  • 榨出,提取,蒸馏通过化学作用或机械作用从某物质中获得,如通过榨、蒸馏或蒸发
    To obtain from a substance by chemical or mechanical action, as by pressure, distillation, or evaporation.
  • 他们夸大个人的作用,强调个人的威信,只能听人奉承赞扬,不能受人批评监督,甚至有些品质恶劣的人,还对批评者实行制和报复。
    These comrades exaggerate the role of the individual and emphasize personal prestige. They lend a willing ear to flattery and praise, but cannot bear criticism or supervision; some persons of bad character even go so far to stifle criticism and resort to reprisals against their critics.
  • 她丈夫殷切地希望她能成功,给了她很大的力。
    Her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed.
  • "那个市议员一直在对这个公司施加很大的力,要他们接受这批劣质原料。"
    That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
  • 使液体上升并在力下排出的泵。
    used to force a liquid up and expel it under pressure.
  • 塑料从细孔挤出来形成纤维。
    Plastic material is extruded through very small holes to form fibres.
  • 长壁工作面地压
    ground pressure at longwall face
  • 尽管面对着倒性的优势,游击队仍旧不肯屈服。
    despite facing overpowering odds the partisan froces remained unsubdued.
  • 热量单位等于在一个大气下将磅的水提高华氏度所需的热量;相当于(待查表)卡路里。
    a unit of heat equal to the amount of heat required to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at one atmosphere pressure; equivalent to 251.997 calories.
  • 政府对这次罢工的镇失败了。
    The government's repression of the strike failed.
  • 安妮:只有这样才能充分体现出公正和选手的真实水平,不会制和埋没人才。
    Annie: Only in this way can the fairness and levels of the athletes be displayed. The talents will not be suppressed neglected.
  • 气压在下降.
    The glass (ie atmospheric pressure) is falling.
  • 有几个人被落下来的岩石死了.
    Several people were crushed to death by the falling rocks.
  • 气压在降低
    The air pressure is falling.
  • 他们从倒下的树边跑过来;倒下的墙碎了汽车。
    they ran from the falling tree; a falling wall crushed the car.
  • 地震由于地质断层积聚的力被释放或由于火山活动引起的地壳的突然变动
    A sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity.
  • 这位总统以善于向议会成员施加力并说服他们对他的提案投票赞成而闻名。
    The president was famous for twisting the arms of members of Congress to persuade them to vote favourably on his proposal.
  • (十)在重庆和各省大批逮捕抗日人士,镇抗日运动;
    To make wholesale arrests of prominent people favouring resistance to Japan and suppress the anti-Japanese movement in Chungking and in the provinces.
  • 鸟翅膀上的羽毛一片着另一片。
    One feather overlaps another on a bid 's wing.
  • 调节器在机器上或蒸汽机上一种反馈装置,用作对如速度、力或温度实行自动控制
    A feedback device on a machine or an engine that is used to provide automatic control, as of speed, pressure, or temperature.
  • 他强压怒气。
    He suppressed his feelings of anger.
  • 泊在港内的渡轮增强了锅炉的汽,准备驶向那个岛屿。
    The ferryboat in the harbor got op steam for the crossing to the island.
  • 她将手指在嘴唇上示意安静下来。
    She placed her fin-gem to her lips to signal silence.
  • 轴节目为20分钟的烟花汇演及激光表演,其中一个环节,是瀑布般的烟花从青马大桥桥面下泻海中,构成壮观无比的景象。
    The grand finale was a 20-minute fireworks and laser display, which included a spectacular 'waterfall' of fireworks cascading from the deck of the Tsing Ma Bridge.
  • 到二零一零年,预计会再增加百分之五十,这会对政府财政构成重大力。
    This share is projected to increase by a further 50% between now and 2010, putting great pressure on our public finances.
  • 由麻省理工学院研制的电流器是一种无指手套,它配有发光的二极管显示器。当你的力荷尔蒙达到高位时,显示器会发出明亮的白光。
    MIT's Galvactivator is a fingerless glove rigged with an LED display that glows bright white when your stress hormones go into high gear.
  • 弹指,轻击用一指尖于拇指之下,然后突然松开的突变或轻轻一击
    A snap or light blow made by pressing a fingertip against the thumb and suddenly releasing it.
  • 但最近芬兰科学家的研究结果告诉我们,即便对于健康人来说,工作力仍有可能夺去他们宝贵的生命。
    Now Finnish scientists have now shown that even in healthy people the pressures of work can take their toll.
  • 然而,在过去的25年里,芬兰职业卫生研究所米卡·基维迈基和他的同事们对芬兰一家金属公司的812名健康芬兰职工进行了长期的病史跟踪研究。结论是:工作力过大同样也是导致心脏病发作的重要因素之一。
    But Mika Kivimaki, of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, and his colleagues, who studied the medical histories of 812 healthy Finnish men and women in a metal industry company over 25 years, said job stress also plays an important role.
  • 消防队员用水龙管住了火势。
    The firemen kept the fire down with water from the hoses.
  • 已烷一种无色可燃液体,c6h14,从石油的分馏中提取,用作溶剂和低温度气计中的工作流体
    A colorless, flammable liquid, C6H14, derived from the fractional distillation of petroleum and used as a solvent and as a working fluid in low-temperature thermometers.
  • 我们向敌人右翼过去。
    We bore down upon the enemy's right flank.