  • 他全家然来拜访我。
    His whole family descended onme.
  • 疫病突袭这座城市。
    A plague descended upon the city.
  • 我军突袭敌人。
    Our army descended on the enemy.
  • 许多名人然光临该岛访问。
    Many famous visitors descended on the island.
  • 我军对敌军的司令部发起然袭击。
    Our army descended on the enemy headquarters.
  • 警察袭了他们的藏身处.
    The police descended on their hide out.
  • 一阵可怕的寂静然笼罩着整个厅堂。
    A terrible silence descended upon the whole hall.
  • 圣诞节他们全家然来我家作客。
    The whole family descended on us at Christmas.
  • 翼状从蝶骨主干上长出的两块起中的任何一块
    Either of two processes descending from the body of the sphenoid bone.
  • 使飞机然下降的向下气流或局部低气压地区。
    a local region of low pressure or descending air that causes a plane to lose height suddenly.
  • 敌人拼命想堵住我们已经冲开的那个破口。
    The enemy made a desperate attempt to seal off the gap through which we had burst.
  • 别瞧不起你的穷亲戚,他们可能会一朝然发迹,到其时就难以解释了。
    Don't despise your poor relations; they may become suddenly rich someday, and then it will be awkward to explain things to them.
  • 印尼耶诞前夕的爆炸案企图掀起宗教冲、国家动乱。
    Indonesia says bombs aim to stir religious tension, destabilize nation.
  • 由于冲遭受损害或毁灭。
    undergo damage or destruction on impact.
  • 然且具毁灭性的猛烈动作行动的人或物
    One that acts with sudden and destructive fury.
  • 然开始和我漫无边际地谈起他的生意来了。
    He broke into a desultory chat with me over his business affairs.
  • 可分开的锁;能够通过搭钩的钉和相连的链的锁并能然关闭。
    a detachable lock; has a hinged shackle that can be passed through the staple of a hasp or the links in a chain and then snapped shut.
  • 守卫部队以避免然袭击的特遣部队。
    a detachment of troops guarding an army from surprise attack.
  • 在王同志英勇牺牲后,指挥击分队的任务落到了年青的共产党员吴明身上。
    After the heroic death of Comrade Wang, the command of the assault detachment devolued on the young communist Wu Ming.
  • 侦查工作有重大破。
    detection is hard on the feet.
  • 然喜欢上了侦探小说。
    I've suddenly taken a fancy to detective stories.
  • 病情急转在疾病或发烧过程中病情转好或恶化的一种然性转变
    A sudden change in the course of a disease or fever, toward either improvement or deterioration.
  • 另外,发达国家经济科技的优势和东南亚国家货币大幅贬值带来的价格比较优势,今年将更加出地显示出来。
    Besides, the scientific and technological advantages of developed nations and the price comparative advantages of certain Southeastern Asian nations due to devaluation of their currencies could become even more prominent factors.
  • 在造成了巨大经济损失并夺去了千百万人生命的毁灭性冲之后我们建立了联合国。它作为一个世界组织负责组织一些集体行动来解决冲
    In the wake of a devastating conflict that inflicted enormous economic damage and cost millions of lives the United Nations was estab lished as a world body responsible for collective action for the resolution of conflict.
  • 然的、意外的发展。
    a sudden unexpected development.
  • 这不是然的改变,也不是孤立性的发展。
    These developments have not occurred abruptly or in isolation.
  • (如在糖尿病中呈现的)血液里有大量的酮。
    an abnormal increase of ketone bodies in the blood as in diabetes mellitus.
  • (如在糖尿病人或饥饿的人中发现的)尿里有大量的酮。
    excessive amounts of ketone bodies in the urine as in diabetes mellitus or starvation.
  • 突出菱形
    Diamond with projecting end( projecting diamond)
  • 突出菱形中加三。
    Three line in projecting diamond.
  • 过去十年死于腹泻病的儿童人数多于第二次世界大战以来各类武装冲中丧生的人数。
    S Diarrhoeal diseases have killed more children in the past ten years than all the people lost to armed conflict since World War II.
  • 荣誉来得然去得快。
    Sudden glory soon dies out.