  • 妇女事务委员会致力消除社会上的性别成见,让妇女分发挥所长。
    The Women's Commission will strive to attain the realisation of women's full potential and the elimination of gender prejudices.
  • 伊丽莎白尽管年纪大了,仍然精力沛。
    In spite of her age Elizabeth is still going strong.
  • 充满同情的表情
    A look eloquent with compassion.
  • 她的脸分表现出喜悦。
    Her face was eloquent of pleasure.
  • 《双城奇谋》是电影《指环王》的第二部,同样也是根据j.r.r.托尔金的同名小说改编的。在这部小说中,托尔金描述了在满魔幻色彩的中土世界,居住着精灵族、哈比特族和巫师,正义与邪恶在那里进行了一场史诗般宏大的的战争。
    "Two Towers" is the second movie based on the classic J.R.R. Tolkien novels about an epic struggle between good and evil in the fictional land of Middle-earth that is inhabited by elves, hobbits and wizards.
  • 现在,我们提倡解放思想,重申毛泽东主席提出的“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,目的就是创造条件调动全民的积极性,使中国人的聪明智慧分地发挥出来。
    But now we are encouraging people to emancipate their minds and reiterating the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", as was proposed by Chairman Mao Zedong, so as to create the necessary conditions for arousing the Chinese people's initiative and bringing their intelligence and wisdom into full play.
  • 社会主义基本制度确立以后,还要从根本上改变束缚生产力发展的经济体制,建立起满生机和活力的社会主义经济体制,促进生产力的发展,这是改革,所以改革也是解放生产力。
    After the basic socialist system has been established, it is necessary to fundamentally change the economic structure that has hampered the development of the productive forces and to establish a vigorous socialist economic structure that will promote their development. This is reform, so reform also means the emancipation of the productive forces.
  • 诗歌中满着许多美好的感情。
    Many sentiments are embalmed in poetry,
  • 不久前,黄海博士提出我们应该跨越“讲华语运动”,我们应该使更多华人不只能讲华语,还要能读能写华文,才能更分地陶醉在自己的文化中,寻找自己的根源。
    Not long ago, Dr Hong Hai proposed that we should surpass the ''Speak Mandarin Campaign''. We should enable even more Chinese not only speak, but also to read and write Mandarin, so that they can more fully enjoy their own culture and embark on the search of their own roots.
  • 看,我校的运动员进场来了!他们穿着印有我校校名字样的运动衫,看上去个个精力沛。
    Look, our athletes are marching into the arena! They all look full of vigour in sweat-shirts emblazoned with the name of our school.
  • 张士柏英语网的成功就在于,我们深信只了解和领会了一门语言的文化背景,才能分体现这门语言。
    The success of PEN lies in our belief that to fully embody a language,we must understand and embrace the culture of the language.
  • 第三,创出体育建筑精品。分体现可持续发展的理念,努力探索建筑技术、艺术与环保的有机结合,为首都留下独特的奥运遗产。
    3) We will create masterpieces of sports facilities that reflect the integration of construction technologies, architectural art and environmental protection and fully embody the concept of sustainable development, leaving a unique Olympic legacy to the capital city.
  • 囊胚由分裂受精卵产生的早期胚胎外形,由围绕满液体的洞的球形细胞层组成
    An early embryonic form produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum and consisting of a spherical layer of cells surrounding a fluid-filled cavity.
  • 冒烟的或满烟雾的。
    marked by or emitting or filled with smoke.
  • 着迷于满激情;打劫
    To overwhelm with emotion; enrapture.
  • 满了或者表达出深沉的感情。
    full of or expressing deep emotion.
  • 用来指走极端的激进分子的满感情色彩的词语。
    emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals.
  • 满了兴奋的气氛;情感饱满的讲话。
    an atmosphere charged with excitement; an emotionally charged speech.
  • (音乐)满感情和热情,以很强的节奏感和即兴表演为特点。
    (music) emotionally charged and intense and marked by strong rhythms and improvisation.
  • 近期初步锁定84项与奥运密切相关的科技项目进行重点实施,以后还要陆续进行调整和实。
    Recently we primarily lock 84 projects of science and technology closely related to the Olympics and emphatically implement them. These will be adjusted and supplemented in succession later on.
  • 虽然有很多事情使重商主义所依据的前提条件看上去似是而非,但重商主义断然把货币和其余各种有价财产区别开来还是有一些理由的,尽管理由很不分。
    While there were so many things to render the assumption which is the basis of the mercantile system plausible, there is also some small foundation in reason, though a very insufficient one, for the distinction which that system so emphatically draws between money and every other kind of valuable possession.
  • 超心理学补心理学中经验科学研究的哲学研究,研究意识思想中那些不能基于客观或经验证据来评价的方面
    Philosophical inquiry supplementing the empirical science of psychology. Metapsychology deals with aspects of the mind that cannot be evaluated on the basis of objective or empirical evidence.
  • 两种来源在著作权立法中未得到分利用,一种是经验主义,一种是宪法主义。
    There are two sources of rhetoric and meaning that have been underutilized in copyright legislation, one empirical and one constitutional.
  • 在战争紧急时期,政府有时不得不征用民船,加以武装,拨海军使用。
    In a sudden employ of war, a government is sometimes obliged to employ armed ships in its navy.
  • 招收,补给……提供新成员或新雇员
    To supply with new members or employees.
  • 第二款当任何一州有参议员出缺时,该州行政当局应颁布选举令,以便补空额。各州州议会授权该州行政当局任命临时参议员,其任期至该州人民依照州议会的指示进行选举补缺为止。
    When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.
  • 先前已经用光的东西。
    fill something that had previously been emptied.
  • 圣灵降临节的属于、关于或是基督徒通过在祭祀中模仿基督使者降临,祈求圣灵满内心的各种宗教集会
    Of, relating to, or being any of various Christian religious congregations whose members seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, in emulation of the Apostles at Pentecost.
  • 王平:竞技体育存在的不足,完全可以从非竞技项目中得到补
    Wang Ping: The deficiency existing in athletic sports can be en-tirely supplemented from non-athletic events.
  • 我们应当让同志们分发挥他们的作用。
    We must enable comrades play their parts to the full.
  • 网管员通过简单安装扩就能使dsml在当前的目录上实现。
    Network managers can enable DSML on current directories by simply installing extensions.
  •  没有超出老戏的套路,贾德饰演的乔安娜·厄里斯很小的时候,就遭到父亲的遗弃,她在少年看管所中渡过了自己的青春,并长成为一个满魅力的女杀手,她专门引诱那些有钱的男人,并当一个申张伪女权主义的复仇者(回到了《双重危险》的情节)。
    Not to be outdone[5] in the back story department, Judd's Joanna Eris was abandoned by her father as a little girl, spent her youth in juvenile detention centers, and has grown up to become an enchanting murderess who hooks up with wealthy men to enact a pseudo-feminist revenge (back to Double Jeopardy).