  • 他的演说鼓舞了众。
    The speaker inspired the crowd.
  • 整个人异口同声叫了起来。
    went up from the crowd.
  • 那位政客惹起了人的愤怒。
    The politician worked the crowd up.
  • 人们群集在街道上。
    People crowded the street.
  • 雕像代表可憎的人或一人的粗糙的图象或木偶
    A crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group.
  • 一方面高呼族融洽,另一方面拒绝敞开心胸让他族走入彼此的世界,将造成更深刻却不一定马上显现的裂缝,最终经不起考验的是国家的命运。
    It is futile to advocate ethnic harmony when each group shuts the other out from its inner world. This will create faultlines that are not immediately apparent, but will decide the fate of our nation when it comes to the crunch.
  • 挤过人群
    to crush one's way through the crowd
  • 他继续从人中挤过去。
    He went on crushing his way through the crowd.
  • 他是个令人生畏的老绅士,常喂食离的狗和猫。
    He's a crusty old gentleman who feeds stray dogs and cats.
  • 在这个体中,处于c级的人总是渴望成为b级,而b级最怕的事就是变成c级了。
    In this group,the Cs constantly aspire to be Bs,and the nightmare for Bs is to become Cs.
  • 西印度岛中一个位于古巴南部和海地西部的岛屿。
    an island in the West Indies south of Cuba and west of Haiti.
  • 加强政法工作,依法严厉打击各种犯罪活动,防范和惩治邪教组织的犯罪活动,坚决扫除社会丑恶现象,切实保障人民众生命财产安全。
    It is essential to improve procuratorial, judicial and public security work, cracking down on criminal activities according to law, guarding against and punishing crimes committed by evil cult gangs and eliminating social evils so as to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the people.
  • 坚持"以人为本",通过举办奥运会,促进经济发展、城市建设和管理,让众得到更多的实惠,让筹备奥运会的过程成为切实提高人民物质文化生活水平的过程,成为社会进步的动力。
    the Olympic Games will give impetus to economic development and urban construction and management, and bring about increasing benefits for the people. We will make the preparations for the Olympic Games a process of substantially improving the people's living standard, both materially and culturally.
  • 运动没有搞开的单位,首先是要领导带头,放手发动众,不要用框框来束缚。
    In those units where it has not yet taken hold, the leading cadres should take the initiative and do everything possible to mobilize the masses, instead of curbing them with all kinds of restrictions.
  • 转成固体:我在拥挤的人中等待着她的出现。
    turning into a solid mass: I waited for her to materialize out of the clogging curdling crowd.
  • 大自然已使她懂得:无节制的睡眠只会锈蚀灵魂。因此她清晨与女主人的公鸡同起,夜晚与归栏的羊同息。
    nature hath taught her too immoderate sleep is rust to the soul: she rises therefore with Chanti-cleer, the dame's cock, and at night makes the lamb her curfew.
  • 让自由之声响彻加利福尼亚州的婀娜峰!
    Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California!
  • 东南亚疣猪,鹿豚东印度岛一种夜间出没的,生活在森林中的野猪(东南亚疣猪),雄性有长长的向上弯曲的长牙
    A nocturnal, forest-dwelling wild pig(Babyrousa babyrussa) of the East Indies, having long, upward-curving tusks in the male.
  • 因为在没有“仁爱”的地方,一的人众并不能算做一个团体,许多的面目也仅仅是一列图画;而交谈则不过是铙钹丁令作声尔。
    For a crowd is not company; And faces are but a gallery of pictures; And talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
  • 因此,宪法有关“四大”的条文,根据长期实践,根据大多数干部和众的意见,党中央准备提请人大常委会和全国人大审议,把它取消。
    Therefore, in the light of long practice and in accordance with the opinion of the great majority of the cadres and masses, the Central Committee is going to submit to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the coming session of the NPC a proposal that the si da provision be deleted from the Constitution.
  • 他们不敢放手发动众。
    They dared not fully arouse the masses.
  • 门开了,一孩子冲了出来。
    The door opened and the children dashed out.
  • 俗话中的“物以类聚,人以分”是一个永不过时的约会规则。
    the old adage" birds of a feather flock together" is one dating rule that will never go out of style.
  • 学上多菲内省的方言:“puerteunbouenmoutouembeunbouenfroumagegrase”这样就博得了众的欢心,大大帮助了他去接近各种各样的人。
    "Puerte un bouen moutu embe un bouen fromage grase," as in upper Dauphine. This pleased the people extremely, and contributed not a little to win him access to all spirits.
  • 这人从清晨就眼巴巴等待三件事来临:晌午,弗朗德勒使团和圣迹剧。
    Since daybreak the multitude had been waiting for three things—the hour of noon, the Flemish ambassadors, and the Mystery-Play.
  • 一个体的以拒绝与某些组织进行商品交易来反对它的政治。
    a group's refusal to have commercial dealings with some organization in protest against its policies.
  • 其次,要经过以村子、屋子为单位的众大会去做经济建设的宣传,在宣传中要把革命战争和经济建设的关系讲得十分明白,要把改良众的生活,增加斗争的力量,讲得十分实际。
    Furthermore, we must conduct propaganda for economic construction at village or household meetings, explaining dearly how it is related to the revolutionary war and discussing in the most practical terms how to improve the livelihood of the masses and increase our strength for the struggle.
  • (五)编制红军法规,明白地规定红军的任务,军事工作系统和政治工作系统的关系,红军和人民众的关系,士兵会的权能及其和军事政治机关的关系。
    5.Draw up Red Army rules and regulations which dearly define its tasks, the relationship between its military and its political apparatus, the relationship between the Red Army and the masses of the people, and the powers and functions of the soldiers' committees and their relationship with the military and political organizations.
  • 莱斯莉的表现证明了她为什么是常规赛和全明星赛中的“最有价值球员”:她在下半场技压芳,使“火花”队从落后11分的情况下追了上来。
    Leslie showed why she was the MVP of both the regular season and the All-Star game with a dominating second-half performance to rally the sparks from an 11 point deficit.
  • 凯文·戴维斯是《顺序》一书的作者,这本书讲述了人类基因组的来龙去脉。
    Kevin Davies is the author of “The Sequence”, a story of the human genome race.
  • 钱太多又没有责任感的堕落生活;一颓废的自由职业知识分子。
    a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility; a group of effete self-professed intellectuals.
  • 二是西藏文化的内涵发生了深刻的变化,一些与封建农奴制相伴随的腐朽、落后的东西随着社会的进步与发展而被抛弃,藏族信教众的宗教信仰得到充分的尊重和保护,藏族传统优秀文化得到妥善保护和继承,并被赋予反映人民众新生活和社会发展新需要的时代内容,在内容和形式上都得到了不断弘扬和发展;
    second, Tibetan culture has undergone deep changes--with social progress and development, decadent and backward things inherent in feudal serfdom have been abandoned, the religious beliefs of Tibetan religious followers enjoy full respect and protection, and the fine aspects of traditional Tibetan culture have been carefully preserved and carried forward. Improvement has been steadily made both in its contents and forms, adding some topical contents to reflect the new life of the people and the new needs of social development;