  • "小羚羊走到它母亲的身边,开始吮吸乳汁,大概过了三钟,母狮子朝它们走去,羚羊妈妈就被吓跑了。"
    "The calf went to its mother and started suckling for about three minutes, then the lioness ran toward them and the mother oryx ran away."
  • 本港住户及工商界广泛使用气体燃料,一般使用的气体燃料有两类,别为煤气和石油气。
    Gas is widely used throughout Hong Kong for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. Two main types of fuel gas are available for general use : Towngas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
  • 如果他们一定要的话,那他们就应该做好一个决议案,在这个决议案的第一条上写道:“为了决心消灭我们顽固子自己和使共产党获得广大发展的机会起见,我们有反共反边区的任务。”
    If they must, they had better make a resolution starting as follows: "Determined as we are to liquidate ourselves and provide the Communist Party with ample opportunity to expand, we, the die-hards, assume the responsibility for attacking the Communist Party and the Border Region."
  • 为了使他们能收回贷款,通常要把政府的很大一部权力交给他们行使,直到这些地区被赎回,或债务已被税收抵消时为止。
    to enable them to do which, a great portion of the powers of government are usually made over simultaneously, to be exercised by them until either the districts are redeemed, or their receipts have liquidated the debt.
  • 顽固子要不被取消,除非他们自己进步才行。
    Indeed, to escape liquidation the die-hards have no alternative but to move forward.
  • 在其他个案中,破产案的债权人或强制清盘案的债权人及担人会召开会议,决定应否委任破产管理署署长或私营机构的其他合适人士,为受托人或清盘人。
    In other cases, a meeting of creditors in bankruptcy, or meetings of creditors and contributories in compulsory liquidation will be convened to decide whether the Official Receiver or some other fit persons from the private sector should be appointed trustee or liquidator.
  • 至于其他个案,破产案的债权人或强制清盘案的债权人及担人会召开会议,决定应否委任破产管理署署长或私营机构的其他合适人士为受讬人或清盘人。
    In other cases, a meeting of creditors in bankruptcy, or meetings of creditors and contributories in compulsory liquidations will be convened to decide whether the Official Receiver or some other fit persons from the private sector should be appointed the trustee or liquidator.
  • 这些债券大部由金融机构持有,以用作买卖及管理流动资金的需要。
    They are largely held by financial institutions for trading and liquidity management purposes.
  • 某君在这一刻对全盘股市看跌(涨),他可以立刻卖出(买进)指数期货。如果他在五钟后改变了想法,他可以立刻买进(卖出)、把盘口给盖了;除了价差,只是损失了一点交易费用。
    If there is good liquidity of SiMSCI Futures to start with, a virtuous circle can set in to draw in more hedgers and speculators, leading to even lower transaction costs and higher liquidity.
  • 阿根廷过去良好的表现部源于其资本结构和外汇制度,这两者扩大了外部流动资金环境的影响力度。
    Argentina's strong performance was in part the consequence of a capital structure and foreign-exchange regime that magnified the impact of external liquidity conditions.
  • 这孩子的口齿十不清。
    The child has a bad lisp.
  • 噢,记得,上个世界纪录是1436点45秒。是由葡萄牙运动员保持的。
    Oh,I ermember the listed world record is 14:345 held by a Portguese.
  • 分拆上市。
    A subsidiary company of a corporation is listed on the stock market.
  • 一个总是准备着争论的、精力充沛的、过自信的男孩;直接指向某个听众是一个武断的行为。
    an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue; pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act.
  • 女性常常把谈话看作是同听者享情感的方式.她们往住要说到自我感觉较好的地步才收住话题。
    Women more often view conversation as a way of sharing their emotions with the listener. They talk until they feel better.
  • 有一年高榜上的学生只有一名美国人,其余的全是中国人!
    One year the page listing the top scores had only one American the rest were Chinese!
  • 录簿复式簿记系统中登载原始账目的账本,记录下所有的交易,并表示出它们所归的专项类帐
    A book of original entry in a double-entry system, listing all transactions and indicating the accounts to which they belong.
  • 申请人应当将该序列表作为说明书的一个单独部提交,并按照国务院专利行政部门的规定提交该序列表的计算机可读形式的副本。
    The sequence listing shall be submitted as a separate part of the description, and a copy of the said sequence listing in machine-readable form shall also be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council.
  • 再走了一段路以后,驴更没精神了。主人又把货物移过去一部
    After another leg of the journey the donkey became listless, the master again lightened his burden.
  • 这些数字应该划为几个细目。
    The figures should be broken down into several lists.
  • 列出商品、服务和类广告的电话簿。
    the part of a phonebook that lists business products and services along with classified advertising.
  • oracle9ilite支持当今流行的开发工具(如microsoftvisualstudio和oraclejdeveloper),从而使开发人员能够充利用已掌握的工具和知识快速开发移动应用程序。
    Oracle9i Lite supports popular development tools like Microsoft Visual Studio and Oracle JDeveloper, letting developers rapidly develop mobile applications using the tools and knowledge they already possess.
  • 升容量的公制单位之一,等于1/10(10-1)升
    A metric unit of volume equal to one-tenth(10-1) of a liter.
  • 毫升容量单位,等于千之一(10-3)升
    A unit of volume equal to one thousandth(10-3) of a liter.
  • 布什,范讷瓦1890-1974美国电气工程师和物理学家,他研制出微析仪(1928年),即早期的电子计算机,并致力于第二次世界大战中第一枚原子弹的开发工作
    First Lady of the United States(since1989) as the wife of President George Bush. She has been active in promoting literacy.
  • 我们在下面把此诗开头部用汉语直译出来。
    We render the opening lines of Beowulf in literal modern English below.
  • 我们很想让这些孩子们都留下来,但是他们闹得实在太过了。
    We’d love to have these children stay, but they are literally too much of a good thing.
  • 米斯特拉尔,弗雷德里克1830-1914法国作家及复兴普罗旺斯语为文学语言运动的领导人,1904年与他人享诺贝尔文学奖
    French writer and leader in the revival of Provenal as a literary language. He shared the 1904 Nobel Prize for literature.
  • 他有文学天分。
    He is endowed with literary talent.
  • 他的文学批评十严苛。
    He is severe in his literary criticism.
  • 但我尽可能每个月存25或50美以备给小女儿买圣诞礼物。
    But I put aside twenty-five or fifty cents when I could afford it for my lithe girl's Christmas presents.
  • li和sang两位在第二跳中得到了四个满——10,从而使其他女选手无望起死回生,她们轻盈柔软的身体像把尖刀直插水底,几乎没有溅起任何水花。
    Li and Sang sank the women's field with four 10s on their second effort, creating hardly a splash as their lithe bodies knifed through the water.