  • 简执意要与里弗斯及其姊妹享这笔遗产,一名律师发现他们实际上是她的表兄妹。
    Jane insists on sharing this legacy with Rivers and his sisters who, a lawyer discovers, are really her cousins.
  • 法律部分
    Legal and Protective Services
  • (指对时间的划)在生活的日常事情中得到合法的认定。
    (of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life.
  • 民间故事形成口头传说部的故事或传说
    A story or legend forming part of an oral tradition.
  • 如何配他旺盛的精力和浓厚的兴趣?
    How to channel the legendary energies and appetites?
  • 火车要在下一站停留20钟,到时候我们可以下车活动一下腿脚,享受一下美好的天气。
    The train stops for20 minutes at the next station, so we shall be able to stretch our legs and enjoy the good weather.
  • 这块招牌已看不清楚,因为大部字已磨掉了。
    The sign was no longer legible because much of the lettering had worn away.
  • 的确,最后几个字写得十模糊,几乎都无法辨认。
    And indeed, the last few words were scarcely legible.
  • 协调会议两个立法机构的议员为协商解决歧的而举行的会议
    A meeting of committees to settle differences between two legislative bodies.
  • 常听到两种说法,它们针对讲华语运动的好处,以及最近有关必须培养华文知识子与文化精英的论点提出疑问。
    There have been two commonly expressed concerns that question the merits or even the legitimacy of the campaign and especially the latest move to cultivate a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite.
  • 预支在合法获得之前使用或配资金,尤指信托资金
    The use or assignment of funds, especially from a trust fund, before they are legitimately available for use.
  • 他把交叉的腿分开。
    He uncrossed his legs.
  • 南非的豆科灌木的属,经常在槐属里。
    genus of South African leguminous shrubs often placed in genus Sophora.
  • 年内,李郑屋馆的专题展览"汉代服饰",吸引参观者共57000人次;
    The Lei Cheng Uk Branch Museum, with its thematic display, Han Costume, received 57000 visitors during the year.
  • 麝鼠一种美洲北部的大型水生啮齿动物(麝香鼠),与旅鼠和田鼠有关,长有深褐色皮毛和宽而扁的尾巴(下有放出麝香味的泌腺)
    A large aquatic rodent(Ondatra zibethica) of North America, related to the lemming and the vole and having a dense brown coat and musk glands under a broad, flat tail.
  • 贴息一笔贷款的总本金的百之一,预先支付给借出一方,并和利息开考虑
    One percent of the total principal of a loan, paid up front to the lender and considered separately from the interest.
  • 他骗我使我将我的大部积蓄都借给他了。
    He beguiled me into lending him most of my savings.
  • 事情总得有个寸--我不能继续借给你钱了。
    A line has to be drawn somewhere I can't go on lending you money.
  • 事情总得有个寸——我不能继续借给你钱了。
    A line has to be drawn somewhere -- I can not go on lending you money.
  • 尤指中等长度的一部
    particularly a section of medium length.
  • 成几部,特别是纵长
    To become separated into parts, especially to undergo lengthwise division.
  • 机身宽大的机身宽、由两个纵向通道开乘客坐位的一种喷气式飞机的
    Being or relating to a jet aircraft having a wide fuselage with passenger seats divided by two lengthwise aisles.
  • 间奏曲划一部长篇作品或著作各主要部的短小乐章
    A short movement separating the major sections of a lengthy composition or work.
  • 这男孩长期与母亲开会导致心理上的问题。
    Lengthy separation of the boy from his mother can lead to psychological problem.
  • 章,回,篇一部相对较长作品的一个主要部,如通常标有页数和标题的书的
    One of the main divisions of a relatively lengthy piece of writing, such as a book, that is usually numbered or titled.
  • 展开部,就章法而言,稍嫌长了些,空洞了些,除此之外倒也简单明了,难怪格兰古瓦在其心灵深处的真诚圣殿里,也为这出戏的简洁明晰赞赏不已。
    The exposition, perhaps somewhat lengthy and dry, but strictly according to prescribed rules, was simple, and Gringoire, in the inner sanctuary of his judgment, frankly admired its perspicuity.
  • 对任何腐败行为和腐败子,都必须一查到底,决不姑息,决不手软。
    All practices of corruption and corrupt elements shall be found out through investigation without tolerance or lenience.
  • 对任何腐败子都必须彻底查处、严惩不贷。
    All corruptionists must be thoroughly investigated and punished without leniency.
  • 贪污子,贪污数量很大的,就是坦白从宽,再宽大,党籍总要开除吧;
    Embezzlers of very large sums must be expelled from the Party, no matter how much leniency is shown them because they have confessed their crimes;
  • 当然还是要别是非轻重,要以事实为根据,以法律为准绳,还是要讲坦白从宽抗拒从严的政策。
    Of course, we still need to distinguish between right and wrong and between more serious and less serious crimes, to take facts as the basis for judgement and the law as the criterion, and to be lenient with those who confess and severe with those who refuse to.
  • 他评分很宽。
    He marked the paper leniently.
  • 在这本书里,列宁深入地析了党内斗争。
    In the book Lenin gave a profound analysis of the struggle inside the Party.