  • 偶尔现的匿名泄密者和显赫的自传作家可能都自称从事诚实的事业,这就是问题所在,因为这既不可能完全接受,也不可能完全否认。
    The occasional anonymous tipster and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. There's the rub, for it is a claim that can be neither wholly admitted nor wholly dismissed.
  • 不论人们说到哪一种麦当劳的食品,它的价格都能被很准确地预测来。
    Whatever else one could say about McDonald's food, it is eminently predictable.
  • 实木等待着被转换成美国人的家庭用桌;他的书名的好译。
    substances readily translatable to the American home table; his books are eminently translatable.
  • 发射以光线或波的形式发和传播能量
    Emission and propagation of energy in the form of rays or waves.
  • 从火炉中发出的热
    the emission of heat from a fire
  • 散发物,发射物从一发射源发的东西;发射物
    Something that issues from a source; an emission.
  • 白热光物体遇热发可见光
    The emission of visible light by a hot object.
  • 这时,我们设想中子和正电子的排是同时进行的而不是仅排质子。
    We have assumed in this case that the emission of the neutron and the positive electron occur simultaneously, instead of the emission of a proton;
  • 水气从植物的叶子散发去。
    the emission of water vapor from the leaves of plants.
  • 余辉激振停止后的磷光物质所发的光
    The emission of light from a phosphor after removal of excitation.
  • 高能电场使得电子从原子剥离来向外发射的过程。
    the emission of electrons that are stripped from parent atoms by a high electric field.
  • 119.为了使香港的空气更清新,我们也要设法解决其他车辆造成的污染,我们已於上星期实施一套适用於轻型柴油车辆的新废气标准,可以令这类车辆排的有害废气减少达五成半。
    119. Other vehicle emissions also have to be tackled if we are to enjoy cleaner air in our city. New standards for light diesel vehicles which came into effect last week should reduce harmful emissions from individual vehicles by up to 55%.
  • 特纳的3个慈善机构中最大的联合国基金会最近在一个月内资2220万美元,用于在越南儿童中消灭肠寄生虫,减少中国的温室气体排放量和帮助布基纳法索妇女起动销售坚果酱的业务。
    Turner's UN Foundation,the biggest of his three charities,recently spent $22.2 in one month combating intestinal parasites in Vietnamese children,reducing China's greenhouse-gas emissions and helping women from Burkina Faso start businesses selling nut butter.
  • 通过对比主要的模式数据和二十世纪的气候记录以及推算目前气体排量的变化趋势,研究人员计算这个星球到二十一世纪四十年代有90%的可能性会升温1对到2.5度。
    By comparing the output of leading models to 20th-century climate records and extrapolating present trends in gas emissions, the researchers calculated a 90 percent chance that the planet will warm by 1.0 to 2.5 degrees C by the 2040s.
  • 对蝙蝠来说,为了听到它们最初发的声音的回音并不被它们自己的声音强度暂时震聋,中耳肌肉收缩将那里的锤骨、砧骨和镫骨分开并减小听觉的敏感度。
    For bats to listen to the echoes of their original emissions and not be temporarily deafened by the intensity of their own calls, the middle ear muscle contracts to separate the three bones there, the malfeasances and stapes”,and reduce the hearing sensitivity.
  • 间歇泉喷出水来。
    Geysers emit water.
  • 机动车的尾部排气管排有毒的浓烟。
    The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke.
  • 发出雁叫声
    To emit a honk.
  • 发出;散发
    To give off; emit.
  • 发光的生物发冷光。
    luminescent organisms emit heatless light.
  • 呼气发出空气或蒸汽
    To emit air or vapor.
  • 出血或流血
    To emit or lose blood.
  • 萤火虫发光但不放热。
    Fireflies emit light but not heat.
  • 他没发出任何声音。
    He did not emit a sound.
  • 发出高音信号
    To emit a bleep or bleeps.
  • 闪现出(光亮)
    To emit(light) in flashes.
  • 使流出;排出
    To cause to flow out; emit.
  • 嘭的一声发一种中空的咚咚的声音
    To emit a hollow, twanging sound.
  • 放射,照射以射线的形式向外散;发射
    To send out as rays; emit.
  • 大声发使人不愉快的笑。
    emit a loud, unpleasant kind of laughing.
  • 稳定的没有火焰的光芒。
    emit a steady even light without flames.
  • 清脆的叮当的声音。
    make or emit a high tinkling sound.