  • 斯大林格勒之战不但是德战争的转折点,甚至也不仅是这次世界反法西斯战争的转折点,它是整个人类历史的转折点。
    The battle of Stalingrad is not only the turning point of the Soviet-German War, or even of the present anti-fascist world war, it is the turning point in the history of all mankind.
  • 但是,我坚定地相信,凭着香港市民坚毅的意志、灵活的应变能力、勇於创新的精神、加上香港稳健的经济基础、敢於承担责任的政府、以及有祖国作为强大的后盾,我们一定能够克服困难,复经济,朝着振兴国家、振兴民族的目标进发。
    However, I am confident that with the tenacity, flexibility and creativity of the Hong Kong people, together with our sound economic fundamentals, a responsible government and the staunch support of our motherland, we can overcome these challenges and revive our economy. We will resolutely advance towards our goal of enhancing the prosperity of our country and our people.
  • 正如我说过,香港的经济复最终取决於外围环境、利息回稳、楼价稳定和市民重建信心等四个因素。
    As I have said earlier today, the recovery of our economy hinges on four factors: an improvement in the external economic environment; a steadying of interest rates;
  • 香港经济复最终取决於四个因素:外围环境,利息回稳,楼价稳定和市民重建信心。
    The recovery of Hong Kong's economy hinges on four factors : an improvement in the external economic environment, a steadying of interest rates, stability in the property market and the restoration of public confidence.
  • 1972年,美国总统尼克松访时,专机在德黑兰作技术停留。
    When US President Nixon visited the Soviet Union in 1972,his plane made a technical stopover in Tehran.
  • 限制战略核武器条约
    Strategic Arms Limition Treaties
  • 珊从没喝过草莓汁。
    Susan hasn't drunk strawberry juice since she was a child.
  • 珊过不惯城市生活,非常想念她家乡的山山水水。
    Unaccustomed to city life, Susan languished over her native hills and streams.
  • 珊过不惯城市生活,非常想念她家乡的山山水水。
    Unaccustomed to city life, Susan pined for her native hills and streams.
  • 过去有一段时间,针对联霸权主义的威胁,我们搞了“一条线”的战略,就是从日本到欧洲一直到美国这样的“一条线”。
    In view of the threat of Soviet hegemonism, over the years we formed a strategic line of defence -- a line stretching from Japan to Europe to the United States.
  • 克布一种轻柔的棉织物,通常为平纹
    A soft, light cotton material, often with a woven stripe.
  • 这才是复之路,是即时之路,是保证复功效持久之路。
    It is the way to recovery it is the immediate way it is the strongest assurance that recovery will endure.
  • (七)联是世界上第一个大力量,它是决然帮助中国抗战到底的。
    The Soviet Union is the strongest force in the world and will definitely help China fight the War of Resistance to the very end.
  • 那个人给打昏了,但过了一会儿醒了过来。
    The man was stunned, but he came round after a time.
  • 格兰扁山区景色怡人,还没有受到现代文明的污染。格兰扁一度不适合耕作,格兰人硬是凭着简单的锄头铁锹和他们有力的双手征服了这种生存环境。
    Beautiful and unspoiled, it was difficult to farm. The Scots subdued the environment with simple spades and strong arms.
  • 这些因素是:日本坚决灭亡中国的方针使中国处于非战不可的地位,共产党和八路军的存在,中国人民的要求,国民党内多数党员的要求,英、美、法顾虑到国民党投降对于它们利益的损失,联的存在及其援助中国的方针,中国人民对于联的深切希望(这种希望不是空的)等等。
    These factors include: Japan's persistence in its policy of subjugating China, which leaves China no alternative but to fight; the existence of the Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army; the wishes of the Chinese people; the wishes of the majority of the Kuomintang members; the anxiety of Britain, the United States and France lest capitulation by the Kuomintang damage their interests; the existence of the Soviet Union and its policy of helping China; the high hopes which the Chinese people place (not without foundation) in the Soviet Union.
  • 其后,上海、江、湖南等地也相继采取了类似的清查行动。
    Subsequently, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Hunan also took actions to deal with these problems.
  • 此阶段中,联对于我国已经有了大量的援助。
    In the present stage the Soviet Union has already given substantial aid to China.
  • 苏丹共和国
    The Republic of the Sudan
  • 一个丹土著或居民。
    a native or inhabitant of Sudan.
  • 丹政府呼吁紧急食品援助。
    The government of Sudan has appealed for emergency food aid.
  • 他们在丹长大;由是产生了对努比亚艺术的兴趣
    They grew up in the Sudan; hence their interest in Nubian art.
  • 属于或关于非洲丹共和国或其人民的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to or characteristic of the African Republic of the Sudan or its people.
  • 他说丹是非洲最大、资源最丰富的国家,因此丹的国家发展和建设需要更多的人口来完成。
    He said Sudan needed more people for development, since it is Africa's biggest country and rich in resources.
  • 丹总统奥马尔-哈桑-艾哈迈德-巴希尔鼓励丹的男人们多多娶妻,目的是为了能够让丹现有的3000万人口翻一番。
    Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has urged Sudanese men to take more than one wife in order to double the country's population of 30 million.
  • 尤其不能指望波斯湾国家援助经济一筹莫展的丹,或援助约旦以及其他反对[反伊拉克]联盟的贫穷国家。
    No assistance from the gulf countries, moreover, can be expected for the Sudan, an economic basket case, or for Jordan and other poor countries that opposed the coalition.
  • 8月12日晚丹电台播出了巴希尔对执政党全国大会党的讲话,巴希尔号召丹人民不用在意国际社会的计划生育政策。
    The Sudanese should ignore international family planning policies, Bashir said in a speech to the ruling National Congress Party, shown on state television Tuesday night.
  • 苏比珍较美。
    Sue is more beautiful than Jane.
  • 在那里?她在她的房间里。
    Where is Sue? She is in her room.
  • 你叫什么名字?我的名字叫
    What is your name? My name is Sue.
  • 的暑假工作是服侍一位病人。
    Sue has a summer job waiting on a patient.
  • 是个才貌出众的姑娘。
    Sue is a hot one, isn't she?