  • 他非常困窘地说他的谢意。
    Greatly embarrassed , he faltered out his thanks.
  • 他们提种种模棱两可的问题于演说者困窘。
    They embarrassed the speaker with their misleading questions.
  • 他非常窘,但总算说了一句道歉的话。
    He was very embarrassed, but somehow he got the apology out.
  • 言不慎把大家窘得哑然无声, 她却有本事一笑置之.
    There was an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she was able to laugh it off.
  • (无意中)说或做伤人的或令人发窘的事
    Say or do sth that is insulting or embarrassing without realizing that it is
  • 言不慎把大家窘得哑然无声,她却有本事一笑置之。
    There is an embarrassing silence after her indiscreet remark but she is able to laugh it off.
  • 叫我难为情的是,我是在一位女士的床上生的。
    To my embarrassment I beared in bed with a lady.
  • 叫我难为情的是,我是在一位女士的床上生的。
    To my embarrassment I was born in bed with a lady.
  • 大使馆的两名随员已驱逐境。
    Two attaches at the embassy were expelled from the country.
  • 周日有传言指,四面楚歌的森喜朗有意辞职下台,以结束执政党的内斗。
    Embattled Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori on Sunday dismissed suggestions hat he might resign as a way out of a ruling party feud that has sparked political chaos.
  • 退潮后,露一只半截埋在沙里的黑色木箱。
    The waves rolled back to reveal a black wooden box, half embedded in the sand.
  • 在锤子中含有燧石的扳机;燧石发火花点燃装料。
    a gunlock that has flint embedded in the hammer; the flint makes a spark that ignites the charge.
  • 用户将看到视频图像现在屏幕上和嵌入进台式机,并体验与计算机对话来代替敲键的巨大轻松。
    Users see video on screen and embedded in desktops, and experience talking to the computer instead of typing.
  • 我请他说细节,不要以自己的想法加油添醋。
    I asked him to tell the simple truth and not to embellish it with ideas of his own.
  • 银行的纳盗用了五万元,并且逃逸。
    The cashier embezzle $50, 000 from the bank and run away.
  • 她旁敲侧击地指她的合夥人盗用了资金。
    She insinuate to us that her partner have embezzle fund.
  • 第四十五条 动植物检疫机关检疫人员滥用职权,徇私舞弊,伪造检疫结果,或者玩忽职守,延误检疫证,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;
    Article 45 Where a quarantine functionary of an animal and plant quarantine organ who abuses his or her power, practises favouritism or embezzlement, forges a quarantine result, or neglects his or her duty or delays the performance of quarantine inspection and the issuance of certificates, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law if the offence constitutes a crime;
  • 根据朱总理的指示,审计署还组织开展了全国粮食清查审计,不仅核实了新增财务挂账和其他不合理占用贷款数额,为解决粮食企业财务挂账和深化粮食流通体制改革提供了依据,而且还查了2200多件挤占挪用收购资金、骗取国家补贴以及贪污公款等严重违法违纪案件。
    According to instructions of Premier Zhu Rongji, the National Audit Office also organized and carried out a nation wide audit of the grain sector. Making clear of the exact amount of the newly increased liabilities arising from irregular accounting treatment and other irregular use of loans, this audit has provided a basis for resolving the problem of irregular accounting treatment to fish for more state subsidies in the grain sector and for deepening the reform of grain circulation system.Meanwhile it also disclosed 2200 serious irregularity cases involving misappropriation of grain purchase funds, defrauding state subsidies and embezzlement.
  • 一发现亏损,就立即提指控而获得了逮捕令逮捕那用公款的人。
    Soon after the loss was discovered a warrant was sworn out for the embezzler's arrest.
  • 商标版商的商标或徽章,通常置于一本书的首页
    A publisher's emblem or trademark placed usually on the title page of a book.
  • 人物作为思想和行为色特征化身的人
    A person as the embodiment of distinctive traits of mind and behavior.
  • 第三,创体育建筑精品。充分体现可持续发展的理念,努力探索建筑技术、艺术与环保的有机结合,为首都留下独特的奥运遗产。
    3) We will create masterpieces of sports facilities that reflect the integration of construction technologies, architectural art and environmental protection and fully embody the concept of sustainable development, leaving a unique Olympic legacy to the capital city.
  • 奥运会的文化环境建设,将突“人文奥运”的理念,强调“以人为本”的思想,体现“辉煌而又朴素”的文化品格,以“体育健身、文化美心”和“奥运兴业、文明兴都”为主要内容,广泛吸引民众参与,动员整合各类文化资源,在未来6年中力争将北京建成文化人才集中、文化设施完备、文化市场完善、文化产业发达、文化气息浓厚的城市,为承办一届历史上最色的奥运会创造一个具有“古都特色、中国风格、东方气派”的文化环境,向世界展示北京城市繁荣文明的崭新形象和北京市民昂扬向上的良好风貌。
    In the development of a cultural environment for the 2008 Olympic Games, prominence will be given to the concept of a “People’s Olympics”, and great emphasis will be placed on the idea of “People First” in order to embody the city’s “Splendid yet Simple” cultural disposition. Focused on “Improve Your Health through Sports and Better Your Soul through Culture” and “Invigorate the Economy with the Olympics and Enrich the Capital with Civilization”, the development of the cultural environment is set to attract broad citizen participation and integrate various cultural resources. In the upcoming six years, efforts will be made to build Beijing into a city with concentrated cultural talent, complete cultural facilities, a developed cultural market, an advanced cultural industry, and rich cultural styles. These will lead to the creation of a rich cultural environment radiating with “Ancient Capital Charm, Chinese Style and Eastern Grandeur”, which will allow Beijing to hold the most successful Olympic Games in history and present to the whole world a new image of Beijing as a city that enjoys prosperity and advanced civilization with highly motivated citizens.
  • 由从血栓上分离来的拴塞物导致的塞闭。
    occlusion by an embolus that has broken away from a thrombus.
  • 你能看凸印在信纸上的地址吗?
    Can you read the addresses embossed on the notepaper?
  • 用印版在书上压印或浮雕来一个标题或图案。
    stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block.
  • 她伸双臂来拥抱那个小女孩。
    She held out her arms to embrace the little girl.
  • 母亲伸双臂来拥抱女儿。
    The mother held out her arms to embrace her daughter.
  • 用精纺毛纱松散地编制来的刺绣品。
    embroidery done with loosely twisted worsted yarn.
  • 我们看着那个女孩用针刺一幅供刺绣用的图案。
    We watched the girl pricking out an embroidery pattern.
  • 用压或者刺绣制造的凸起图案来装饰。
    embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery.
  • 你简直不能想象她是一个多么色的绣花能手。
    You can hardly fancy what a capital hand she is at embroidery.