| - 因此,演说角落出现,仿佛旱天下雪,自然被海内外舆论贴上政治标签。
Therefore, the emergence of the Speakers' Corner is like snow in a desert and naturally, it is politicised by overseas and local opinion. - 在私人医院,若非急诊,则需先出具保险证明,然后才能接受治疗。
For non-emergencies, proof of insurance is a prerequisite for receiving care in a private hospital. - 如果这些威胁没有被查出,经济方面的严重危害会在全球范围爆发,随之而来的可能是人道主义的危机或者是国际危机。
Had these threats been unchecked, serious economic harm would have occurred on a global basis, along with the potential for humanitarian emergencies or international crisis. - 这家百货公司有四个紧急出口。
There are four emergency exits in the department store. - 出现紧急情况时,请给警察打电话。
In an emergency, telephone the police. - sie--出现紧急情况的状态指示
SIE - Status Indication Emergency - 做出紧急着陆;关于航行器。
make an emergency landing; of aircraft. - 如果出现紧急情况,按红色电钮。
In an emergency, press the red button. - 埃默里加上一句,"我认为她总是过分抢出风头终于毁了她自己。"
"I think her unseemly rush to always garner headlines has finally done her in, " Emery added. - 埃默里加上一句,“我认为她总是过分抢出风头终于毁了她自己。”
"I think her unseemly rush to always garner headlines has finally done her in," Emery added. - 因为到底不像出国旅游观光那样轻松自在,留下来的和走的人,都是“受伤者”。
Emigration is more than a light-hearted tour of sightseeing abroad. Relatives and friends, both those leaving and those left behind, feel sad about the separation. - 有关国人移居海外的问题,似乎未受到各方面特别的关注,不过,随着人口老化越来越显著,婴孩出生率又没有达到理想的目标,这将成为严重的问题。
Apparently, the emigration of Singaporeans has yet to receive widespread attention. This will become a serious problem as the population is turning grey and the birth rate is falling below the replacement level. - 马克伸出胳膊,紧紧地搂住埃米莉,伤心地哭了,这确实很糟糕。
Mark put his arms around Emily Holden and held her close and cried. It was awful. - 22岁的姑娘埃米莉·霍顿是一名出色的小学教师,她长得非常漂亮,学生都很喜欢她。
Emily Holden was a mighty pretty girl of about twenty-two. The school teacher, and a good one. Even the pupils liked her. - 他在职业上出人头地。
He has achieved eminence in his profession. - 显赫的地位最高的,最杰出
Highest in rank or eminence. - 人们使她出了名。
She was brought into eminence. - 成为一位杰出的外科医生
Rose to eminence as a surgeon. - 名人,杰出人物在某一特定领域取得成功的人
A person who has achieved eminence in a specific field. - 但从教育意义看,也许青年人受益更突出,正如老年人更擅长言辞,行为更为明智一样。
But for the moral part, perhaps youth will have the pre-eminence, as age hath for the politic. - 余教授在对话会上提出了建造第四座桥(指艺术创造之桥),那是说将来中华文化的卓越地位的建立以及赢得世人的尊崇,可能是依靠一批新型的桥梁式的人物,亦可能是依靠某种奇迹现象的产生。
Prof Yu has also championed the idea of building a fourth bridge--one of creativity. It may appear in the form of a personality or a phenomenon, to help regain the pre-eminence and respect of the Chinese culture. - “市民先生们,”那个人说,“市民太太们,我们将不胜荣幸地在红衣主教大人阁下面前,朗诵和献演一出极其精彩的寓意剧,名为《圣母玛丽亚的公正判决》。
“Messieurs the bourgeois,” he began, “and Mesdemoiselles the bourgeoises, we shall have the honour of declaiming and performing before his Eminence Monsieur the Cardinal a very fine Morality entitled ’The Good Judgment of Our Lady the Virgin Mary. - 在同代人中是杰出的
be eminent among one's contemporaries - 我们卓越的教授;杰出的学者;伟大的政治家。
our distinguished professor; an eminent scholar; a great statesman. - 法官们不论多么明智或杰出,毕竟都是人,因此都会犯错误。
Judges, however wise or eminent, are human and can make mistakes. - 权高位重的人;杰出的牧师;这个社区的引人注目的成员们。
people in high places; the high priest; eminent members of the community. - 非难是一个人出名向公众付出的代价。
Censure is the tax a man paid to the public for being eminent. - 非难是一个人出名向公众付出的代价。
Censure is the tax a man pay to the public for is eminent. - 他是位杰出的学者,但他从来不卖弄自己的学问。
He is an eminent scholar, but he always keeps his knowledge in the background. - 这引起了当时英国最杰出的拳击家理查德·汉弗莱斯的注意。
This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England. - 法律学者,法学家全面了解法律知识,有法律经验的人,尤指杰出的法官、律师、或法律学者
One who has thorough knowledge and experience of law, especially an eminent judge, lawyer, or legal scholar. - 游人在所游之地亦应去拜望各类名扬天下的卓越人物,如此便有可能看出那些大活人在多大程度上与其名声相符。
Let him also see, and visit, eminent persons in all kinds, which are of great name abroad; that he may be able to tell, how the life agrees with the fame.