  • 也许福州会馆的努力可以给华人社团作为参考,如果要等到大气候对华文有利时才努力,就要付更大的代价了。
    The tireless efforts of the Singapore Foochow Association serves as a good example for other Chinese community groups to emulate. If we choose to wait until the overall situation is more conducive to the learning of the Chinese language, we may end up paying a heavier price.
  • 我向省委同志建议,最好去上海看一看,那里有些企业确实是艰苦奋斗来的,搞得既经济又实用,参观后可以改变一下观念,那里可是有很多值得我们学习、效法的宝贵经验。
    I also suggested that comrades of the Provincial Party Committee visit Shanghai, where some enterprises with economical and practical facilities really owe their success to their hard work. Such a visit may help you change your way of thinking, because these enterprises have a wealth of valuable experience for you to emulate.
  • atm论坛提的使atm适合局域网环境的倡议被称作局域网仿真(lane)。
    The ATM Forum's initiative to make ATM suitable for the LAN environment is called LAN emulation (LANE).
  • 随着局域网仿真的建立,atm论坛使atm在适用于局域网方面迈了第一步。
    With the establishment of LAN emulation, the ATM Forum took the first step toward making ATM useful in the LAN.
  • 观众们看见这位著名歌唱家现在舞台上时,立即齐声欢呼起来。
    The audience cheered en masse the moment they saw the famous singer appear on the stage.
  • 计分赛的车手们一起发。
    The riders in points race start en masse.
  • 工人们成群结队游行到市政厅,一起向政府提要求。
    The workers marched to the city hall and presented their demands to the government en masse.
  • 这种荒诞的情形是因为法律是律师制定、实行和提报告的。
    This ab-surd situation occurs because laws are made, en-forced, and reported on by lawyers.
  • 他们在这戏中担任男、女主角。
    They enact the role of hero and heroine in the play.
  • 例如一个国家可以很快颁布吸引外资的法令和经济政策。亚洲一些国家,甚至是拿新加坡的投资和经济政策依样画葫芦了名。
    For example, a country can enact laws and economic policies of Asia, some countries are even known to copy Singapore's investment and economies policies.
  •  没有超老戏的套路,贾德饰演的乔安娜·厄里斯很小的时候,就遭到父亲的遗弃,她在少年看管所中渡过了自己的青春,并长成为一个充满魅力的女杀手,她专门引诱那些有钱的男人,并充当一个申张伪女权主义的复仇者(回到了《双重危险》的情节)。
    Not to be outdone[5] in the back story department, Judd's Joanna Eris was abandoned by her father as a little girl, spent her youth in juvenile detention centers, and has grown up to become an enchanting murderess who hooks up with wealthy men to enact a pseudo-feminist revenge (back to Double Jeopardy).
  • 否决权政府的分支或部门的既定权力或宪法权利,用以否定另一个部门提的法案,特别是指行政官的否决由立法部门通过的议案的权力,如此阻止或耽误议案生效并成为法律
    The vested power or constitutional right of one branch or department of government to refuse approval of measures proposed by another department, especially the power of a chief executive to reject a bill passed by the legislature and thus prevent or delay its enactment into law.
  • 这种机器被称作diagnodent,价值$2,800,它可以用低功率的红外线照射牙齿,并且测牙齿的珐琅质是否发热或发亮,这是细菌性降解的相应反应。
    Called Diagnodent, the $ 2,800 machine illuminates the tooth with a low-power red laser and measures whether the enamel glows, or luminesces, in response -- a sign of bacterial degradation.
  • 经初步清点,清代宫廷遗留下来的文物,据1925年公开版的二十八册《清室善后委员会点查报告》一书所载,计有一百一十七万余件,包括三代鼎彝、远古玉器、唐宋元明之法书名画、宋元陶瓷、珐琅、漆器、金银器、竹木牙角匏、金铜宗教造像以及大量的帝后妃嫔服饰、衣料和家具等等。
    According to a 28-volume inventory published in 1925, the treasure trove left by the Qing numbered more than 1,170,000 items including sacrificial vessels and ancient jade artefacts from the earliest dynasties; paintings and calligraphy from the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties; porcelain from the Song and Yuan; a variety of enamelware and lacquerware; gold and silver ornaments; relics in bamboo, wood, horn and gourd shells; religious statues in gold and bronze;
  • 因此,研究者研究了更复杂的第三代血液替代品,它将血红蛋白以及在人造血红细胞内所需要的酶包裹起来。
    Thus, researchers are working on more complicated, third-generation blood substitutes that will encapsulate hemoglobin and the required enzymes inside artificial red blood cells.
  • 有个疯子撞上了我的汽车;你去的时候有个人给你打电话;有一天我的王子会现;某个销魂的夜晚。
    some lunatic drove into my car; some man telephoned while you were out; some day my prince will come; some enchanted evening.
  • 不论举目世上何方,不论是香博尔,还是阿朗布拉,也比不上这里那样神奇,那样虚渺,那样引人入胜。那一片林立的尖塔、小钟楼、烟囱、风标、螺旋梯、螺栓,还有许多像是同个模子制来的穿孔的灯笼,以及连片的楼台亭阁,成簇的纺缍形小塔(当时把小塔tourelle这个词称为tournelle),形状各种各样,高低大小不一,风貌千姿百态。
    Not a view in the world, either at Chambord or at the Alhambra, is more magic, more aerial, more enchanting, than that thicket of spires, tiny bell towers, chimneys, weather-vanes, winding staircases, lanterns through which the daylight makes its way,which seem cut out at a blow, pavilions, spindle-shaped turrets,or, as they were then called, "tournelles," all differing in form, in height, and attitude.
  • 中国革命就没有按照俄国十月革命的模式去进行,而是从中国的实际情况发,农村包围城市,武装夺取政权。
    The Chinese revolution was carried out not by adopting the model of the Russian October Revolution but by proceeding from the realities in China, by using the rural areas to encircle the cities and seize power with armed force.
  • 队伍一过江,敌人就混乱了,他们的想法只有一个,就是如何逃我们的包围。
    With just one thought on their minds--breaking out of the encirclement.
  • 我将你的信装入我的信中寄
    I will enclose your letter with mine.
  • 随函寄我方最新价格表一份。
    We enclose a copy of our latest pricelist.
  • 我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开面额300,000元的汇票一张,兹同函奉上,请承兑后寄还为荷。
    Enclosed we hand you a draft,$300,000, draw on you by our london house. kindly accept same and return.
  • 飞机炮塔战斗机上圆顶形的封闭式结构,炮手的位置,从飞机机身上突
    A domelike gunner's enclosure projecting from the fuselage of a combat aircraft.
  • 与通过数字或公式解决问题的方式不同,这种微型计算机的数据输入、输系统及软件都是由dna分子制成,dna分子在生物体内存储和处理信息代码。
    Instead of using figures and formulas to solve a problem, the microscopic computer's input, output and software are made up of DNA molecules -- which store and process encoded information in living organisms.
  • 计算机必须决定棋手可以将“马”放在棋盘的哪些位置上才能使这些"马"无法相互攻击。科学家让每一条rna分子链代表一种可能现的“马”在棋盘上的布局。
    " The computer must determine in which positions a chess player can place the knights on the board so that none can attack another The scientists encoded each stfand of RNA to represent a p0ssible confguration of knights.
  • “活体细胞内含有非常神奇的分子机器,它们对dna和rna信息编码分子的操作方式与计算原理大体相似。”研制dna计算机的研究小组主任沙皮罗说,“由于我们尚不知如何有效修改这些分子机器或创造新的分子机器,解决捷径就是从既有分子机器上寻找那些经过组合后能进行运算的分子机器。”他补充说。
    "The living cell contains incredible molecular machines that manipulate information? encoding molecules such as DNA and RNA in ways that are fundamentally very similar to computation," said Shapiro, the head of the research team that developed the DNA computer." Since we don't know how to effectively modify these machines or create new ones just yet, the trick is to find naturally existing machines that, when combined, can be steered to actually compute," he added.
  • 版的大型图册有《故宫博物院藏历代名画集》、《故宫藏瓷选》、《国宝》、《紫禁城宫殿》、《清代宫廷生活》、《国宝荟萃》、《故宫博物院藏珍品文物全集》(共60卷,已版18卷)等等,不胜其数。
    Published works encompass Famous Historical Paintings in the Palace Museum Collection, Selected Porcelain from the Palace Museum Collection, National Treasures, Palaces of the Forbidden City, Daily Life in the Forbidden City, A Collection of National Treasures, and The Complete Palace Museum Collection (in 60 volumes, of which 18 have been published so far).
  • 小组应听众之请又演了三个节目.
    The group gave three encores.
  • 演出一个接一个
    One encore followed by another.
  • 现在德里克14岁了,他又要做什么惊人之举呢?
    Now he's 14, and what's Derek doing for an encore?
  • 那钢琴家的独奏演会时间长、节目多,还加奏了两支曲子。
    The pianist gived a long and varied recital, with a couple of encore for good measure.
  • 海五公里遭遇了恶劣天气
    Encountered weather five miles out to sea.