  • 她只花了一个期就为装璜确定了设计方案
    It only took a week for her to crystallize her design for the decorations.
  • 在幼仔出世后的头三个期里,熊猫妈妈会把它的这个略比老鼠大点儿的小宝宝一直放在前爪上。
    For the first three weeks of the cub's life, she may hold this tiny creature which is little larger than a mousen in her forepaw almost continuously.
  • 可是本田并不要从底特律比它大的竞争对手那里学样。底特律的对手通常会把工人闲置一个期或更久。本田也会减产,可是俄亥俄州的[本田车厂]工人仍继续工作,以较慢的进度装配轿车、跑车以及旅行车。
    But Honda will not take its cud from larger Detroit rivals, which customarily idle workers for a week or more, Honda production will be cut back, but workers in Ohio will stay on the job, assembling sedans, coupes and station wagons at a slower pace.
  • rca公司下期将推出一套新唱片,看来也和通常的一样,里面的歌曲有好的也有差的,然而热衷于通俗歌曲的人是不会无视它的。
    RCA has a new album due out next week. It's likely to be the usual curate's egg, but no one with a serious interest in popular song will be able to ignore it.
  • 在空中画出了一道长长的弧线。
    The falling star described a long curve in the sky.
  • 他被拘留了两个期。
    He was help in custody for two weeks.
  • 嫌犯被拘禁一星期。
    The suspect was kept in custody for a week.
  • 她按照通常的习惯,在海滨别墅度过了期天。
    She followed her usual custom of spending Sunday at her villa at the seaside.
  • 我们的客户期五就来。
    Our customer is arriving on Friday.
  • 在她父亲吉他的伴奏下,她的“天上亮晶晶”唱得非常动人,大家都为她热烈鼓掌。
    Accompanied by her father's guitar, her' Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' is so cute that everybody gives her a lot of cheers.
  • 把那个肮脏无比的衣物洗两遍;通过八期的基本训练使新手上岗
    Cycled the heavily soiled laundry twice; cycling the recruits through eight weeks of basic training.
  • 在赛浦路斯的三级饭店住两周的现价是多少?
    What is the go price for two week in a three-star hotel in Cyprus?
  • 状体在细胞浆内形成的状结构,在有丝分裂期间有棱形纤维环绕中心体
    A star-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell and having raylike fibers that surround the centrosome during mitosis.
  • 白宫期五说,布什总统和奎尔副总统为了避免混乱,曾讨论布什么能执行职务时如何移交总统职位的程序。
    President Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle, hoping to avoid confusion, discussed procedures for turning over the presidency if Bush became incapacitated, the White House said Friday.
  • 那堆火迸出火,十分危险。
    The fire is sparking dangerously.
  • 法兰克福美国肯塔基州的首府,位于本州中东部、莱克顿的西北部。丹尼尔·布恩于1770年首先到此,1792年此地被选作首府。人口23,968
    The capital of Kentucky, in the north-central part of the state northwest of Lexington. First visited by Daniel Boone in1770, it was chosen as capital in1792. Population,25, 968.
  • 西班牙门将佩德罗·孔特拉斯认为,这个球实在是太"奇怪"了。丹麦守门员索伦森则很沮丧地表示,在"飞火流"的"帮助"下,这届世界杯会产生更多的进球。
    Spain goalkeeper Pedro Contreras said the ball acts "strangely", while Danish keeper Thomas Sorensen admitted glumly that it would probably result in more spectacular goals.
  • 在火苗的映衬下,这间漆黑的屋子里的四壁一时变得影影绰绰。不一会儿,火苗成了点点,渐渐地熄灭了。
    For a time the names cast moving shadows on the walls of the darkened room, then they nickered and died out.
  • 隐约出现的暂时消失在厚厚的云层後面了。
    For a while, the darkling star disappeared behind thick clouds.
  • 我要求国会宣布:由于日本在1941年12月7日期日对我国无故进行卑鄙的袭击,美国同日本已经处于战争状态。
    I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday December7,1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
  • 我要求国会宣布:由于日本在1941年12月7日期日对我国无故进行卑鄙的袭击,美国同日本已经处于战争状态。
    I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
  • 这些数据应该每期更新一次。
    The data should be updated once a week.
  • 我们虽约会了4个期,但乔对我从未有进一步的举动。
    We've been dating for four weeks but Joe has never even made a pass at me.
  • 我们虽已约会了4个期,但乔对我从未有进一步的举动。
    We have been dating for four weeks but Joe has never even make a pass at me.
  • 对挪威人来说,期五是一周中最吉利的日子,是情人约会和结婚的日子。
    For the Norsemen Friday was regarded as the luckiest day of the week, the day of dating and wedding.
  • 期后的期一便是她女儿的生日。
    Her daughter's birthday is Monday fortnight.
  • 大卫下期不和海伦一起去看电影。
    David won't go to the movies with Helen next week.
  • 圣灰期三(大斋首日)
    Ash5Wednesdaybfirst day of Lent
  • 直到一期后我们才开始了解事情的真相。
    It was a week late that we began to see daylight.
  • 我们不能在白天看到
    We can't see stars in the daytime.
  • 那就是你在白天看不到的原因。
    That is why you can't see the stars at daytime.
  • 一些科学家推断,每天每夜都有成千上万的流坠落到地球上,但这一理论无法得到证明,也无法加以否定,因为大多数流必然落到江河湖海中,它们占据了地球的大部分面积。
    Some scientists theorize that thousands of meteors fall to the earth during the daytime and the nighttime, but this theory is impossible to prove or to disprove, as most would necessarily land in water, which covers most of the earth's surface.