  • 政府在二零零一年九月布暂停销售各类资助自置居所单位,直至二零零二年六月底为止。
    In September 2001, the Government announced a moratorium on the sales of all subsidised home ownership flats until the end of June 2002.
  • 此外,强积金制度的传活动已列入二零零零至二零零一年度的政府主要传计划内。
    Moreover, the MPF system has been included in the Government's major publicity campaign for 2000-01.
  • 伊斯兰教清真寺礼塔上一天报五次时间的人。
    the Moslem official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day.
  • 普及航天知识,传航天事业,动员社会各界力量支持航天事业的发展。
    Efforts will be made to publicize space knowledge, and motivate all sectors of society to support the development of the space industry.
  • 普及航天知识,传航天事业,动员社会各界力量支持航天事业的发展。
    Efforts will be made to publicize space knowledge and space industry, and motivate all sectors of society to support the development of the space industry.
  • 菲律宾宣传运动
    propaganda movement of Philippines
  • 可是,因为中国资产阶级的无力和世界已经进到帝国主义时代,这种资产阶级思想只能上阵打几个回合,就被外国帝国主义的奴化思想和中国封建主义的复古思想的反动同盟所打退了,被这个思想上的反动同盟军稍稍一反攻,所谓新学,就偃旗息鼓,告退却,失了灵魂,而只剩下它的躯壳了。
    However, because the Chinese bourgeoisie lacked strength and the world had already entered the era of imperialism, this bourgeois ideology was only able to last out a few rounds and was beaten back by the reactionary alliance of the enslaving ideology of foreign imperialism and the "back to the ancients" ideology of Chinese feudalism;as soon as this reactionary ideological alliance started a minor counter-offensive, the so-called new learning lowered its banners, muffled its drums and beat a retreat, retaining its outer form but losing its soul.
  • 在这种情况下,我们不得不布这份协议无效。
    Under such circumstances, we had to declare this agreement mull and void.
  • 他们告他被控的杀人罪不成立。
    They acquitted him of murder.
  • 宣判杀人犯终身监禁
    Sentenced the murderer to life in prison.
  • 法官判该杀人犯死刑。
    The judge sentenced the murderer to death.
  • 法官布了判谋杀者死罪。
    The judge pronounced the capital sentence upon the murderer.
  • 对于那些称能保护人体免遭辐射的装备,米斯卡认为:"没有证据表明它们能起什么作用。
    As for devices that claim to protect against radiation," There's no evidence that they work," says Muscat.
  • 新闻及艺术部长李玉全三月在国会发表了《文艺复兴城市》报告书,豪情壮志地布政府有意把新加坡变成一个世界级的顶尖艺术城市,最终与纽约、伦敦等艺术名城比美。
    Mr Lee Yock Suan, Singapore's Minister for Information and the Arts, produced an ambitious report in a March parliamentary session. The government, he declared, was keen to establish the island-state as a global city of arts and culture eventually on par with such sites of the Muses as New York and London.
  • 对世界人权发展的回顾,将会大大鼓舞大家为坚持《联合国宪章》、《世界人权言》的宗旨和基本原则与促进下一世纪人权的勇气和信心。
    I believe this brief review of the world human rights development over the past 50 years will greatly help us to muster our courage and be more confident in adhering to the aims and principles set forth in the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in promoting human rights in the next century.
  • 甚至充当暗探,联络土匪,煽动部队哗变,实行测绘地图,秘密调查情况,公开进行反对边区政府的传。
    Some of them are even acting as spies, conspiring with bandits, inciting our soldiers to mutiny, making surveys and maps of our region, secretly collecting information, or openly spreading propaganda against the Border Region Government.
  • 5年前在北京召开的这次妇女盛会,围绕平等、发展、和平的主题讨论了关系妇女切身利益的重大问题,通过了加速执行《到2000年提高妇女地位内罗毕前瞻性战略》的《北京言》和《行动纲领》,提出了到2000年妇女发展12个优先领域的战略目标和具体行动。
    Five years ago, at the grand gathering, participants discussed the major issues in the immediate interests of women on the theme of equality, development and peace, passed Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action on speeding up the implementation of Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women by 2000, and proposed the strategic objectives and concrete actions on the 12 critical areas of concern by the end of 2000.
  • 首相布将被命名为内阁成员的人的名字。
    The Prime Minister announced the names of those who were to be named to the Cabinet.
  • 纳粹传者辱骂犹太人。
    The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews.
  • 德国文明在霍恩洛厄和纳粹统治期间,德国帝国主义扬者所美化的德国文化和文明
    German culture and civilization as idealized by the exponents of German imperialism during the Hohenzollern and Nazi regimes.
  • 对此,西藏自治区人民政府强化了管理和传教育,对破坏环境保护的违法行为严厉制裁,使近些年来一些濒危动物如黑颈鹤、羚羊、虎等又得到了繁殖发展。
    The people's government of the Tibet Autonomous Region has taken counter-measures by strengthening administration, publicity and education. Serious penalties are meted out to those who violate the laws and regulations on environmental protection. As a result, the numbers of some animals on the verge of extinction, such as black-necked cranes, takins and tigers, have increased in recent years.
  • 对此,西藏自治区人民政府强化了管理和传教育,对破坏环境保护的违法行为严厉制裁,使近些年来一些濒危动物如黑颈鹤、羚羊、虎等又得到了繁殖发展。
    The people's government of the Tibet Autonomous Region has taken counter-measures by strengthening administration, publicity and education. Serious penalties are meted out to those who violate the laws and regulations on environmental protection. As a result, the numbers of some animals on the verge of extinction, such as black-necked cranes, takins and tigers and so on have increased in recent years.
  • 上个星期职总布要成立贷款合作社,给需要钱的工友提供低息贷款。
    Last week, the NTUC announced that it will set up a loan cooperative that can provide low-interest loans to needy workers.
  • 上个星期职总布要带头成立贷款合作社,借钱给工友。这无疑是好消息。
    Last week, the NTUC announced that it will set up a Thrift and loan cooperative that can provide low-interest loans to needy workers.
  • 然而,去年8月,克林顿总统布尼古丁为使人上瘾的麻醉药物。
    But President Clinton declared nicotine an addictive drug last August.
  • 他被布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国.
    He was declared persona non grata and forced to leave the country.
  • 全国妇联作为中国妇女最大的非政府组织,充分发挥自己的组织、传、协调优势,积极配合政府开展适合妇女特点的活动,推动妇女参与农业发展。
    As the biggest nongovernmental organization in China the All-China Women's Federation has given full play to its advantages in organizing, propaganda and coordination, actively cooperated with the government to carry out activities that suit women's characters and promoted women's involvement in the development of agriculture.
  • 在日本,专门布了推进3g,分析人士说,这是因为日本有如此多的非标准的专有系统以及无线电频谱正在被用完。
    The push for 3G in Japan is especially pronounced.Analysts say that's because Japan has so many nonstandard proprietary systems and radio spectrum is being used up.
  • 近年来,中国各地结合开展创建“无毒社区”活动,逐步把禁毒传引向社区,覆盖到社会各个角落。
    In recent years, integrated with the efforts to develop "drug-free communities," drug control publicity activities have been gradually extended to communities to cover every nook and corner of society.
  •  近年来,中国各地结合开展创建“无毒社区”活动,逐步把禁毒传引向社区,覆盖到社会各个角落。
    In recent years, integrated with the efforts to develop "drug- free communities," drug control publicity activities have been gradually extended to communities to cover every nook and corner of society.
  • 传效用由于这种信息的传播而引起的公众的兴趣、注意或在公众中的恶名
    Public interest, notice, or notoriety achieved by the spreading of such information.
  • (六)必须用一切办法和尽一切可能供给友军以文化食粮即书报和传品,考究输送的技巧。
    6) To do everything possible and use the best possible means to supply friendly armies with cultural nourishment, i.e., books, newspapers and other propaganda material.