  • 每次汇出本金的金额不得超过本金总额的百之二十,相邻两次汇出的时间间隔不得少于一个月。
    The amount of each batch of principal repatriation should not exceed 20% of the total principals, and the interval between two repatriations should not be shorter than one month.
  • 每次汇出本金的金额不得超过本金总额的百之二十,相邻两次汇出的时间间隔不得少于三个月。
    The amount of each batch of principal repatriation should not exceed 20% of the total principals, and the interval between two repatriations should not be shorter than three months.
  • 被甄别为非难民的人士,可循两个不同但并行的计划,返回越南,别是:由联合国难民事务高级专员署(简称"专员署")办理的自愿遣返计划,以及有秩序遣返计划。
    The repatriation of screened-out non-refugees to Vietnam has been effected through two separate but parallel programmes, namely, the voluntary repatriation (Volrep) programme operated by the UNHCR and the Orderly Repatriation Programme (ORP).
  • 大部非法入境者是为了找寻工作和获得较佳工资,因此当局经常派员前往建筑地盘、工厂及其他工作地点搜查,如发现非法入境者在港工作,会先行检控然后予以遣返。
    Most illegal immigrants came to the HKSAR seeking work and higher wages. Frequent checks were conducted on construction sites, factories and other places of employment. Illegal immigrants found working were prosecuted before repatriation.
  •  第二十六条 合格投资者为封闭式中国基金管理机构的,汇入本金满三年后,可委托托管人持规定的文件向国家外汇局申请期、批购汇汇出本金。
    Article 26. In the case that a QFII is a closed-end Chinese fund management company, it can mandate its custodian, with the submission of required documents to SAFE to apply for purchase of foreign exchange for the repatriation of principals by stages and by batches three years after its remittance of the principals.
  • 公司已同意期偿还贷款。
    The company has agree to repay the loan in stage.
  • 他为安抚债权人偿还了部借款。
    He tried to pacify his creditor by repay part of the money.
  • 商业贷款通常可以定期的偿还。
    business loans are usually repayable in regular installments.
  • 伯恩:这点同贷款的偿还十相似。
    It's quite similar to credit repayment.
  • 我工资的相当一部要还抵押借款。
    But a lot of my salary go in mortgage repayment.
  • 偿还款项可期於两年偿清。
    Repayments can be spread over two years.
  •  如果依照前款规定,专利权人或者专利权转让人不向被许可实施专利人或者专利权受让人返还专利使用费或者专利权转让费,明显违反公平原则,专利权人或者专利权转让人应当向被许可实施专利人或者专利权受让人返还全部或者部专利使用费或者专利权转让费。
    If, pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the patentee or the assignor of the patent right makes no repayment to the licensee or the assignee of the patent right of the fee for the exploitation of the patent or of the price for the assignment of the patent right, which is obviously contrary to the principle of equity, the patentee or the assignor of the patent right shall repay the whole or part of the fee for the exploitation of the patent or of the price for the assignment of the patent right to the licensee or the assignee of the patent right.
  • 这笔贷款摊二十五年偿还。
    The repayments of the loan are spread over 25 years.
  • 你已经签了期付款购买法合同,但实际上你无法偿还,你在行动前应该谨慎。
    You've signed that gire purchase agreement and you can't really afford the repayments. You should look before you leap.
  • 那些要求撤销最新工会法规的人在职工大会上形成了一个活跃子集团。
    Those who want to repeal the latest trade union legislation have formed a ginger group within the TUC.
  • 五、在社会生活领域中充发展
    Chapter V Full Advance in Society
  • 怨天尤人,满腹牢骚(尤指无充理由)
    Grumble repeatedly; complain, esp without good reason
  • 严重的精神病,例如精神裂症和严重的情绪失衡,大多在青少年期和成年初期出现。
    Severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and severe mood disorders, often start at teenage and in early adulthood.
  • 小报始终进行着追踪报道:先是夫妇二人的居,随后是双方竟相努力赢得公众的支持,接下来是戴安娜和查尔斯双双在电视上对婚外恋供认不讳。
    The tabloid fodder kept coming: There was the royal separation, the two camps' attempts to woo the public, the televised admissions by both Charles and Diana of adultery.
  • 电荷同性的子互相排斥。
    Particles with similar electric charges repel each other.
  • 所以必须坚决反对投降派,对于反共子的进攻必须站在自卫立场上坚决地打退之。
    we must resolutely oppose the capitulators and, in self-defence, firmly repel the attacks of the anti-Communist elements.
  • 用平板印刷;用来吸收或派墨汁使它们达到理想模式的光滑平面(石制的或铁制的)。
    printing by lithography; a flat surface (of stone or metal) is treated to absorb or repel ink in the desired pattern.
  •  中国法律规定,对确有悔改和立功表现的罪犯,经人民法院裁定别给予减刑、假释。
    China's law stipulates that prisoners who really show repentance and have rendered meritorious service can, upon rulings of the people's courts, have their sentences commuted or be put on parole.
  • “双学双比”活动历经十年,以其鲜明的时代特征、丰富的活动内容、显著的社会效果,得到了国务院领导的充肯定,各级政府的有力支持和广大农村妇女的普遍欢迎,成为在农村妇女中持续时间长、参与范围广、社会反响大的一项成功的群众实践活动。
    With its distinctive modern features, abundant activities and prominent social effect, "Learning and Competing Campaign" so far has undergone ten years and fully affirmed by leaders of the State Council. It has been strongly supported by governments and well received among women in rural areas. With a wide-ranging participation, this mass practice has proved a successful one sustaining long among rural women and evoking great repercussions in society.
  • 洛加尼斯必须完成一个近乎满的动作才能获得金牌,而他真的做到了这一点。他最后做出了其拿手好戏中最难的动作:一个抱膝1周半空翻,就这样仅以0.1的优势从熊倪那儿夺走金牌。
    Louganis had to make a near perfect dive to take the gold and he did it with the most difficult one in his repertoire, a 1-1/2 somersault in tuck position, allowing him to edge Xiong Ni by a mere point to win the gold.
  • 一件艺术品(乐曲或戏剧),它是标准剧目的一部,但因为重复过多而变得陈腐。
    a work of art (composition or drama) that is part of the standard repertory but has become hackneyed from much repetition.
  • 他们中的一部将蓝调与摇滚、民谣及乡村音乐等风格融合,而同时期的其他艺人则如护卫珍宝那样尝试着保留蓝调乐中的精髓部
    Some incorporated it with rock & roll, pop, folk, and country music, while others faithfully covered gems of the classic blues repertory.
  • 把单词或者词组用作连续句的句首的重复。
    repetition of a word or phrase as the beginning of successive clauses.
  • 第一部的背诵练习是为了使学生熟悉一下对话的语调。
    The first repetition drill serves to familiarize the students with the sounds in the dialogue.
  • 为了安全完成驾驶任务,在高速公路上驾车与在乡村公路上驾驶车辆的状态相比,可区出θ波与β波状态。
    The repetitious nature of that form of driving compared to a country road would differentiate a theta state and a beta state in order to perform the driving task safely.
  • 人工智能领域中的一个专门支,研究完成重复工作的机器人的工业应用。
    A specific area of the field of artificial intelligence applied to the industrial use of robots doing repetitive tasks.
  • 乡土音乐一种综合了爵士乐、布鲁斯歌曲和爵士灵歌特性的流行音乐,以多切音的节奏和低沉、经常重复的低音线为特征
    A type of popular music combining elements of jazz, blues, and soul and characterized by syncopated rhythm and a heavy, repetitive bass line.