  • 拥挤的共汽车、繁忙的道路、住满人的旅馆
    Crowded buses, roads, hotels
  • 用道路上发生的。
    taking place over public roads.
  • 这两条道路在前面一处汇合成一条大道。
    The roads merge a kilometre ahead.
  • 自动唱机音乐设在路旁的小酒店,供应廉价的饮料、食物以及提供跳舞的音乐
    A roadside drinking establishment that offers inexpensive drinks, food, and music for dancing.
  • 年内,该局在各园、游乐场及路旁市容地带所栽种的植物逾40万株。
    In 1997, more than 400000 plants were planted in parks, playgrounds and roadside amenities.
  • 全港共有616部路旁意外求助电话,沿途装设在各条快速路及天桥上──港岛区有81部、九龙区有112部,而新界区则设有423部。
    There are 616 sets of roadside emergency telephones installed along expressways and flyovers - 81 sets on Hong Kong Island, 112 in Kowloon, and 423 in the New Territories.
  • 截至一九九八年底,全港共有669部路紧急求助电话,装置在各条快速路及天桥沿途上:港岛区有81部,九龙区有152部,而新界区则设有43部。
    There were 669 sets of roadside emergency telephones installed along expressways and flyovers at the end of 1998 - 81 on Hong Kong Island, 152 in Kowloon and 436 in the New Territories.
  • 路旁木箱里装着草莓和玫瑰,一座倾坍的牲口棚在镜子般的绿色池水中映出倒影,池里长满了水藻,一匹老得跑不动的白马若有所思地看着路上奔驰的车辆。
    Strawberries and roses in wooden crates at roadside stands. A dilapidated barn reflected in the green looking glass of an algae-filled pond. And there was an old white horse no longer able to trot, wistfully watching cars running down the open road.
  • sybase司今年四月布的自适应组件体系结构(aca)代表了该司产品的统一和今后该司产品系列在cbd方面的进展。
    The Adaptive Component Architecture (ACA) framework, which Sybase unveiled in April, represents both a unification of the company's products and an ongoing evolution of its product families in the direction of CBD.
  • 铺了石块的路的路面。
    the surface of a paved roadway.
  • 路上捕捉超速者的陷阱。
    a trap arranged on a roadway for catching speeders.
  • 行车道指桥梁的行车道或指高架的
    The roadway of a bridge or an elevated freeway.
  • 收费区路上形成收费处入口的加宽路面
    A widened roadway forming the approach to tollbooths on a highway.
  • 人们为了达到减速目的而在路的路面上设的成十字形的路的脊皱。
    a hindrance to speeding created by a crosswise ridge in the surface of a roadway.
  • 路上汽车无法通过的一块区域;为步行者提供一个安全的区域。
    an area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians.
  • 堤用以阻挡水或支持路而建造的土堆或石堆
    A mound of earth or stone built to hold back water or to support a roadway.
  • 桥凌驾在沟壑或障碍物上,如河流,路上,构成通道的建筑物
    A structure spanning and providing passage over a gap or barrier, such as a river or roadway.
  • 人行道和路相交形成的边,此边是用一系列边石构成,(通常它也构成排水沟的一部分)。
    an edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones (usually forming part of a gutter).
  • 为保证要买的车子可以适用于路上所做的试验。
    test of the roadworthiness of a vehicle one is considering buying.
  • 为保证车子可以适用于路上所做的试验。
    a test to insure that a vehicle is roadworthy.
  • 操作系统、网卡和服务器供应商必须开发和测试数量不断增多的设备驱动程序,同时各司面临着支持范围很广的多厂家设备混合配置这样越来越困难的任务。
    Operating system, network adapter and server vendors must develop and test an ever-growing number of device drivers, while corporations are faced with the increasingly difficult task of supporting a wide range of multi-vendor configurations.
  • 牛吼大型动物的吼叫声,如
    The roar of a large animal, such as a bull.
  • 狮子大吼是为了确立它的领地——它那如雷鸣般的吼声几里外就能听到。
    Lions roar to define their territory -- and the thundering sound can be heard from several kilometers away.
  • 社会名流馆,尖拱低矮,萨克逊式柱子粗短,狼牙闸门一道道,好像狮子吼叫个不停②;
    the Hotel of the Lions, with its low, pointed arches on short, Saxon pillars, its iron gratings and its perpetual roar;
  • 吼叫发出象牛般的低沉吼叫声
    To make the deep roaring sound characteristic of a bull.
  • 那些拥有几家关键且有实力的大用户(他们运行多媒体或类似应用软件)并计划更换网卡的司应该评价一下25兆位/秒的atm(即atm25)。
    Companies that have several key power users -- those running multimedia applications and the like -- and that are planning a change from network adapter cards should evaluate 25M bit/sec ATM (ATM25).
  • 那头公牛怒吼着。
    The bull roared with anger.
  • 商店经理怀疑有个职员窃取款。
    The shop manager suspected that one of the clerks was robbing the till.
  • 路响马拦路抢劫的人,拦路强盗
    A man who holds up and robs travelers on a road.
  • allstate保险司向新泽西州官员申报撤出该州的次日,罗宾斯到她当地的[保险]代理人那儿去问几个问题,并且有一种旧事重演的感觉。
    The day after the Allstate Insurance Company filed a plan with New Jersey officials to pull out of the state, Teresa Robbins went to her agent here with some questions and a sense of déjà vu.
  • 她的纯情女性形象使人难免把她同好莱坞主朱利娅.罗伯茨相互比较。
    Her innocent sex appeal has made comparisons between Sandra and Hollywood princess Julia Roberts inescapable.
  • 司发言人罗宾·蒂滋说,没有一种颜色能够脱颖而出,相反地,顾客们普遍期待蓝色番茄酱的诞生。
    Instead, customers called for blue, Heinz spokesman Robin Teets said.