  • 一个小叶子或叶状部
    A small leaf or leaflike part.
  • 叶,叶原体,叶性器官从叶子发育而成的叶子或植物部
    A leaf or a plant part that evolved from a leaf.
  • 三叶的有三片叶子或具三个叶状部的,如延龄草
    Having three leaves or leaflike parts, as in the trillium.
  • 没有真正叶子但长有象叶子一样的茎干和枝,还有黄花的澳大利亚的无刺的或多刺的灌木的属。
    genus of yellow-flowered Australian unarmed or spiny shrubs without true leaves but having leaflike stems or branches.
  • 绿色蔬菜做为蔬菜的多叶植物或植物的一部
    Leafy plants or plant parts eaten as vegetables.
  • 美国西南的布广泛的常青灌木,在叶状的圆锥花序里有花头儿。
    widely spreading evergreen shrub of southwestern United States with flower heads in a leafy panicle.
  • 我们发现六十箱中有百之五十左右是漏的。
    Out of the sixty cases, about 50% were found to be leaking.
  • 我们检查了每一个配件,发现大部都漏水。
    We examined them one by one and found most of them were leaking.
  • 他的心情万分激动。
    His heart leapt up with joy.
  • 大部有学问的人都很谦虚。
    Most learned men are modest.
  • 整体学习和部分学习
    massed and piecemeal learning
  • 税务局:在计算应税收入时要区融资租赁和经营租赁。
    Tax official: the tax base depends on the nature of leasing item, the finance leasing and business leasing.
  • 意大利在华投资主要布在中国东部沿海地区,涉及汽车、服装、纺织、鞋类、皮革、首饰、机电、仪表、航空和租赁等行业。
    Italian investment is mostly located along the east coast in such sectors as automobiles, garments, textiles, footwear, leather, jewelry, machinery and electronic products, instruments, aviation and leasing.
  • 他至少有几分道理。
    He was at least part right.
  • 这种乙烯基材料代替皮革十勉强.
    This type of vinyl is a poor substitute for leather.
  • 长有类似夹竹桃复叶的一种热带蕨类;布在亚洲至波利尼西亚一带。
    tropical fern having leathery oleanderlike fronds; Asia to Polynesia.
  • 具有坚韧羽状复叶的广泛布在南半球热带地区的一种蕨类。
    widely distributed fern of tropical southern hemisphere having leathery pinnatifid fronds.
  • 叶子坚韧似皮革的蕨类植物,布在北美西部,有卵形的叶子,中间有叶脉开。
    stiff leathery-leaved fern of western North America having ovate fronds parted to the midrib.
  • 火车五分钟后开车。
    The train leaves (the station) in five minutes.
  • 我可以在今晚8点30开往南京的火车上预定一个座位吗?
    May I reserve a seat on the Nanjing train leaving at8:30 this evening?
  • 北美北部和加拿大部地区的一种小形、具有两个叶子的草本植物,白色芳香的小花组成总状花序。
    small two-leaved herb of the northern United States and parts of Canada having racemes of small fragrant white flowers.
  • 9点25分开,3号站台。
    It leaves at 25, Platform 3.
  • 磷脂一种含磷的油脂,如卵磷脂和脑磷脂,主要由脂酸、磷酸盐和一个简单的有机子组成
    Any of various phosphorous-containing lipids, such as lecithin and cephalin, that are composed mainly of fatty acids, a phosphate group, and a simple organic molecule.
  • 圣餐仪式经文摘自新约圣经福音书作为基督徒圣餐仪式一部的诵读的译文
    A lection from any of the first four books of the New Testament included as part of a religious service.
  • 他的演讲分三部分。
    His lecture divides into three parts.
  • 他的讲演为三部
    His lecture falls into three parts.
  • 演讲人超过规定时间十钟。
    The lecturer overran by ten minutes.
  • 那项交易已取消了,请从类帐上划去那笔帐目。
    Rule out that entry in the ledger, the transaction was cancelled.
  • 他目光猥亵, 十讨厌.
    He has a most unpleasant leer.
  • 请在左边分。
    On, the left, please.
  • 这笔遗产要给几个孩子?
    How many children has the legacy to be divided between?
  • 正当支持过时系统变得日益困难以及业务需要合并数据之时,对数据散在多个过时系统的地方,xml可以减轻一些负担。
    And at a time when supporting legacy systems is becoming increasingly difficult and businesses are trying to consolidate data, XML may offer some relief where data is scattered across multiple legacy systems.