  • 多胚;多胎从一个单个的卵子或胚珠发展一个以上的胚胎
    Development of more than one embryo from a single egg or ovule.
  • 使堕胎在(胚胎或胎儿)能够成活之前导致其排
    To cause the expulsion of(an embryo or fetus) before it is viable.
  • 堕胎促使怀孕的停止和无法存活的胚胎或胎儿排
    Induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or fetus that is incapable of survival.
  • 流产,早产在胚胎或婴儿能独自存活之前就生了;流产
    To give birth before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving on its own; miscarry.
  • 例如:牛的胚胎在发育成8个细胞的阶段时dna才现转换。
    In cows, for example, the DNA switch-on occurs when the embryo reaches the eight-cell stage.
  • 她脱颖而成为著名艺术家。
    The scheme is still in its embryonic stage.
  • 原基,芽基,胚基长部位或器官的胚胎细胞群;原基
    The initial clustering of embryonic cells from which a part or an organ develops; primordium.
  • 开花植物的一个属,种子具两片子叶(胚芽),萌芽时现。
    genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination.
  • 孵化坐在(蛋)上以提供热量,促进胚胎的生长和孵化小生命;孵卵
    To sit on(eggs) to provide heat, so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young; brood.
  • 胖型体质者内胚层体型者,指以相对明显突的腹部及其它由内胚房发展而来的身体柔软部分均较明显隆起的人
    An individual characterized by relative prominence of the abdomen and other soft body parts developed from the embryonic endodermal layer.
  • 在胚胎发育过程中现的生物物种在进化历史上曾表现来的各种特征或结构。
    emergence during embryonic development of various characters or structures that appeared during the evolutionary history of the strain or species.
  • 两个月前生的茜茜是迄今为止植入"代妈妈"体内87个克隆胚胎中唯一存活下来的。
    Cc, born two months ago, was the only live birth from 87 cloned embryos that were implanted in surrogate mothers.
  • 校订一篇错误百的文章
    Emend a faulty text.
  • 太阳从云层后面露来。
    The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
  • 船从雾里露了出来。
    The ship emerged from behind the fog.
  • 月亮从云后出现。
    The moon emerged from behind the clouds.
  • 出现或逃走
    To emerge or escape.
  • 出去;出现
    To go out; emerge.
  • 可能现的新领导者们
    New leaders who may emerge.
  • 大量英雄人物现了。
    A multitude of heroic figures emerge.
  • 使出现,使流出,
    To cause to emerge or issue.
  • 或脱;尤其指河水。
    pass out or emerge; esp. of rivers.
  • 初现开始现或发展;
    To begin to appear or develop; emerge.
  • 将鳍露出水面
    To emerge with the fins above water.
  • 从鸟或爬行动物的蛋中产生来。
    emerge from the eggs; of birds or reptiles.
  • 我看见那男人从银行里来。
    I saw the man emerge from the bank.
  • ”但是随着新的治疗方法的现,这种态度正在转变。
    But that attitude is changing as new therapies emerge.
  • (小鸡等)壳从蛋壳里爬或打碎蛋壳而
    To emerge from or break out of an egg.
  • 下世纪也许会现“世界教”
    A "World Religion" may emerge in the next century
  • 像鱼在水里露水面一样。
    emerge from the surface, as of fish in water.
  • 雨过后,太阳从云层后面来。
    After the rain, the sun emerge from behind the clouds.
  • 你在那儿,兔子是不会洞的。
    The rabbit will not emerge from its hole while you are there.