  • 通过压迫气来喷漆的喷雾器。
    an atomizer to spray paint by means of compressed air.
  • 喷枪,气笔用压缩气在表面上喷撒液体的喷枪,如油漆喷枪
    An atomizer using compressed air to spray a liquid, such as paint, on a surface.
  • --重视与发达的间国家的间合作,同时加强与发展中国家的间合作。
    - Attaching importance to space cooperation with both developed and developing countries.
  • --重视亚太地区的区域性间合作,支持世界其他区域性间合作。
    - Attaching importance to the Asian-Pacific regional space cooperation and supporting space cooperation in other regions of the world.
  • 兵由歼击、强击、轰炸、侦察、运输航兵及保障部(分)队组成,通常按师、团、大队、中队体制编成。
    The aviation is composed of fighter, attacker, bomber, reconnaissance, transport and support units, usually in the organizational order of division, regiment, group and squadron.
  • 海军航兵编有轰炸航兵、歼击轰炸航兵、强击航兵、歼击航兵、反潜航兵、侦察航兵部队和警戒、电子对抗、运输、救护、中加油等保障部(分)队,具有侦察、警戒、反舰、反潜、防等作战能力,其编制序列为:航兵部,舰队航兵,航兵师、团。
    The naval aviation is composed of bomber, fighter-bomber, attacker, fighter, anti-submarine and reconnaissance units, and security, ECM, transport, rescue and air refueling units, which have reconnaissance, security, anti-ship, anti-submarine and air defense capabilities. The organizational order is: Naval Aviation Department, fleet aviation, and aviation division and regiment.
  • 这是笑容可掬、彬彬有礼的姐招呼乘客的语言吗?
    Standard flight attendant patter?
  • 他对顾客周到而有礼貌,但是打烊以后,他的世界就总是显得一片白。
    He was politely attentive to customers, but after hours his world seemed irrevocably empty.
  • 这个战争,在东方历史上是前的,在世界历史上也将是伟大的,全世界人民都关心这个战争。
    The people of the whole world are attentively following this war, which has no precedent in the history of the East, and which will go down as a great war in world history too.
  • 该把阁楼出了,里面堆满了废弃物。
    It's about time we cleared out the attic, it's full of junk.
  • 价格上涨属表面的或暂时的,主要原因在于头卖方的回补买入及部分投机者的买入。
    Price rise only superficial or temporary mainly attributable to short covering also partly speculative purchases.
  • 若指间,非时间,要用
    Nearby, notBnear, is used attributively when space, not time, is referred to
  • 对完全征服太的大胆幻想;对两部詹姆士一世时期的戏剧的一种大胆的解释;当代最大胆的小说作者;大胆的投资者;大胆的精神。
    audacious visions of the total conquest of space; an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas; the most daring of contemporary fiction writers; a venturesome investor; a venturous spirit.
  • 这里不妨略带一句,这钟楼的尖顶如箭穿,是所有钟楼尖顶最大胆求新、最精雕细刻、最玲珑剔透的,透过其网扣似的塔锥,碧一览无余。
    Only here, this tower was the most audacious, the most open, the most ornamented spire of cabinet-maker's work that ever let the sky peep through its cone of lace.
  • 圆顶或弓形建筑下面的间,在这里面,某一点产生的声音可以在较远的另一点听见。
    a space beneath a dome or arch in which sounds produced at certain points are clearly audible at certain distant points.
  • 盒式录音磁带白的或事先录好的录音带
    A cassette containing blank or prerecorded audiotape.
  • (ii)如果表演或展示是通过视听来接收,任何表演或展示的视觉接收部分的传播只能通过最多不超过4件的视听设备,其中,在任何一个房间最多只能放1件视听设备,并且这样的视听设备的屏幕对角线尺寸不得超过55英寸,任何表演或展示的听觉接收部分的传播只能通过最多不超过6个的扩音器,其中,在一个房间或相邻的户外间最多只能放4个扩音器;
    (II) if the performance or display is by audiovisual means, any visual portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 4 audiovisual devices, of which not more than 1 audiovisual device is located in any 1 room, and no such audiovisual device has a diagonal screen size greater than 55 inches, and any audio portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 6 loudspeakers, of which not more than 4 loudspeakers are located in any 1 room or adjoining outdoor space;
  • (ii)如果表演或展示是通过视听来接收,任何表演或展示的视觉接收部分的传播只能通过最多不超过4件的视听设备,其中,在任何一个房间最多只能放1件视听设备,并且这样的视听设备的屏幕对角线尺寸不得超过55英寸,任何表演或展示的听觉接收部分的传播只能通过最多不超过6个的扩音器,其中,在一个房间或相邻的户外间最多只能放4个扩音器;
    (II) if the performance or display is by audiovisual means, any visual portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 4 audiovisual devices, of which not more than one audiovisual device is located in any 1 room, and no such audiovisual device has a diagonal screen size greater than 55 inches, and any audio portion of the performance or display is communicated by means of a total of not more than 6 loudspeakers, of which not more than 4 loudspeakers are located in any 1 room or adjoining outdoor space;
  • 满杯子;满是星星的天;充实的生活;观众席上座无虚席。
    a full glass; a sky full of stars; a full life; the auditorium was full to overflowing.
  • 装填物为了增加重量或尺寸或填满余而加进去的物质
    Something added in order to augment weight or size or fill space.
  • 同时,通过创造新的成长间不断壮大自身实力。
    Meanwhile its own strength will be continuously augmented through the creation of new growths.
  • 采用自动垃圾收集系统及区域水冷调系统;
    implementation of an automated refuse collection system and a district cooling scheme for air-conditioning;
  • 空调自动控制
    automatic control for air conditioning
  • 自动控制气流入汽化器的阻气门。
    a choke that automatically controls the flow of air to the carburetor.
  • 实行民族区域自治,不把经济搞好,那个自治就是的。
    Regional national autonomy will be only nominal if we fail to manage economic affairs well.
  • 在空气中感到了秋意
    A feel of autumn in the air.
  • 中国已经颁布实施《中华人民共和国人民防法》,制定了与之配套的一系列人民防法规。
    China has promulgated and implemented the Civil Air Defense Law of the PRC, and formulated a number of auxiliary civil air defense regulations.
  • 我查一查是否有位。
    Let me see if there is any availability.
  • 请稍候,我查一下是否有房。
    Hold the line, please?I will check our room availability.
  • 请稍候,我查一查是否有位。
    Just a moment, please. Let me see if there is any availability.
  • 请稍等,我查一查是否有位。
    Wait a moment please. Let me see if there is any availability.
  • 律师现在没空。
    The lawyer is not available now.