  • 这样的包装保平安险和盗窃和提货不险已被保险公司接受。
    Such packing has also been accepted by our insurance company for WPA and TPND.
  • 事实上大多争议可以友好的方式解决,要眼于长期发展的关系
    As a matter of fact most disputes can be settled in a friendly way, with a view to developing a long-term relationship.
  • 心理学家认为,个人对话治疗是解决愤怒问题最有效的方法。愤怒并非单独产生的,它还隐含和嵌入许多其它情绪,比如伤心、悲痛、羞辱等等。一旦有机会,愤怒的人总是想倾诉。
    Psychologists believe that individual talk therapy is the most effective for anger problems. Anger doesn't occur by itself. It's nested and embedded with a lot of other emotions -- sadness, grief, shame. Angry people want to talk, given the opportunity.
  • 坐电梯到三楼,左拐。沿走道走。您会看到一块牌子在您的右手边。
    Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.
  • 这意味可能会发生这种情况:当你进入大学时,从劳工部的“需求增长最快的职业”名单中选好了一种职业,但当你毕业时,却发现这一行业的需求锐减。例如,一名2006届高中毕业生浏览美国政府发布的2004-2014年护理行业预测时,会看到当时对该职业前景的预测很乐观,理由是资深护士即将退休,因而预计会产生“成千上万的工作机会”。
    That means you could pick a job from the Labor Department's "fastest-growing" list when you enter college, only to find the field in a slump by the time you graduate. For example, a 2006 high-school graduate eyeing the government's 2004-2014 forecast for nursing at that time would have read about excellent job prospects, with "thousands of job openings" predicted because experienced nurses were expected to retire.
  • 字体形状千差万别,大小不一,颜色各异。但这不意味你可以随心所欲,选择使用任何字体:以下几种字体就不建议使用。
    Fonts come in all shapes and sizes and colours. But that doesn't mean you're allowed to go mad and use just ANY font though: these ones are banned.
  • 已经陪伴我们太久了。如今,在使用这个字体时,人们常会顺理成章地联想到这个场景:一名中年男子抛弃了他的妻子,换了位更年轻,更性感的模特作伴。因此,Arial作为一种字体,与衣邋遢的、心灰意冷的弃妇有异曲同工之妙。
  • 张骞这样的遭遇并不罕见。很多在私企工作的应届毕业生面临相似的问题。
    Zhang isn't alone. Many new graduates who work for private companies face similar problems.
  • 他提到,这并不只是意味员工需要是多面手。同时他(她)还得善于同各行各业的人打交道。
    This doesn't just mean that an employee needs to be versatile. He or she also needs to be skillful in getting along with people of various professions, according to Zhang.
  • 社交网络的流行意味更多年轻人成为社区游戏的爱好者。这些游戏不仅是一种乐趣,更是一个不错的工作机会。
    The boom in social networking services (SNS) has meant more young people playing social games. They're not just fun, they're a good job opportunity.
  • 能想象穿睡衣工作么?彻底摆脱和客户进行无聊的工作会议,你所要做的就是在博客上对某家饭店进行点评,和网友分享一些图片和视频内容。
    Can you imagine working in your pajamas? You can forget those dull meetings with clients and business talks. All you need do is comment on a hotel and share pictures and videos on your blog.
  • 穿了件汗衫或者衣服多穿了一点点可能会让你失去一份工作。手掌有汗或额头上的汗珠不会给人留下好印象。出汗将被看作是一个表示柔弱和紧张的迹象。穿你的面试服装在朋友面前先实际演练一下。面试绝对不是个应该汗流浃背的场合。
    You can lose a job by wearing an undershirt or simply a little too much clothing. Sweaty palms or beads on your forehead will not impress. Sweat will be seen as a sign of weakness and nervousness. Do a practice run with your job interview outfit in front of friends. The job interview is one place you definitely don't want to be hot.
  • 要是你觉病加重了,就请马上来门诊。
    If you feel worse, please come back to the clinic right away.
  • 你要觉难受,无论白天黑夜都赶紧上医院看去。
    If you feel worried, don't hesitate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night.
  • 你哪里觉着不好?
    What's your trouble?
  • 你觉着好一些吗?
    Are you feeling better?
  • 不错.中医有五千年的历史.它对疾病的发生,发展和治疗都有完整的理论体系.针灸只不过是治疗像你的椎骨侧突疾病的一种最有效的方式.
    Yes, Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) has a history of more than 5,000 years. It has a complete theory about the occurrence, development and treatment of diseases. Acupuncture is only one of the most effective ways to treat diseases such as your pleurapophysis.
  • 拔火罐就是把一个真空的杯子放在皮肤上引起局部充血的一种治疗方法.通常,医生把一个点燃的酒精棉球放在杯子里一会儿以排出里面的空气使它成为一个真空杯,接快速地把空杯子放在选定的皮肤上.
    It is a congeted treatment using a vacuum cup sucked firmly on the skin. Usually, the doctor fires an alcohol sponge and puts it inside the cup for a short while to make the cup a vacuum one, then he places the vacuum cup instantly over the selected spot of the skin.
  • 我给你开一张化验单。你带化验单到化验室去。检查完后,请把化验报告给我送过来。
    I'll write out a slip and you can take it to the laboratory. Wait for a while and pick up the report, and then bring it back to me.
  • 比起你驾驶考试不合格来说,更大的灾难还多呢。
    There are worse calamities than failing your driving test.
  • 车正在那边等,咱们现在就去宾馆吧。我来帮您拿行李好吗?
    Our car is waiting over there. Let's drive to the hotel. May I help you with your luggage?
  • 你说你们公司做什么来
    What is it your company does again?
  • 很好。感谢你们的盛情好客,我也期待与总经理先生见面。
    Yes, that's fine. Thank you for your kind hospitality. I look forward to meeting your General Manager.
  • 有些实际材料拿到手总比坐闲聊强。
    Better have something we can get our hands on rather than just spend all our time talking.
  • 我一直都盼望参观贵厂。
    I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us. 53 Welcome to our factory. 54 I've been looking forward to visiting your factory.
  • 表述每道工艺间的衔接情况。
    They describe how each process goes on to the next.
  • 竞争的加剧,纺织品贸易越来越难做了。
    Textile businesses have become more and more difficult since the competition grew.
  • 转行也就意味你要做一些培训。参加这些培训也许可以获得相关学位,通过实习或参加培训来获得新的工作技能。
    Changing your career may mean you have to undergo some training. That could take the form of earning a degree, doing an internship or taking courses to learn some new skills.
  • (看Brian)Talyer先生,您会发现Brian是Apex贸易公司的大将
    (looking at Brian) You'll find Mr. Tayler-Brian - is a force to be reckoned with at Apex Tradig.
  • 好,我们等着他。
    Good, we'll be expecting him.
  • 我们会向货运公司手申请赔偿的。
    We'll start a claim with the shipping company.
  • 此报盘眼于扩大销路而且很有竞争性。
    This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.