  • 有广泛国际影响力的大型品牌赛事,体育俱乐部和体育明星。
    It should have large brand sporting events, sports clubs and sports stars with wide international influence.
  • 多配偶(制)同时有一个以上配偶的状况或做法
    The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time.
  • 挤入拥挤的公共汽车
    squeeze oneself into a crowded bus
  • 我好不容易挤进那家挤的戏院。
    I managed to squeeze myself into the crowded theater.
  • 斜着看;有斜着的眼神。
    be cross-eyed; have a squint or strabismus.
  •  中国作为有世界五分之一以上人口的国家,深知自己在稳定全球人口中所肩负的责任和应该发挥的重要作用。
    China is home to more than one-fifth of the world's population. It thoroughly understands the responsibility it bears in stabilizing world population growth and the essential role it should play.
  • 有世界最多人口并具有巨大经济潜力的国家举办奥运会,颇具吸引力并且意义深远。正是这种吸引力和深远意义最后赢得了胜利。
    The attraction and far-reaching significance of staging the Games in a country which has the world's largest population, as well as huge economic potential, won the day.
  • 穿着工作服,在烟雾缭绕和浑浊的空气中,赌博的人蜂着挤进主厅。
    Gamblers press their way into the main hall in their workday clothes under a cloud of cigarette smoke and stale air.
  • 某政党的忠实拥护者
    stalwart supporter of a political party
  • "她们想与男人并肩前进,有同样的成功机会。"
    "They wanted to stand beside men, with the same chances for success."
  • 这一派的议论,表面上和前一派不同,但其实质则和前一派同站在一个观点上,依然是护特权阶级利益的地主理论。
    Those who talk about the peasants "going too far" seem at first sight to be different from those who say "It's terrible!"as mentioned earlier, but in essence they proceed from the same standpoint and likewise voice a landlord theory that upholds the interests of the privileged classes.
  • pkp代表rsa数据安全公司、麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学和其它机构,有所有公开密钥系统的专利权和唯一的许可发放权。
    PKP holds the patents and exclusive licensing rights to all public-key systems on behalf of RSA Data Security, MIT, Stanford University, and others.
  • 一个受过良好的教育,聪明绝顶,有博士的光环,他曾经在不到两年的时间里修完了四年制的大学本科学业,随后又在斯坦福大学、芝加哥大学和西北大学进一步深造,并且在所有这些学校都拿到了全奖;
    One was highly educated and intelligent; he had a Ph.D. and completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years. He then went on to Stanford University, the University of Chicago, and Northwestern University to do his advanced studies, all on full financial scholarships.
  • 全省有各类旅游景区220个、旅行社399家、旅游宾馆饭店670家(仅昆明等13个重点旅游城市就有星级宾馆263家)、高档旅游汽车2500多辆、旅游船只100多艘;全省旅游从业人员达20多万人。
    In Yunnan there are 220 tourist areas and scenery sights. Meanwhile 399 travel agencies and 670 hotels (Kunming and other 12 main tourist cities have 263 starred hotels), some 2500 high-grade tourist vehicles, more than 100 tourist boats, and more than 20 thousand people engaging in tourism.
  • 有或者表现出尊严;特别是在行为举止或者外貌上正式、威严。
    having or expressing dignity; especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance.
  • 有二十多个高级统计和金融函数的新数学库
    New math library with over two dozen advanced statistical and financial functions
  • 机场核心计划由政府、两间由政府全资有的法定机构和一间专营机构共同实施。
    The ACP is implemented by the government, two statutory bodies wholly owned by the government, and a franchisee.
  • 所以在演出结束,当我的名字与颂舞演员们的名字一同被点到,怀里满玫瑰时,那是多么令人吃惊。
    So it was a surprise to have my name called out at the end of the show along wit h the lead dances and to find my arms full of long?stemmed red roses.
  • 相对而言,购买pc机不算贵,但是标签上的价格只是有它的费用的一小部分。
    The PC may be a relatively inexpensive device to purchase, but the sticker price is a fraction of the cost of ownership.
  • 挤不堪的大厅里闷得令人窒息,两个妇女晕了过去。
    The atmosphere in the crowded hall became so stifling that two of the women passed out.
  • 股票的有权;有股票。
    ownership of stocks; the state or fact of holding stock.
  •  如果股市下滑10%,他在股市的投资会减至72元,而有的财富总额也减至92元。
    If the market drops by 10%, his stock investment will be worth $72 and his total wealth will be $92 ($72 stocks and $20 savings).
  • 因为dna有存储信息的能力--几克dna也许就可以存储这个世界上已知的所有信息--所以一些科学家认为这种生化物质最终将会成为效率最高的存储和处理信息的媒介。
    Because of DNAs power to store information, a few grams of the material could store all the data known to exist in the world, some scientists believe that such biochemicals will eventually be the most efficient medium of storing and manipulating information.
  • 有计算机和获得上网机会的情况,按财产、种族教育和地域的不同、差别很大。
    Computer ownership and Internet access are highly stratified along lines of weal th, race, education, and geography.
  • 不管你是西方思想的护者,还是传统的东方女性,结婚生子对每个人来说都是一种责任。
    It does not matter whether you believe in traditional values or subscribe to Western ideas--getting hitched and having children is a duty for every adult.
  • 在软件工程中,指软件产品的一个工作版本,其中包含最终产品将有的能力的一个规定的子集。
    In software engineering, an operational version of a software product incorporating a specified subset of the capabilities that the final product will include.
  • 非生产人员消费掉多少物质产品,就会暂时从社会有的物质产品中减掉多少物质产品。
    All material products consumed by any one while he produces nothing, are so much subtracted, for the time, from the material products which society would otherwise have possessed.
  • 这时候乘地铁最挤了。
    It's a bad time to travel subway.
  • 对一个有12亿多人口的大国来说,必须保持较高的粮食自给率,这是保持安定的必要条件,否则,就难以保证国民经济持续、快速、健康发展。
    China is a country with a population of more than 1.2 billion, which makes it imperative for the government to ensure a high rate of grain self-sufficiency as a necessary condition for stability. Otherwise, it will not be able to maintain its national economy's sustained, rapid and healthy development.
  • 有或者允许有足够的空间。
    having or allowing sufficient room.
  • 说真的,妇女有选举权并不会增加政治上的混乱。
    Women suffrage will not, to say the truth. add to the political confusion.
  • 中国共产党和中国红军,今特郑重宣言:我们赞助建立全中国统一的民主共和国,赞助召集由普选权选举出来的国会,护全国人民和抗日军队的抗日救国代表大会,护全国统一的国防政府。
    The Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Red Army hereby solemnly declare: we stand for the setting up of a unified democratic republic for the whole country and the convening of a parliament elected by universal suffrage, and we support an anti-Japanese national salvation congress representative of all the people and all the anti-Japanese armed forces in the country, and a unified national defence government for the whole country.