  • 于是我们搜集了国内找到的一切有关技术资料。
    Then we collected all relevant technical data available in the country.
  • 它承诺改进可靠性、可扩性和性
    It promises improved reliability, scalability and performance.
  • 汽车的可靠性比其机械性更重要。
    Performance is less important than reliability in a car.
  • 仍然不完全肯定其可靠性。
    There's yet an element of doubt about it's reliability.
  • 这些变化赋予ngio更好的性、更好的可靠性和更好的可扩性。
    Those changes give NGIO better performance, reliability and scalability.
  • 广告者冷酷地选择感情,无情地诉诸于感情,因为这样做对于实现其目的可是最有效的了。
    Quite the contrary, the advertiser cold-bloodedly selects the feeling, the appeal that is most likely to be effective in carrying out his purpose.
  • 仍然不完全肯定其可靠性。
    There 's yet an element of doubt about it 's reliability.
  • 电视广告商利用被动观众.
    Television advertisers can exploit a captive audience.
  • 存储局域网除了允诺高可靠性和高性外,还允诺网络管理较容易、较便宜。
    In addition to reliability and performance, SANs promise easier and less costly network administration.
  • 有良好信用的人,有支付力的人被认为是在还债方面守信或可靠的人
    A person considered with regard to his or her credit or reliability in discharging debts.
  • 使您相信他是可靠的?
    Can I persuade you he is reliable?
  • 对广告作出答复使她失去了工作
    Failure to reply to the advertisement lost her the job.
  • 尽管数据经常比人们希望的不可靠得多,但是,其他可靠的信息使人们得到接近工业产量的数字。
    Although statistics are quite often far less reliable than one might wish , other reliable information allows one to closely approximate industrial output figures.
  • 使您相信他是可靠的?
    Can I persuade you (that) he is reliable?
  • 可靠容纳数据的块(通常是一个扇区)。
    a block (usually one sector) that cannot reliably hold data.
  • 这一特性使得商务应用程序够在被局限于小内存的移动设备上面可靠而有效地运行。
    This feature enables business applications that can reliably and effectively operate on small memory constrained mobile devices.
  • 然而,通过过去几十年的研究,试验心理学家掌握了够使他人让步、服从和改变的可靠方法。
    Over the past several decades, though, experimental psychologists have learned which methods reliably lead people to concede, comply, or change.
  • 我们可以利用科技的变迁,资讯的快速发展做为工具。在这种工具的协助下,我们还是要一步步脚踏实地,这样的成功才持久。
    The latest and fast changing technologies will help maintain and facilitate growth, yet our growth must be reliably down-to-earth to ensure sustainable success.
  • 我们可以利用科技的变迁,资讯的快速发展做为工具。在这种工具的协助下,我们还是要一步步脚踏实地,这样的成功才持久。
    The latest and fast-changing technologies and information will help maintain and facilitate growth, yet our growth must be reliably down-to-earth to ensure sustainable success.
  • 这样一来,甚至木材公司也只通过传统方法来培植新树种,他们也不大量地复制新的基因组——一个基本步骤。
    Thus, even if timber companies created better trees through traditional techniques, they couldn't reliably reproduce the new genomes in large numbers -- an essential step.
  • 802.11b标准给出11兆位/秒的无线以太网速度,给用户带来好处,速度可靠地支持日常的业务应用、电子邮件、因特网和服务器网络的接入。
    The 802.11b standard benefits users by delivering wireless Ethernet speeds of 11M bit/sec that can reliably support everyday business applications, e-mail, Internet and server network access.
  • xml页面既像数据库、又像文档,因为每个字段是可以识别的或可以解析的,它包含了其他应用程序可靠识别、提取和转换的具体数据。
    An XML page is as much a database as a document, because every field that can be identified, or parsed, can contain specific data that other applications can reliably identify, extract and transform.
  • 我认为没有人不受广告的影响。
    I consider nobody can avoid being influenced by advertisement.
  • 三、中国够依靠自己的力量实现粮食基本自给
    III. China Can Basically Achieve Self-Sufficiency in Grain Through Self-Reliance
  • 但是过度依赖工具的力也可出麻烦。
    But an over reliance on tools capabilities could lead to trouble.
  • 我们不依赖外援,我们主张自力更生。
    We must not rely on foreign assistance. We stand for self-reliance.
  • 信任对某人或某事的正直、力或性格的坚定依靠
    Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
  • 一批大型企业走出了依靠自身力量提升技术水平、增强竞争力的新路子。
    Many large enterprises upgraded their technology and increased their competitiveness through self-reliance and strenuous efforts.
  • 信用,偿债力对购买者将来付帐意愿及力的信赖;信用
    Reliance on the intention and ability of a purchaser to pay in the future; credit.
  • 因为依赖于电的趋势持续增长,于是对所有用于发电的资源正在进行考察。
    As this reliance on electric energy continues to grow, all the resources that generate electricity are being examined.
  • 培养有自立力的孩子要求家长们不时地用理智而不是用感情来引导孩子。
    Raising self-reliant children requires parents at times to lead with their heads and not their hearts.
  • 由于某些nos客户机还是接到服务器进行引导,以实现时间与日期的同步,所以它们高度依赖于服务器硬件平台提供正确日期信息的力。
    Because some NOS clients connect back to other server on boot-up for their time and data synchronization, they are highly reliant on the server hardware platform's ability to provide correct data information.