  • ,美國、中國地及英國是本港最大的市場,輸往這些地方的産品,分別占港産品出口總額的30.1%、29.6%及6.1%。
    In 1999, the USA, the Mainland and the United Kingdom were Hong Kong's largest markets, absorbing 30.1 per cent, 29.6 per cent and 6.1 per cent of total domestic exports, respectively.
  • 在鍋爐裝水管是為了吸收一些熱量。
    Water-tubes are fitted in a boiler with the object of absorbing some of heat.
  • 有八肢的頭足類動物,無殼。
    eight-armed cephalopod lacking an internal shell.
  • 羽狀殼烏賊的殼質的
    The chitinous internal shell of a squid.
  • 經過消化營養物(養分)被吸收進體的過程。
    the process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion.
  • 這個窩棚在三小時就匆匆搭起來了。
    The shelter was chucked up in thee hours.
  • 該署已於年開始策劃興建大澳及燈籠州的船衹碇泊處及重建四個分別位於坪洲、長洲、吉澳洲及烏溪沙的公衆碼頭。
    It also began planning for the construction of sheltered boat anchorage areas at Tai O and Tang Lung Chau, and the reconstruction of the existing public piers at Peng Chau, Cheung Chau, Kat O Chau and Wu Kai Sha.
  • ,社署增設了340個庇護工場名額、580個輔助就業名額、147個展能中心名額、50個精神病康復者訓練及活動中心名額、40個中途宿舍名額、400個長期護理院名額、360個弱智人士宿舍名額和60個輔助宿舍名額。
    In 2001, there were an additional 340 places in sheltered workshops, 580 places in supported employment, 147 places in day activity centres, 50 places in training and activity centres for ex-mentally ill persons, 40 places in halfway houses, 400 long stay care home places, 360 places in hostels for the mentally handicapped, and 60 places in supported hostels.
  • 在看這個劇時,他努力領會所看的容。
    While watching the play, he tried to absorb what he was seeing.
  • 他們發現要在一個鐘頭把這一課都吸收是睏難的。
    They found it difficult to absorb the lesson in one hour.
  • 他需要一些時間來消化今天所學的容。
    He needs some time to absorb what she learn today.
  • 他需要一些時間來消化今天所學的容。
    He needs some time to absorb what he learned today.
  • 儘管該片背後有些多鮮為人知幕,這主要是由於威利斯與該片的製作商shepherd和編劇glenngordoncaron之間的長期矛盾的結果。但是該片是他在1985-1989年期間較為成功的一部影片。
    Though the show experienced trouble behind the scenes, in large part due to a long-running conflict between Willis, Shepherd, and the show's creator, Glenn Gordon Caron, it was a major hit during most of its 1985-1989 run.
  • 在對錯誤傾嚮、壞人壞事作思想鬥爭和組織處理的問題上,這些年來黨確實滋長了過分容忍、優柔寡斷、畏難手軟、息事寧人的情緒,這就放鬆了黨的紀律,甚至保護了一些壞人。
    In waging ideological struggle against negative tendencies, persons and acts and in meting out organizational sanctions, Party people have tended in recent years to be a little too tolerant, hesitant, tender-hearted and ready to gloss things over to avoid trouble. Consequently, Party discipline has been lax that some bad people have been shielded.
  • 他由於太嚮而怯於與他人交往。
    He is too shy to mingle with others.
  • 我們一周售出了20,000件商品。
    We shift 20,000 items in one week.
  • 穆哈蘭節在回歷正月最初十天舉行的什葉派教徒節日
    A Shiite festival held during the first ten days of this month.
  • 皰疹病毒一種含有脫氧核糖核酸的動物病毒之一,可在寄生細胞的核形成有特色的含物實體,從而引起如木痘、傳染性單核細胞增多癥,單純性皰疹和帶狀皰疹
    Any of a group of DNA-containing animal viruses that form characteristic inclusion bodies within the nuclei of host cells and cause diseases such as chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, herpes simplex, and shingles.
  • 收到你方信用證30天發貨。
    Goods will be shipped within 30 days after receipt of your L/C.
  • 這就是一種“排除模式”,不去問不該問的問題,一則在國際上逃避責任,另外則是在國誤導美國人民的思考模式。
    This is a form of "mode of exclusion". Never ask questions which are not supposed to be asked. For one, it isto shirk the responsibility in the international arena. For another, it is to shape the thinking modes of Americans within the United States.
  • 這就是一種“排除模式”,不去問不該問的問題,一則在國際上逃避責任,另外則是在國誤導美國人民的思考模式。
    This is a form of "mode of exclusion". Never ask questions which are not supposed to be asked. For one, it is to shirk the responsibility in the international arena. For another, it is to shape the thinking modes of Americans within the United States.
  • 逃避自己份的任務。
    shirking your assigned duties.
  • 婆羅門創世主,主要被想象成包括護持神毗濕奴和濕婆神在,構成的三位主神的其中一成員
    The creator god, conceived chiefly as a member of the triad including also Vishnu and Shiva.
  • 每一年,在那段時間,她一定會守候在電視機前。然後,她就會開始發表意見。例如,雖然報道某某閣成員患病但卻看來氣色不錯,或者某某人居然已經滿頭白發了等等。
    Every year, without fail, she will stay glued to the goggle-box at that very moment and comment on how so-and-so from the Cabinet looks well despite reported illness, or how Mr X has shockingly grown a head of white hair.
  • 在短短幾個月建起的劣質房屋
    Shoddy houses that were thrown up in a few months.
  • 把這些支持放進核,通常會使這些功能更快、更強。但是,當把越來越多的功能硬塞進核時,就更難生産出能維護、能升級和能按時提交給客戶的操作係統。
    Putting such support in the kernel usually makes those functions faster and more robust. But as more and more capabilities are shoehorned into the kernel, it's harder to produce operating systems that can be maintained, enhanced and delivered to customers on time.
  • 有些人管它叫“靈巧射手”,這種新式步槍是美國步兵的一種合二為一的武器,它在1000碼以百發百中,而且還能夠繞開障礙。
    Some call it the Smart Shooter, a new rifle for American infantry troops that is two weapons in one, is accurate up to 1,000 yards and in effect fires around corners.
  • 王平:在巴拉圭隊,奇拉維特不僅是一位優秀的守門員和出類拔萃的射手,他的重要作用還在於他是巴拉圭隊的核心,是巴拉圭隊的精神領袖,在隊起着中流砥柱的作用。
    Wang Ping: On the Paraguayan team, Chilavert is not just an ex-cellent goalkeeper and outstanding shooter. His important function is that he is the core and the spiritual leader of the team. He plays the role of a tower of strength.
  • 但那個做過人流的秘密一直在其心縈繞着。
    But the secret of the abortion lingers inside.
  • “在10年,我們應可以使華語成為咖啡店、小販中心和商店中的通用語言。
    "In 10 years, we should be able to get Mandarin established as the language of the coffee shop, of the hawker center, of the shops.
  • 旅館內有理發院嗎?
    Be there a barber shop?
  • 旅館內有理發院嗎?
    Is there a barber shop?