  • 心理析中的投入到某个想法或某人或某物上的性冲动。
    (psychoanalysis) the libidinal energy invested in some idea or person or object.
  • 心理析中的由性欲引起的心理能量。
    (psychoanalysis) psychic energy produced by the libido.
  • 为辅助小学生学习并鼓励他们养成良好的阅读习惯,政府除了设立课室图书馆外,还期为每所小学设立中央图书馆,并增聘一名学校图书馆主任,专责管理中央图书馆,以及为学生举办各类图书馆活动。
    To encourage good learning and reading habits among primary school pupils, the Government is providing, on top of class libraries, a central library in each primary school by phases. A teacher-librarian is provided to manage the school central library and to organise library activities for the pupils.
  • 心理析医生有开业许可证的心理析医生
    A licensed practitioner of psychoanalysis.
  • 它已经同意将其码多址技术许可授予中国联通。
    The company has licensed its CDMA (code division multiple access) technology to China Unicom.
  • 每当他们在某一商业政策上发生歧时,他总是不得不屈从。
    Whenever they disagree as to some business policy, he always has to lick the dust.
  • 杰克想到明年夏天将在海滩作救生员工作,心里十高兴。
    Jack is licking his chops about the lifeguard job he will have at the beach next summer.
  • 我问他愿不愿意和我们一道来,我的话还没问完,他就连声咂嘴,十愿意。
    I asked him if he wanted to come with us, and he was licking his lips even before I had finished asking the question.
  • 结婚时授给未来妻子处理的财产。
    an estate secured to a prospective wife as a marriage settlement in lieu of a dower.
  • 排由两个或多个排组成,通常由一名中尉指挥的军队中连的划
    A subdivision of a company of troops consisting of two or more sections and usually commanded by a lieutenant.
  • 连的一部的一个陆军单位;一般有一个营地和两个或两个以上的班;一般由一个陆军中尉指挥。
    a military unit that is a subdivision of a company; usually has a headquarters and two or more squads; usually commanded by a lieutenant.
  • 年底时,在临时市政局和临时区域市政局辖区服务的拯溺会别有14个和4个。
    At the end of the year, 14 and four lifeguard clubs operated in the Provisional Urban Council and Provisional Regional Council areas respectively.
  • 系带限制器官或身体部运动的纽带
    A ligament that limits the movement of an organ or a part.
  • 配整个负担数目的时候,不可使游击区比控制区还重,而在两面负担的地区,还应酌量减轻。
    When distributing the total burden, we should refrain from imposing heavier burdens in the guerrilla zones than in areas under our control, and appropriately lighten burdens on people in areas where they are loaded with burdens imposed both by the Kuomintang and us.
  • 敌占区游击战争的主要任务,是保护人民利益,减轻人民(特别是本区本村人民)对敌的经济和劳役负担,特别是保护壮丁粮食不被敌人捉去抢去,打乱敌人的统治秩序,阻止敌伪对人民的摧残,维系人心,打击敌伪的特务奸细活动,并在十有把握不暴露自己的条件下,打击小股敌伪,以达成在敌占区坚持斗争和积蓄力量的目的。
    The main tasks of guerrilla units in enemy-occupied areas are to safeguard the people's interests, lighten the economic and forced-labour burdens imposed on the people (especially people in the guerrilla units' own districts or villages) by the enemy, protect able-bodied men from being press-ganged and grain from being looted, disrupt the enemy's ruling order, prevent the enemy and puppet troops from trampling on the masses, maintain the people's morale, frustrate the activities of enemy and puppet secret agents, and attack small enemy and puppet units when they are absolutely sure of not being exposed -- all for the purpose of sustaining the struggle and building up their strength in such areas.
  • 橙色,橘黄色可见光谱中介于和黄色之间的那一部色彩,该部色彩通过波长在约590—630纳米之间的辐射线可被人眼观察;几组在色彩上介于红色和黄色之间的颜色,该颜色中等明亮且中度饱和
    The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between red and yellow, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately590 to630 nanometers; any of a group of colors between red and yellow in hue, of medium lightness and moderate saturation.
  • 灯光变得十分柔和。
    The lights shade in beautifully.
  • 他不喜欢那样地受到过的赞扬。
    He does not like to be overpraised like that.
  • 她有许多迷人之处,十可爱。
    She has a lot of charm, she's very likeable.
  • 比赛结果可能每钟都在变化。
    The likely out come of the contest varies from moment to moment.
  • 那两个兄弟有几相像。
    There is some likeness between the brothers.
  • 又如果我们党在被迫着同资产阶级裂时不同资产阶级进行坚决的、严肃的武装斗争,同样党也就会瓦解,革命也就会失败。
    and if our Party does not wage a stern and resolute armed struggle against the bourgeoisie when forced to break with it, our Party will likewise disintegrate and the revolution will likewise fail.
  • 要实现这一目标,你必须有雄心壮志,同时还得十努力
    To achieve this goal, you must have ambition; likewise you need to exert great effort.
  • 枝从树或灌木的主干或另一次级树枝上生长出来的次级树枝
    A secondary woody stem or limb growing from the trunk or main stem of a tree or shrub or from another secondary limb.
  • 伸肌肢体或躯体部的伸张或伸直的肌肉
    A muscle that extends or straightens a limb or body part.
  • 肱肢的部或臂上的隆起
    The part of a limb or process corresponding to an arm.
  • 腿脊椎动物四肢上位于膝盖和脚部之间的那部
    The part of the limb between the knee and foot in vertebrates.
  • 由于除掉肢体或其他身体重要组成部而造成的损伤。
    an injury that deprives you of a limb or other important body part.
  • 亚洲中部丘陵地带的粗腿鹿;雄鹿泌贵重的麝香。
    small heavy-limbed upland deer of central Asia; male secretes valued musk.
  • 他富于想象方,只几钟就能写出1首五行打油诗。
    He is full of imagination and can knock off a limerick in a few minutes.
  • 结构塑性极限分析
    plastic limit analysis of structures
  • 我们对限制战略核武器的问题作了十有趣的讨论......”
    We had a most interesting discussion on the question of limitation of strategical nuclear weapons..."