  • 嘟哝喉间发低沉的声音或叫喊
    To emit a low, guttural sound or utterance.
  • 微弱间歇的(光)
    To emit(light) in slight, intermittent gleams.
  • 吠,叫喊发尖利、高亢的犬吠声;叫喊
    To emit a sharp, high-pitched bark; yelp.
  • 像仪器一样发单一的短的信号。
    emit a single short high-pitched signal, as of apparatus.
  • 突然而强烈的发灯光火焰或者烟。
    emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully.
  • 大声而刺耳地发(叫唤或声音)
    To emit(an utterance or a sound) loudly and harshly.
  • 嚎叫,咆哮发悲伤,哀怨的长音
    To utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound.
  • 的光,像蛋白石。
    emit a play of colors, like those of an opal.
  • 指液体或气体形成或发气泡。
    form produce, or emit bubbles, as of liquids or gases.
  • 小褐蝙蝠就能发如此强的声音。
    The Little brown bat can emit such an intense sound.
  • 使流使(液体或物体)逐渐地放或流
    To discharge or emit(a liquid or gas, for example) gradually.
  • 放射以射线或象以射线一样发(光)
    To emit(light, for example) in or as if in rays.
  • 放音使(例如磁带或唱片)放事先录制的声音
    To cause(a record or phonograph, for example) to emit recorded sounds.
  • 哞哞地叫母牛发的低沉的吼叫;低的
    To emit the deep, bellowing sound made by a cow; low.
  • 发嘎嘎声产生或发快速、持续不断的简短敲击声
    To make or emit a quick succession of short percussive sounds.
  • 发光聚合物与电源相连时能发彩光。
    Light emitting polymers emit colours when connected to an electric power source.
  • 她发出痛苦的呼叫.
    She emitted a cry of pain.
  • 发光(或热)的发光线或热的物体或点
    An object or a point from which light or heat rays are emitted.
  • 臭气从地里冒的有毒或恶臭气体
    A poisonous or foul-smelling gas emitted from the earth.
  • 冷光以这种方式发的光
    The light so emitted.
  • 发出或放出
    To be given off or emitted.
  • 他像地狱冤魂似地发一声惨叫。
    He emitted a wail like a lost soul.
  • 辐射性衰变放的电磁射线,波长非常短。
    electromagnetic radiation emitted during radioactive decay and having an extremely short wavelength.
  • 在计算机图形学中,表示显示点发的光量。
    In computer graphics, the amount of light emitted at a display point.
  • 妨碍美国之音;妨碍发射台发的信号。
    Jam the Voice of America; block the signals emitted by this station.
  • 用高温物体发的颜色测量的高温计。
    a pyrometer that uses the color of the light emitted by a hot object.
  • 一种防止核衰变发的射线的铅或混凝土防护罩。
    a shield of lead or concrete intended as a barrier to radiation emitted in nuclear decay.
  • 恒星发的任何光子都被强大的重力场所吸引,使其陷入其周围轨道,永远也不会逃逸。
    Any emitted photons are trapped into an orbit by the intense gravitational field; they will never leave it.
  • 另一方面,如果被排的是中子,这个化学反应的产物则是一种未知的原子。
    On the other hand, if a neutron is emitted the product of the reaction is not a known atom.
  • 随着密度的增加,恒星里所发的光线的路径会发生弯曲,并最终不可逆地围绕包裹着恒星。
    As the density increases, the path of light rays emitted from the star are bent and eventually wrapped irrevocably around the star.
  •  前款规定的工业设备运行时发的噪声值,应当在有关技术文件中予以注明。
    The level of noise emitted by the industrial equipment in operation mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be specified in relevant technical documents.
  • 在大小、形状、褶和皱上大的变化被看作有助于接收和聚集回声和猎物发的声音。
    The large variation in sizes, shapes, folds and wrinkles are thought to aid in the reception and funneling of echoes and sounds emitted from prey.