  • 同年十一月国民党五届六中全会布于一九四○年十一月十二日召集国民大会。
    In November 1939 the Sixth Plenary Session of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang announced that the national assembly would be convened on November 12, 1940.
  • 这个协议被布无效。
    The agreement was declared null and void.
  • 婚事已宣告无效了。
    The marriage was declared null and void.
  • 私下签订的条约已布无效。
    The treaty which was signed in private has been declared null and void.
  • 要求判婚姻无效的诉讼
    A nullity suit, ie legal action that asks for a marriage to be declared null and void
  • 比赛进行半小时后就取消了,即使一个队已踢进了两个球,但也布结果无效。
    The match was abandoned after half an hour an even though one team had already scored two goals the result was declared null and void.
  • 但是中国人民反对日本帝国主义的斗争,以及其他帝国主义国家的干涉,使得经过那时的卖国头子袁世凯签了字的对日屈服投降的条约二十一条,不得不告无效。
    But the treaty surrendering China to Japan, the Twenty-one Demands signed by Yuan Shih-kai, the arch-traitor of that time, was inevitably rendered null and void as a result of the Chinese people's fight against Japanese imperialism and of the intervention by other imperialist powers.
  • 废除制定,布免除或无效,如婚约或法律;废除
    To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law; nullify.
  • 适应发展社会主义市场经济和加入世贸组织的要求,对2000年底以前发布的756件行政法规进行全面清理,废止71件,布失效80件。
    In response to the requirements of a socialist market economy and China's WTO membership, the State Council made a sweeping review of the 756 administrative statutes promulgated by the end of 2000, resulting in 71 of them having been nullified and 80 others declared no longer in effect.
  • 宾果一种碰运气的游戏,每个牌手有一张或多张印有不同数字的方块牌,当由叫牌人抽到并布各自的数字时即在方块牌上记分。第一个记下完整数字列的牌手为赢家
    A game of chance in which each player has one or more cards printed with differently numbered squares on which to place markers when the respective numbers are drawn and announced by a caller. The first player to mark a complete row of numbers is the winner.
  • 修女的生活或宣誓
    The life or vows of a nun.
  • (女)修道会誓在修道院院长管理下过修行生活并受誓言约束的(尤指由修女们组成的)团体
    A community, especially of nuns, bound by vows to a religious life under a superior.
  • 请跟着我宣誓。
    Repeat the oath after me.
  • 法官提醒那个证人她已经过誓了。
    The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath.
  • 他宣誓支持国王。
    He swore an oath to support the king.
  • 证人宣过了誓。
    The witness is on oath.
  • 他们大声宣誓。
    They yelled the oath.
  • 使宣誓,使发誓
    To put under oath.
  • 在誓约之下称是真实的。
    asserted as true under oath.
  • 誓后作的严肃声明。
    a solemn statement made under oath.
  • 要求证人宣誓。
    The witnesses were placed under oath.
  • 使某人宣誓
    To make someone swear an oath
  • 我做选手宣誓。
    I take a "sportsman's oath."
  • 我做选手宣誓。
    I take a " sportsman 's oath."
  • 誓证人写下誓书的证人
    One who testifies under oath, especially in writing.
  • 法官要证人宣誓。
    The judge administered the oath to the witness.
  • 他已誓要把所看到的一切都讲来出。
    He was on oath to tell all he saw.
  • 陪审员们正式誓就职。
    Jurors formally take an oath to take up office.
  • 承认未经誓但庄严且正式地声明
    To declare solemnly and formally but not under oath.
  • 我们必须要他誓不讲出来。
    We must put him under oath not to tell.
  • (二)在报纸上传军纪军令的重要性,以为发动内战的准备;
    To start a press campaign on the importance of observing military discipline and military orders in preparation for launching civil war.
  • 占据进入、占有(土地)以布对其的所有权
    To go to or occupy in order to claim possession of(land).