  • 香港特别行政区入境事务处获授权处理香港民有关中国国籍的事宜,包括处理持有外国护照的中国籍香港民变更国籍的申报。
    The Immigration Department is authorised to handle matters relating to Chinese nationality of Hong Kong residents, including the processing of declarations of change of nationality in respect of Hong Kong residents who are Chinese citizens holding foreign passports.
  • 由于在这次发掘行动中共发现了20个新石器时代晚期古墓,内有人骨和陶器、石环、骨制及贝壳饰物等陪葬品,证明东湾仔是四千年前新石器时代民的独特墓地。
    A total of 20 late Neolithic burials, with skeleton and burial objects such as pottery, stone rings, bone and shell decorations, were discovered, proving that Tung Wan Tsai is a unique burial ground for Neolithic people of 4000 years ago.
  • 大量的不要职的普通议员脱党,造成前任政府的垮台。
    The defection of a large number of back-benchers brought down the last government.
  • 北美洲群蛾子的幼虫,吐丝建毯子而不是帐篷;落叶植物的严重食叶昆虫。
    larvae of a gregarious North American moth that spins a carpet rather than a tent; serious defoliator of deciduous trees.
  • 南蒂科克族在切萨皮克湾与大西洋海岸间,原先住在特拉华州和马里兰州东部的美洲土著人
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting Delaware and eastern Maryland between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic coast.
  • 卡姆登美国新泽西州西部的一座城市,靠近特拉华河与费城相对。沃特·惠特曼曾于1873年至1892年在此住。人口87,492
    A city of western New Jersey on the Delaware River opposite Philadelphia. Walt Whitman lived here from1873 to1892. Population,87, 492.
  • 这时,英国代表按事先策划,提出了所谓的“折衷”方案,把中国藏族住的所有地区划分为“内藏”、“外藏”两部分,“内藏”包括青海、甘肃、四川、云南等省的藏族住地区,由中国政府直接管辖;
    When these demands were rejected by the representative of the Chinese government, the British delegate introduced the pre-arranged "compromise" scheme, which divided China's Tibetan-inhabited areas into "inner Tibet" and "outer Tibet." "Inner Tibet," including Tibetan-inhabited areas in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, would be under the jurisdiction of the Chinese government.
  • 这也许是特殊个案,但可见个别或举家移,所涉及的是家庭和前途,必须经过深思熟虑。
    Though an isolated case, this shows that a decision to emigrate requires much deliberation as it affects how the extended family will fare later on.
  • 譬如,假如你住在地中海,你会觉得章鱼是一种美味。
    If you lived in the Mediterranean, for instance, you would consider octopus a great delicacy.
  • 歌珊地古埃及的一块地区,位于尼罗河三角洲的东部。据旧约圣经记载,从雅克时期以色列人就住在那儿直到出埃及
    A region of ancient Egypt on the eastern delta of the Nile River. According to the Old Testament, it was inhabited by the Israelites from the time of Jacob until the Exodus.
  • 岛上民要求地方自治。
    The islanders are demanding home rule.
  • 精神生命(魔鬼,精灵,天使之类的)住的神奇的地方。
    any imaginary place where spiritual beings (demons or fairies or angels or the like) abide.
  • 住或藏在洞穴里
    To inhabit or hide in a den.
  • 兽窝野生动物的巢穴或住地
    The den or dwelling of a wild animal.
  • 在这个国家外籍民的孩子免费上学
    In this country children of denizen go to school free
  • 使定使…成为民;赋予住权
    To make a denizen of; grant rights of residence to.
  • 现在他最大的危险是未知的水中住者。
    His greatest danger now lie in the unknown denizen of the water.
  • 丹麦人丹麦的本地人或
    A native or inhabitant of Denmark.
  • 史前穴人神话中的或史前的住在洞、穴中的人种中的一个成员
    A member of a fabulous or prehistoric race of people that lived in caves, dens, or holes.
  • 人们住在人口密集的城市。
    people living in a large densely populated municipality.
  • 奥罗拉位于科罗拉多州中北部一城市,是丹佛的一个住郊区。人口222,103
    A city of north-central Colorado, a residential suburb of Denver. Population,222, 103.
  • 威斯敏斯特美国科罗拉多中北部的城市,为丹佛市的住与工业郊区。人口74,625
    A city of north-central Colorado, a residential and industrial suburb of Denver. Population,74, 625.
  • 各部门可透过地区管理委员会商讨地区事宜,协调区内公共服务和设施的供应,以确保尽快满足区内民的需要。
    The committee served as a forum for inter-departmental consultation on district matters and co-ordinated the provision of public services and facilities to ensure that district needs were met promptly.
  • 各部门可透过地区管理委员会商讨地区事宜,协调区内公共服务和设施的供应,以确保尽快满足区内民的需要。
    The District Management Committee serves as a forum for inter-departmental consultation on district matters and co-ordinates the provision of public services and facilities to ensure that district needs are met promptly.
  • 急剧减少(一个地区)的人口;使没有
    To reduce sharply the population of(an area); depopulate.
  • 丑陋、肮脏或气氛压抑的住地
    An ugly, squalid, or depressing dwelling.
  • 在角逐副领导人时,他第二位。
    He come second in the contest for deputy leader.
  • 无人住的房子,可以用木板把门户钉起来,以防止小孩进入。
    Doors of derelict houses may be boarded and nailed up to prevent children from getting in.
  • 我要把你们此不久的这片土地,即全部迦南的土地赐给你和你的后代,作为永久的财产。我是你子孙后代的上帝。
    As an everlasting possession I will give you and your descendants after you the land in which you now are aliens, all the land of Canaan, and I will be God to your descendants.
  • 住在巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯人的后代。
    a descendant of the Arabs who inhabited Palestine.
  • 可是我的哥哥看见我们下楼的时候,然还有脸喊叫,‘什么,已经完啦?’
    and yet my brother had the face to exclaim, when he saw us descending, "What, done already?"
  • 欧洲经过战争蹂躏的无法住的城市
    The desolate cities of war-torn Europe.