Chinese English Sentence:
  • 尔,爱德华·米尔斯生于1912美国物理学家,因发现液体和固体的核磁共振而获1952年诺贝尔奖
    American physicist. He shared a1952 Nobel Prize for work concerning the measurement of magnetic fields in atomic nuclei.
  • 奥乔阿,文洛生于1905生于西班牙的美国生化学家,因其在核酸生物合成上的工作,而荣获1959年诺贝尔奖
    Spanish-born American biochemist. He shared a1959 Nobel Prize for work on the biological synthesis of nucleic acids.
  • 鲁船长看了看那些数字。
    Captain Seru looked at the numbers.
  • 阻隔用一个或多个障碍物将(道路)堵
    To block or fill(a passage) with obstacles or an obstacle.
  • 阻塞物;障碍物
    Something that obstructs; an obstacle.
  • 疏通用替代的通道、管道或路线来避免(阻
    To avoid(an obstacle) by using an alternative channel, passage, or route.
  • (如管道或阀门)
    To block off or obstruct(a pipe or valve, for example).
  • 腔静脉阻塞综合征
    vena cava obstruction syndrome
  • 由于血流阻而导致的休克。
    shock caused by obstruction of blood flow.
  • 由于对心脏肌肉的血液供应阻而导致心脏组织的破坏。
    destruction of heart tissue resulting from obstruction of the blood supply to the heart muscle.
  • 闭塞阻塞的过程
    The process of occluding.
  • 维持压力直到把堵排除。
    Keep the pressure up till you have blown the occlusion out.
  • 敌人占据了我们的要
    The enemy occupied our fort.
  • 敌人很快占领这座要
    The enemy soon occupied the fort.
  • 堆满装满或满以致于过剩。
    fill or occupy to the point of overflowing.
  • 圣安姆意大利裔的英国主教,哲学家和神学家,他创立了学院哲学并以对上帝存在论的论证而闻名
    Italian-born English prelate, philosopher, and theologian who founded Scholasticism and is best known for his ontological argument for the existence of God.
  • 弗兰克,萨尔·奥古斯特1822-1890法国风琴手和作曲家。作为老师发挥了很大影响。其最得意之作是《d小调交响曲》(1889年)
    French organist and composer who exerted great influence as a teacher. His most acclaimed work is his Symphony in D minor(1889).
  • 用垫料填装饰性地加以衬垫和缝制
    To pad and stitch ornamentally.
  • 狭窄入口要的外围工事的狭窄入口
    A narrow entrance into the outwork of a fortification.
  • 这一理论认为由于我们头脑中进了过多的信息,用来储存产品信息的空间就非常有限了。
    This theory asserts that because of the overcrowding of information in our minds, we only have so much room for storing information about products.
  • 一辆货车在路上翻车了,堵了路,所以交通被阻
    A lorry overturned on the road and blocked it, so all the traffic was held up.
  • 她把酒瓶住了;妈妈橡皮奶头进了婴儿的嘴里。
    She stoppered the wine bottle; The mothers stoppered their babies' mouths with pacifiers.
  • 每辆开来和开走的公共汽车都得像沙丁鱼罐头一样拥挤。
    Every bus arrives and leaves packed as fully as a sardine tin.
  • 她把衣服进手提箱。
    She packed her clothes into the suitcase.
  • 扎好活门塞
    Pack a valve stem.
  • 用裹布包扎用纱布包扎(病人)
    To wrap(a patient) in a pack.
  • 把包裹塞到她的手里
    Thrust the package into her hand.
  • 这个歌唱家总是使音乐会大厅满了人。
    This singer always packs the concert halls; They murder trial packed the court house.
  • 驮鞍内皮革垫料的驮鞍
    A packsaddle made of a stuffed leather pad.
  • 用填物衬、垫、放或填
    To pad, pack, line, or plug with wadding.
  • 他们往椅子的坐垫里填马鬃以使之柔软。
    They padded the seat of the chair with horse-hair to make it soft.
  • 使家俱具有填物弹簧织状物和覆盖物。
    provide furniture with padding, springs, webbing, and covers.