and nesting sites that dinosaurs were social animals.
  • 精神科医院的社区工作和出院辅导组,为离院病人提供多方面的协助,特别是精神科社康护理服务和家职业治疗服务。
    Community work and after-care units of psychiatric hospitals help discharged patients.
  •  在大气受到严重污染,危害人体健康和安全的紧急情况下,当地人民政府应当及时向当地民公告,采取强制性应急措施,包括责令有关排污单位停止排放污染物。
    Under the emergency of a severe atmospheric pollution that may jeopardize human health and safety, the local people's government shall announce the situation to the local residents without delay and take compulsory emergency measures, including ordering the pollutant discharging units concerned to stop the discharge of pollutants.
  • 这位记者使这个镇的民对政府不满。
    The reporter stoked up discontent with the government among the citizens in this town.
  • 从各个百货商店待售的货物判断,城市民已成为有鉴别能力的消费者。
    Judging from the goods for sale in all department stores, city residents have become discriminating consumers.
  • 广泛开展立体绿化,有条件的墙体、立交桥进行垂直绿化,逐步试点并推广屋顶绿化,鼓励和引导民绿化阳台。
    Roof plantation will be practiced. The residents will be encouraged to add green to their balcony. Efforts to dismantle walls to give a view of green and dismantle the illegal building occupying reserved green land will continue.
  • 富人和穷人住在一起,但住条件极为悬殊。
    Rich and poor live side by side but in conditions of extraordinary disparity.
  • 根据游击战争的特性,兵力的使用必须按照任务和敌情、地形、民等条件作灵活的变动,主要的方法是分散使用、集中使用和转移兵力。
    The nature of guerrilla warfare is such that guerrilla forces must be employed flexibly in accordance with the task in hand and with such circumstances as the state of the enemy, the terrain and the local population, and the chief ways of employing the forces are dispersal, concentration and shifting of position.
  • 向国外散原本同一种民族人民的散
    A dispersion of an originally homogeneous people.
  • 殖民者转移了本地民。
    The colonists displaced the natives.
  • --联合国及其机构保护弱势群体,如儿童、难民、流离失所者、少数民族、土著民和残疾人。
    The UN and its agencies protect vulnerable groups, like children, refugees, displaced persons, minorities, indigenous people and the disabled.
  • 不过,绿表申请人(主要是公屋租户、由房屋委员会管理的平房区及中转房屋的民、受清拆影响的寮屋民和天灾灾民)不受这些条件限制。
    These restrictions do not apply to Green Form applicants who are principally public rental housing tenants, residents of Cottage Areas and interim housing managed by the HKHA, households displaced by the clearance of squatter areas for development, and victims of natural disasters.