| - 她列举出了她遇到的许多困难。
She enumerated the many obstacles she had encountered. - 我们鼓励大专院校发展杰出学科;
We will encourage tertiary institutions to develop areas of excellence. - 他帮我出主意,给我鼓励。
He assisted me with good counsel and encouragement. - 你的鼓励会激发我们做出新的努力。
Your encouragement will stimulate us into new efforts. - 马丁在黑暗中挣扎,没有人给他出主意,没有人给他鼓励。
Martin struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement. - 母亲的鼓励使他鼓足勇气写出更好的诗歌。
Mother's encouragement drove him on to write better poems. - 那家新公司已经做出了令人鼓舞的开端。
The new company has made an encouraging start. - 落实鼓励外贸出口的政策措施。
The policy measures for encouraging exports must be fully carried out. - 市场对於在三月推出的试验计划反应十分热烈。
Market response to the Pilot Scheme we launched in March has been very encouraging. - --群众性献爱心活动广泛开展,涌现出一批志愿者队伍。
A mass campaign encouraging kindness to orphans is now wide"ispread and volunteers are numerous. - 应当向群众适当指明,过去某些“左”的办法,特别是乱打人杀人、破坏工商业、侵犯中农利益、对地富扫地出门、流氓坏人当权等等,都是违反了中共中央和毛主席的方针和政策,于人民不利的,所以必须纠正。
We should appropriately make it clear to them that the "Left" practices of the past, especially indiscriminately beating and executing people, damaging industry and commerce, encroaching upon the interests of middle peasants, casting out landlords and rich peasants and letting hooligans and scoundrels hold power, ran counter to the principles and policies formulated by the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao, did harm to the people and, therefore, must be put right. - 今年,审计署组织对45户大中型中央国有或国有控股企业1998年度财务收支进行了审计,查出企业资产、负债不实,资产流失严重,以及逃废银行债务,私设“小金库”等问题,同时发现了11件违法犯罪案件线索。
This year, the National Audit Office organized and carried out the audit of the revenues and expenditures of 45 large and medium sized state owned enterprises or state share controlling enterprises for the year of 1998 and disclosed some problems like false statement of assets and liabilities, serious encroachment and losses of state assets, intentional turning bank liabilities into bad debts and secretly running “ little hidden coffers” etc. and found clues to 11 economic criminal cases. - 与之相反,明钥系统的用户可以分配公开钥匙,以让其它人对报文加密,而这种报文只能用专用的钥匙读出。
In contrast, users of public-key systems can distribute their public keys to allow others to encrypt messages that can then be read only with the private key. - 安全html是建在web服务器内的指令集,对包进行加密而使它们不易被读出,从而增加了安全性但减慢了信息的传输。
Secure HTML, an instruction set built into Web servers to encrypt packets so they cannot be easily read, adds security but slows down the transfer of information. - 3.加密和用户认证:当在无线网络发送无线请求时,会出现下面几个步骤:
3. Encryption and User Authentication: When a wireless request is sent over the Wireless Network, the following steps occur: - (美国)国家标准与技术局和国家安全局提出了一种特殊形式的对称钥匙加密系统。
A special form of symmetric-key encryption system was proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and National Security Agency (NSA ). - 已抵押出去的种植园
a plantation encumbered with mortages - 中国大百科全书出版社
Encyclopedia of China Publishing House - 下个月他们将出一部了不起的新百科全书。
They are going to come out with a great new encyclopedia next month. - 他从百科全书中查到了资料。石头中可不能冒出水
He got his information out of an encyclopedia. You can't get water out of a stone. - 近年来,国家拨付了以千万元计的巨额资金支持校勘出版共计150部的传统藏学的百科全书《中华大藏经》。
In recent years, the state has earmarked tens of millions of yuan for the publishing of Zhonghua Dazang Jing, an encyclopedia of Tibetan studies in 150 volumes. - 吴作栋总理本月26日为华裔馆出版的《海外华人百科全书》主持推介仪式时,指出我国华人须在多元种族的背景,以及整个东南亚政治和社会的环境下,促进华族的文化与语言。
Launching " The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas " published by the Chinese Heritage Centre on October 26, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong reminded Chinese Singaporeans of the need to advance Chinese culture and Mandarin within the multiracial context of Singapore and the political and social milieu of Southeast Asia. - 光盘有600兆字节的容量,非常适合需要大存储量的计算机应用。音乐光盘播放音乐的效果非常完美,没有像用其他唱片那样的嘶嘶声和噼啪声。计算机系统必须配备一个cd驱动器用来读取光盘并将数据转换到计算机能够处理的形式。cd盘可以储存大量数据,这对于文献资料的存储非常有用,如存储一部百科全书。然而,正如其名字(只读存储器)所指出的那样,cd盘不能写,也不能用任何方式改变其内容。
Optical disc has a 600 megabyte capacity and are well suited for the computer applications needing the vast storage. The playback effect of optical discs for music is very perfect,no hiss and crackle as with other photo-records. A computer system must have a CD drive that is designed to read the disks and translate the data into a form it can process. CD disks can store huge volumes of data and are very useful for reference material an encyclopedia,for example. However,as the name(read-only memory)implies,CD disks cannot be written on or changed in any way. - "演出快结束时,那演员的成功已是肯定无疑的了。"
"By the end of the performance, the actor was in." - 结果,酗酒不仅使自己出丑,其行为还会危及自身的安全和他人的安全。
As a result,drunks not only make a fool of themselves but their drunken behavior could endanger their safety and the safety of others. - 为确保地下输水设施得到妥善保养和维修(这些设施如漏水会影响斜坡安全),该署研究了508幅填土斜坡,结果共发出18份勘测/修葺令。
To ensure proper maintenance and repair of buried water-carrying services, leakage from which might otherwise endanger slopes, 508 fill slopes were studied, resulting in the issue of 18 investigation/repair orders. - 我保证我们将完全确保我们的安全,确保我们永不再受到这背信弃义的危害,我相信我表达出了国会和人民的意志。
I believe that I interpret the will of Congress and of the people, when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. - 第四十一条 在煤矿井下作业中,出现危及职工生命安全并无法排除的紧急情况时,作业现场负责人或者安全管理人员应当立即组织职工撤离危险现场,并及时报告有关方面负责人。
Article 41 When an irresistible emergency occurs which may endanger the lives and safety of the miners who are working underground in coal mines, the person in charge on the spot or other persons in charge of safety shall immediately help the miners to leave the dangerous site and report the matter to the leading members concerned without delay. - 毒气从管道里喷了出来,危及了几百人的生命。
The poison gas blew off from the pipe and endangered the lives of about hundreds. - 加拿大濒危野生生物状况研究委员会的一个科学家小组整理出一个最新的统计表,里面包括了291种濒危或受威胁的物种,还有另外23种已经灭绝。
A group of scientists on the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada put together and updates the list, which now includes 291 endangered or threatened species, with another 23 already extinct. - 在本港进口、出口或管有濒危动植物种,均受《动植物(濒危物种保护)条例》所规管。该条例旨在执行《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》的规定。
Imports, exports and possession of endangered species are regulated by the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance, which implements the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). - 虽然政府已经列出了291种哺乳动物、鸟、昆虫和植物为濒危物种,但是,至今还没有通过保护它们的法律。
While the Government has assembled a list of 291 species of animals, birds, insects and plants that are endangered, it has not so far passed legislation that protects them.