Chinese English Sentence:
  • 驱逐舰正在紧急地发灯光信号。
    The destroyer was winking urgently.
  • 许多老师对男孩子偷吸烟装作没看见。
    Many of the teachers wink at the boy 's secret smoking.
  • 你用不再说了——点一下就可以了。
    You needn't say no more--a nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse.
  • 她老是用眼睛瞟钟,明人不用细说,我借口有约会要见一位朋友,便起身告辞了。
    Her eyes kept straying to the clock and, a nod being as good as a wink to a blind horse, I said I had an appointment to meet a friend, and left.
  • 前面汽车指示灯闪光--示意要向右转。
    The car in front is winking it's going to turn right.
  • 那个城市的灯光在远处明灭
    The city lights were winking in the distance.
  • 他调皮地向他眨眼。
    he winked at her roguishly.
  • 他把失望抛在一边,微笑赞扬胜利者。
    Putting aside his disappointment, he smiled and praised the winner.
  • 忍受难熬的冬天天气;冬天褐色的草。
    suffered severe wintry weather; brown wintry grasses.
  • "搽眼角泪水的多阿想了一会儿说:"他们会升入天堂。"然后她又笑了。
    Wiping her eyes,Doa thought a moment. "They go to heaven,"she said,and then she smiled.
  • 我擦眼泪,擤鼻涕,告诉他说,"我再也不要狗了,狗死的时候,太让人伤心了。
    Between eye- wiping and nose- blowing,I told him," I don't ever want another dog.It hurts too much when they die."
  • 他长粗而卷曲的头发。
    He has wiry hair.
  • 他拉我的手,劝我回去。
    He took me by the hand and wised me to go back.
  • 古代的中国人充满智能,他们有一句格言,你应剪下来,贴在你帽子里。
    The ancient Chinese were a wise lot - wise in the ways of the world;
  • “我们早晨迟到了,”我告诉她,“闹钟响了,我却只想躺,希望今天是星期六,希望万物静止,停下休息一会儿。”
    “We were late this morning. I tell her. ‘The alarm went off but I just lay there wishing it was Saturday. wishing everything would just stop for a while.
  • 我念到一半时,抬头瞥见母亲正看我,嘴角泛若有所思的微笑。
    Halfway through reciting the entrées,I glanced up and saw Mom looking at me,a wistful smile on her lips.
  • 我念到一半时,抬头瞥见母亲正看我,嘴角泛若有所思的微笑。
    Halfway through reciting the entré es, I glanced up and saw Mom looking at me, a wistful smile on her lips.
  • 姐姐穿上那条裙子一定会很漂亮,他满怀渴望地想,就像是个天使。
    his sister would have looked beautiful in that dress, he thought wistfully, just like an angel.
  • 那巫婆声称只要想它,就能用意志消除任何形式的痛苦。
    The witch claims to be able to will away any form of pain, just thinking about it.
  • 员工们忧心忡忡地等待委员会的决定。
    All the staff waited for the committee's decision with a great deal of apprehension.
  • 我坐在一把有网眼的新式椅子上等候
    I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited.
  • 他们高兴地微笑着。
    They smiled with pleasure.
  • 充满或者伴随……。
    filled with or attended with.
  • 隐士,遁世者从社会中隐退、过独居生活的人;逸士
    A person who has withdrawn from society and lives a solitary existence; a recluse.
  • 我猜想这个沉默的孩子发生了什么事,原来那个快乐的孩子怎么突然变得沉默寡言起来。
    I wondered what would happen to this quiet child, once so happy, now so suddenly withdrawn.
  • 面对这种新形势,外资工作要眼于提高国民经济整体素质,增强国际竞争力和抗风险能力。
    In this context, our efforts in attracting foreign investment should be focused on improving the overall quality of the national economy, enhancing international competitiveness and the capability to withstand risks.
  • 亚洲金融危机以来,香港特区政府沉应对,采取了一系列有效措施,经受住了严峻考验,显示出管理香港社会、驾驭复杂局势的能力。
    Since the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis, the HKSAR government has calmly coped with the situation and withstood this severe test by adopting a series of effective measures, thereby demonstrating its ability to run Hong Kong society and deal with complicated situations.
  • 这篇演说穿插妙语。
    The speech was interspersed with witty remarks.
  • 他的膝盖在颤动;这辆破车晃悠前进。
    His knees wobbled; The old cart wobbled down the street.
  • 费德骑一辆旧自行车,摇遥晃晃地出现眼前。
    Feder came into sight, wobbling about on an old bicycle.
  • 但是这个联合会就像纸牌搭的房子,只要动一动某一方,整个机构就会跟颤动起来。
    But the Federation is like a house of cards: disturb one and the whole structure wobbles.
  • 在自行车慢行竞赛中,他们骑车,摇摇晃晃地在跑道上行,脸上都带一副相同的破釜沉舟的神情。
    In the slow-bicycle race, they wobbled along the track with identical do-or-die looks on their faces.