  • 布莱克先生给他的雇员以一定的自由,但一旦这种自由超过寸,他就会像一般雇主那样坚决加以管束。
    Mr Black allowed his staff a fair amount of latitude but beyond a certain point he would put his foot down as firmly as the nest man.
  • 气候带根据主要的气候和纬度,把地球表面划成五个区域,包括热带,南北温带和南北寒带
    Any of the five regions of the surface of the earth that are loosely divided according to prevailing climate and latitude, including the Torrid Zone, the North and South Temperate zones, and the North and South Frigid zones.
  • 尽管纬度很高,挪威的海洋性气候却是十湿润,由于受来自墨西哥湾的暖流影响,沿海终年不结冰。
    Despite its northern latitude, the Norwegian climate is essentially maritime and damp, because it is influenced by the mitigating action of the warm Gulf Stream, originating from the Gulf of Mexico, which flows up the coast preventing the formation of sea ice.
  • 这部书的结尾部分
    The latter part of the book.
  • 较后的这些天;书的后半(或者最后)部;18世纪的后半部
    these latter days; the latter (or last) part of the book; latter (or later) part of the l8th century.
  • 波罗的语的包括拉脱维亚、立陶宛和古普鲁士语在内的印欧语系的一个支的或与之相关的
    Of or relating to the branch of the Indo-European language family that contains Latvian, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian.
  • 柔和的部被压制的笑声。
    a soft partly suppressed laugh.
  • [希尔森]在纽约的某些公司洗钱的证据,经证券交易管理处星期二提出控告,于是曝光。
    The evidence of money laundering in certain [Shearson] New York offices came to light Tuesday in a filing by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • [赫顿财务公司的]纽约数处号洗钱证据,周二因证券交易所提出控诉而曝光。
    The evidence of money laundering in certain [E.F.Hutton's] New York offices came to light Tuesday in a filing by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • 然而,在《亚洲周刊》的那篇报道,其中对培正中学中文教学如何培育出不少顶尖科学家及目前的这位诺贝尔得奖人,作出了特别析(《培正中学证明中文教学成功》)。
    However, in the Yazhou Zhoukan article, there was a special analysis ("Pui Ching Middle School Proves The Worth Of Chinese Language Education") on the role of the special influence of Chinese teaching at Pui Ching which produced many top-notch scientists and now a Nobel Laureate.
  • 慷慨的发礼物;批评家们的赞扬很慷慨;慷慨的礼物;他爸爸给了他半美元,他妈妈给他四之一美元,他认为他们都很大方;过多的赞美;毫不吝惜的慷慨;他那大方的捐献;呼吁对英国的慷慨帮助。
    distributed gifts with a lavish hand; the critics were lavish in their praise; a munificent gift; his father gave him a half-dollar and his mother a quarter and he thought them munificent; prodigal praise; unsparing generosity; his unstinted devotion; called for unstinting aid to Britain.
  • 那个违法子没来得及伸手拿刀就已被制服了。
    The lawbreaker was overpowered before he could reach for his knife.
  • 罪犯入狱前的合法财产,依法受到保护,罪犯有行使收益、处的权利。
    Property which was lawfully obtained before a criminal's imprisonment is protected under the law. A convicted criminal has the right to collect his earnings and dispose of his property.
  • 中国司法工作的宗旨和任务是,依照法律保护全体公民的各项基本权利和自由以及其他合法权益,保护公共财产和公民私人所有的合法财产,维护社会秩序,保障中国现代化建设事业的顺利进行,依照法律惩罚少数犯罪子。
    The aim and task of China's judicial work is to protect the basic rights, freedoms, and other legal rights and interests of the whole people in accordance with law, protect public property and citizens' lawfully-owned private property, maintain social order, guarantee the smooth progress of the modernization drive, and punish the small number of criminals according to law.
  • 此举其实是纽约城市大学社会心理学家斯坦利·米尔格兰姆、里奥纳德·别克曼和劳伦斯·伯克维兹所进行的实验的一部,旨在发现此项行为会对路人产生怎样的影响。
    He did so as part of an experiment by City University of New York social psychologists Stanley Milgram, Leonard Bickman and Lawrence Berkowitz that was designed to find out what effect this action would have on passersby.
  • 助讼行为由一局外当事人承办诉讼并享法律案件胜诉后的获益
    A sharing in the proceeds of a lawsuit by an outside party who has promoted the litigation.
  • 军队由于过去一段时期的混乱,现在有相当一部纪律废弛,作风不好,在人民中威信下降。
    Because of the past period of chaos, discipline in much of the army is lax and the work style poor, and this has partly lowered its prestige among the people.
  • 前两年我们曾指出各级领导上存在着软弱涣散的状况,对严重刑事犯罪子下不了手也是一种表现。
    Two years ago I pointed out that many leaders at various levels were weak and lax, as was shown by their tender-heartedness in dealing with persons guilty of grave criminal offences.
  • 木蜜一些植物泌的液体的干燥凝结物,如地中海白腊树,这一凝结物以前用作通便剂
    The dried exudate of certain plants, as that of the Mediterranean ash tree, formerly used as a laxative.
  • 我和你打赌他十之八九不会来的。
    I'll lay you ten to one that he won't come.
  • 我想分层次。
    I 'd like it layer.
  • 给不同颜色的沙子层。
    layer the different colored sands.
  • 构成顶部的部或一层
    A part or layer that forms the top.
  • 形成或分成层次
    To form or come apart as layers.
  • 成薄片切成细小的薄层或薄片
    To split into thin layers or sheets.
  • 裂成薄片成薄的叶状层
    To split into thin leaflike layers or folia.
  • 你对此称赞得过了吧?
    Are not you laying it on a bit thick!
  • 在表示媒体上部或完全重叠的两个或多个布局客体的公共区域。
    The common area of two or more layout objects that overlap each other partially or fully on the presentation medium.
  • 421次航班下午2点抵达洛杉矶,在您转乘联运航班前大概有30钟。
    Flight 421 arrives in L.A. at 00 p.m. and you'll have about a 30-minute layover before your connecting flight.
  • 511次航班上午10点抵达洛杉矶,在您转乘联运航班前大概有20钟。
    Flight No.511 arrives in L.A. at 00 a.m. and you'll have about a twenty minutes layover before your connecting flight.
  • 约翰还需要75才能领先。
    John needs 75 points for lead.
  • 现在是3:45,离比赛结束只剩5钟了,我们队以4比0领先,现在只是在打防守战。
    It's a quarter to4 o'clock.There are only5 minutes left to the end of the game.Our team, with a4 to0 lead, are simply running out the clock.