  • “生产聚合物没有生产彩色晶体复杂,它们没有滤光镜、没有偏光镜、没有背光,光从正面发射来。
    "Polymers are no more complex to produce than colour crystal.There are no filters, no polarisers and no backlighting, light is emitted off the front surface.
  • 有声音的有声音的;能发声音或语言的
    Having a voice; capable of emitting sound or speech.
  • 发光的放光的,尤其是放射自己内部产生的光的
    Emitting light, especially emitting self-generated light.
  • 血或者好像流血。
    emitting or as if emitting blood.
  • 发光(或热)的发热或光的
    Emitting heat or light.
  • 以光亮为特点或者发光亮。
    characterized by or emitting light.
  • 烟以极大的量冒的。
    emitting smoke in great volume.
  • (指活的生物体)发光亮。
    (of living organisms) emitting light.
  • 突然、短暂或者断断续续爆发的光。
    emitting light in sudden short or intermittent bursts.
  • 或做零星分散或爆破的声音。
    emitting or making sporadic spitting or popping sounds.
  • 发白热光的由于遇热而发可见光的
    Emitting visible light as a result of being heated.
  • 同样,黑洞和中于星也能够释放v射线。
    There also have gamma-rays emitting from black holes and neutron stars.
  • 喷嘴用于施放流体的口,如喷嘴
    An outlet, such as a nozzle, used for emitting such a stream.
  • 散发光、热或射线的:放射性物质的物理温度。
    giving off light or heat or radiation: the physical temperature of the emitting material.
  • 例如,边缘发射的crt以与显示屏相平行的方向发射电子,而不是直接对屏幕发射电子,这样可以做更平的显示器。
    For example, edge-emitting CRTs fire off electrons parallel to the display screen rather than directly at it, allowing for flatter displays.
  • 任何处所如发过量噪音,该署可向处所拥有人发消减噪音通知书,?令在限期内消减噪音。
    The department may serve notice to require the owners of premises emitting excessive noise to reduce it within a given period.
  • 这两种技术最大的区别在于,单光子发射计算机化成像不用发射正电子的物质,而是用一个能发高能量光子的有放射性的跟踪剂。
    The major difference between the two is that instead of a positron-emitting substance, SPECT uses a radioactive tracer that emits high-energy photons.
  • ”布莱克默说,我们还无法确切知道高压电线致癌的运行机制,但可能是由于高压电线发叫做离子的带电微粒,而后被人吸入。
    Blakemore said the mechanism was uncertain but could be due to the high voltage lines emitting charged particles called ions which may then be inhaled.
  • 强烈涌出的大量情感
    An intense outpouring of exuberant emotion.
  • 充满了或者表达深沉的感情。
    full of or expressing deep emotion.
  • "她很易动感情,她丈夫到另一个城市差时她竟然放声大哭。"
    She was very emotional; she cried even when her husband left for another city on bysiness.
  • 激烈的情感反应。
    show a violent emotional reaction.
  • 表现缺乏情感上的牵连。
    showing lack of emotional involvement.
  • 技巧完美但是演奏沉闷的奏鸣曲;沉闷的冒险故事;谨慎、冷漠的傀儡……一个模子倒来的、沉闷无趣的势利——c·j·罗诺。
    a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata;l a desiccate romance; a prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery-C.J.Rolo.
  • 具有或表现强烈感情的。
    having or expressing strong emotions.
  • 强烈的感情涌现来;烟从那里涌现来。
    Strong emotions welled up; Smoke swelled from it.
  • 个人优点:色的与人沟通的能力和对客户极度负责,我认为好人才会赢。
    Personal Strengths: A Clintonesque ability to empathize ("I believe nice people can win") and an obsessive focus on customers.
  • 意识到或者表现对他人的关心和移情。
    feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others.
  • 它似乎是自台湾的新词,有因处于他人处境而对他人产生同情、怜悯之义。
    It seemed to be a Taiwanese word which means empathy.
  • 新教的皇帝应和天主教的皇帝轮流选
    A protestant emperor should be chosen time about with a popish.
  • 孙:您早就应该向中国第一个皇帝提这个建议。
    You should have made this suggestion to the first Chinese emperor long ago.
  • 音高而不是音响的重音。
    emphasis the results from pitch rather than loudness.